The Agony of Mastitis

oh no the thread wasnt designed for that haha!!

dont be scared
u had it bad yday woke up and literally couldnt move my partner nearly phone 999!!! but today after just 3 antibiotic tablets im a lot better im feeding off that breast and it doesnt hurt anymore the only thing thats crap now is the antibiotics giving me a dodgy tum and losing my apetite on them seriously mastitis is nothing to be scared of!!

does anyone know any ways to prevent it? thatd be useful!
From the BBC health website:

How can I avoid it?
To lower your risk of mastitis, try to:

•Ensure you empty your breasts fully at each feed - express any milk left when your baby's had enough
•Feed on demand or more frequently if your breasts feel lumpy after a feed
•Mastitis often develops when the baby's not latching on properly, so ask your midwife/health visitor for advice
•Try to get regular rest - don't let your immune system get ground down
•Try not to stop breastfeeding if you have a problem
i have it again!!!! within a couple of weeks!!!!!!! its hot to the touch and so lump im in agony :(
I really feel for you, I got mastitis when we started trying breastfeeding Gabriel, I didn't realise for a few days, I felt awful but I put it down to exhaustion from travelling to the hospital everyday.

I was only feeding him once a day and expressing the rest of his feeds, I found making sure I drained the breast got rid of it, and I second the suggestion of a hot flannel, it really eases the pain.
My mw was worried I had mastitus after I had LO because I felt like I had flu. Turned out, I DID just have flu so I was lucky.
What causes it? Is it an infection? x
its an infection usually cracked nipple or if the breast isnt fully drained which i think my problem was yday feels better after the LO woke 5 times to feed last night!!!!!!
I've only had it once so far when LO was around 2 months old. Omg it was awful.

My breast was so painful and I was burning up but felt so so cold. My poor husband had to wrap me up in tons of blankets and cuddle me as I kept saying that I was so cold.
I got through the fever fairly quickly as I fell asleep due to exhaustion.

Developed a lump on that breast which didn't go away for a few weeks and had to go to hospital to get it checked out. Really glad its all over as it was an *interesting* experience that I really don't want to repeat.

I think what really helped with it was to let LO feed on the effected breast.
My mw was worried I had mastitus after I had LO because I felt like I had flu. Turned out, I DID just have flu so I was lucky.
What causes it? Is it an infection? x

Mastitis caused by a blocked milk duct is sepsis. The milk backs up in the ducts and will end up entering you bloodstream. The flu symptoms is your body fighting it off. Another way of getting it is an infection getting through cracks and sores via the nipple. Horrible...

I have recently just got rid of a huge lump in my breast. I constantly fed off that side for two days while pumping the other side. Luckily the lump has gone down (but not dissapeard completely) and I haven't developed mastitis - yet!
Hi ladies,

I have started with mastitis in both breasts, the right breast is from a blocked duct and the left is from my damaged nipple :(

I'm in agony and really don't know what to do. I've been trying to feed through the nipple damage to help it heal but it's constantly sticking to breast pads, bra's, clothes, everything and having to tear these things away keeps opening it up. I don't know what to do to prevent this short of walking around naked permanently.

I have taken 3 antibiotics so far and I'm trying to use the hypnobirthing breathing techniques to relax me during feeds and stop me from crying.

I don't know what to do to sort this out. I'm worried I'll keep getting mastitis again if my nipple doesn't heal up :nope:

I just feel like crying :cry:
I had mastitis when my little girl was 2 weeks old. Had a nap when she was asleep and woke up shivering, and had a high temp. Terrible pain in my boob, and jut felt awful.

The worst thing for me was that I developed thrush in my milk ducts from the antibiotics (they kill good bacteria, and yeast can grow causing thrush.) 8 weeks on, and I still can't get rid of it. I've had 4 lots of tablets and cream, but no joy. It's sooo painful, and I can't see an end to it. My breast hurts when she feeds, and then continues for an hour after - drives me insane.

Just wanted to say, if any of you ladies think you may have thrush in your breast, then make sure you get some good advice early on. The doctors didn't have much knowledge of it, and didn't give me the right medication at first. Best talk to a breast feeding expert if you have one in your area.

Hope everyone who has mastitis at the moment gets it cleared up soon, it's tough coping with a baby and feeling poorly yourself.
Have you tried lilypadz or breast shells to protect your damaged nipple? My sympathy goes out to all you ladies. I've thankfully never had full blown mastitis but only thecstartings of it, I have this one troublesome duct on my right boob that blocks easily, not sure why. It was really a problem with my second eldest, I had a huge oversupply and that duct ended up seriously blocked a few times. Then one day after it had been blocked several days I just started feeling all hot and cold and like I was dying, I went all out to unblock the offending duct, an NCT book on BF I had was a massive help. I fed with my boobs dangling down to LO on my lap, used a wide tooth comb to massage the area, and then used my electric pump I had at the time for about an hour on that side even after nothing else was coming out. Thankfully it worked though that duct does still get clogged on occasion.
Thanks summer rain. I haven't tried lilypadz or breast shells.

Where do I get them from and I'll give them a go x
Hey Hun hope your feeling better. I have had mastitis 5 times now, once was so bad I was admitted to hospital as my fever was so high. It honestly is the most Ill I have ever felt in my life. I get the sweats, fever, aches especially in my legs and the shivering which I find the worst! It's horrible horrible horrible x
I'm not sure if I currently have mastitis or the flu. I have a fever, headache, sore throat, aches and pains in all my joints and a stuffy nose and when lo feeds on my left breast it feels like a burning feeling is running down my boob. I feel really really horrible.
I called the Dr and am waiting for a call back but I feel like I am wasting their time if it is just normal flu.
My breast isn't lumpy and I see no red patches.
i didnt see red patches for a day but the lumps were quite visible. its possible it is i guess everyone is different seen as all boobs are different

turned out the domperidone im on is increasing my supply so much i was getting too full of milk so need to express once a day now!!!

how is everyone atm?
just got back from the docs, I Do have mastitis and have been given a weeks worth of antibiotics.
I feel so rubbish :(
How long did it take you ladies to start feeling better?
i felt better the next day the swelling had gone down the only thing i didnt like was the nausea i get from antibiotics but they were a miracle worker on the mastitis the thing to do is keep feeding the baby from that breast as much as poss and express from the other breast it helps so much the more the baby feeds even tho its painful and keep up the paracetamol xxx
Lo is 4 weeks tomorrow and I have bloody mastitis!! I also have a 13 month old who is cutting molars and waking through night. Hubby working 24/7 and I'm sooo porly :-( lo had her 3 week growth spurt and fed every 30 mins all day and morning up until 10 pm and didn't sleep all day. She then left me high and dry and slept through the night... Boobs filled up and got engorged - I did dream feed her though about 4 hours in but just my right boob. And she only took a bit she was that tired. She sleep loads the next day too and spaced her feeds right out. My boobs were leaking I went through loads of pads and now Ive got the horrid mastitis!! I'm starting to think feeding on demand is questionable!
Have you tried expressing if your LO is going a long time between feeds?

I've had bloody mastitis for the first time this week, my god I felt ill! Luckily I managed to get rid of it after day 4 without having to go to my doctors. I'd been taking fengugreek to boost my supply, I was convinced it had dropped...I was wrong lol. Never again!

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