Kristina, I can totally relate. All of my friends have kids; I'm the odd ball out. In my group of girlfriends, they all got pregnant basically right out of high school or within a year or two. I'm still sitting here, waiting for my turn to be a mom. Its probably just me, but I've grown distant to them because i hate going to all the children's events childless. I hate the awkward questions and inconsiderate remarks. It sucks, but I am much happier not going to the birthday parties and stuff, I don't have to suck it up mentally beforehand and bawl my eyes out on the way home. TTC is so meaningful to those of us who struggle, and if you haven't struggled like we have then its hard to relate. 2Ducks, my bff was a total moron like that to me too. I never even told her I had fertility problems BC I know she wouldn't get it, but anyways, she has been the worst with her comments. She always feared being pregnant, never knew who the dad was until baby was born, was complaining and miserable during pregnancy and lives in a dirt trailer park scrimping to get by. Its just sad. I know she loves her kids but why does life keep giving her more? She's now pregnant with TWINS. And I can't get a single BFP. I can't stand it.
Dogmommy, the lap went excellent. I have a follow up appt with doc on March 1st, hopefully I'll start Provera that night and Clomid that cycle

FX for a BFP! I didn't see doc after surgery, but DH did and he said it went excellent, tubes are clear! I font know if that means he had to do something to clear the tubes, or if they were clear from the get-go. I'll be kinda mad if they were clear to begin with because we could've tried a HSG or something less expensive. I wrote all about the lap in my journal, feel free to swing by and check it out