Thanks so much for the support girls! It feels like I have my own little cheer squad
I am surprising myself by how calm I am! I think its the knowledge that, whatever happens, my LP this cycle was 12 days and that gives me hope for the future.
2016 I still LOVE LOVE LOVE your chart! I have a friend who is in a similar situation but her chart is not triphasic her temps are just great but she got a neg at 11dpo. Here is her chart the only thing is she can have long lp's so I told her it might have been to early. What do you pro's think?
I know it's not much of a drop but I think my temp I'd on the way down too. Not tested yet might do with SMU when I get to London. I am super bloated today my trousers are tight so I think that's an af sign. CM is quite plentiful, creamy almost greasy? Tmi!
Kstan...Can I just say that your chart is looking AWESOME and completely different to your other charts. I just know this is going to be a totally sticky bean for you.
Someone suggested I ovd CD21 so I was just trying it out. What do you think?
Spotting now and bloated as hell...think she'll have me before the day is out
erm hello girls, i just wanted to say using the chart on ff but sooooo confused. i feel so bloody silly to not understand all of the lingo ect.i dont even know how to look for ov. i have got so far as buying a bbt book and thermometer but as far as i can tell i dont start taking my temps till af? hoping i got that right lol. sorry to hijack just a little lost lamb today lol much loves 4everhopefullXXX
2016 I thought maybe you o'd later to but I would have said cd19 by the lastest so only one day later... hrmmm oh I also had creamy cm through out the last half of my 2ww last time to.
Took out the opks and FF agrees with CD21! We last BD 2 days before ov then
That woul mean ov was only 1 day early and, if arrives my luteal phase is the same! I knew it was too good to be true and now the docs won't listen cos FS said I ovd cd 14/15!
The isn't here yet, the spotting was just some blood tinged mucus when I checked cp but none since when I wipe. It's normally how she starts tho.
I give up girls...I really do! Don't want to play anymore!
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