The arrival of baby Mia Louise...


Mia's Mummy <3
Jun 12, 2010
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This is going to be long...:coffee: so I apologise in advance!!

Baby Mia was due on the 3rd of october, but arrived 12 days late- 15th october 2010 after an induction and 2 and a half hour labour with just gas and air weighing 6lbs 11.5oz

So my induction was booked for 11am on the 15th, we got to the hospital and I was placed in a 4 birth room, there was one girl in there already but I was shipped out of that room and in a room with 3 other girls.
The midwife came to see me and said theyre quite busy but she would get to me as soon as possible.
It was 12 oclock before I was seen, and she explained everything that would happen to me. I was attached to the monitor and after half hour they came in and was worried about the babies heartbeat, as it had dropped very low a few times, so she had a doctor come and have a look at the trace to see if they could continue with the induction. The doctor said it was fine, probably just the pads coming off my stomach...but i had to stay on it for another half a hour.
They were happy with the trace so she came in to give me an internal to see if they could take me up to labour ward to bust my bag of waters or if they were going to insert the 24 hour pessary.
This is were the trouble starts :haha:
So she tried giving me the internal examination but oh my gosh it was so so painful, she couldnt do anything, then she made me calm down and tried again, but again, i was in so much pain! She said she thought my cervix was fully closed but she wanted a second opinion so a more experienced midwife came in, and she managed to do it, even though it was even more painful,
an se agreed my cervix was fully closed and she inserted the 24hour pessary!
I then had a good cry, an said 'If I cant manage that, how am I gonna push a bloody baby out?!'

Not long after it was 3pm visiting time and my OH came in, and we went for a walk across to the other hospital to get some food.
When he went me and my auntie (birthing partner) went back over to the maternity hospital, and I was just laid in bed and we were talking to the girls in the other beds and their birthing partners.
Then 6pm visiting time came and I hadnt experienced nothing! My mum came in and my OH came back again and we were just talking, around 20 past 6 I was placed onto the monitor again, and the machine was picking up regular tightenings, but I wasnt feeling them! :shrug:
After the visit, me and the girl across from me decided to go for a walk outside with our birthing partners, an it was then I started getting very mild period pains, but I was coping with them.
We went back inside at around 8ish and at half 8 I decided I wanted to try a bath, as Ive heard it brings it on quicker! I got in the bath and thats when I knew It as the start of something, as it was more than period pains, every around 2 minute lasting around 40 seconds!
I got out of the bath around 9:15 and went back into the room and got on all fours on the floor!
My auntie went and got a midwife and we asked if I could have some painkillers, she asked me to get on the bed, as she wanted me monitored again, and she was going to get someone to come give me an internal examinaton to see if I was dilating.
I was brought some co-codamol and a midwife came in to give me an examination, but I wouldnt let her touch me! From the first examination and the contractions (being picked up in the 90s on the machine) i just wouldnt let them give me an examination, so she went to get someone else, to see what they could do....and I suddenly felt the urge to be sick, and I I was sick, my waters broke all over me and the bed and I said 'Oh my god, i just peed all over the bed, im sorry your not examining me, but give me a new bed sheet please?!!!':blush:
The midwife then told me she needed to examine me, so she could establish wether I was in labour or not! and I said 'What? Your trying to tell me im not in labour?! Behave now, go get me an epidural' :haha: She told me I couldnt have an epidural! But she was going to get me gas and air, to see if it helped with an examination...which I agreed to as I was in alot of pain, and thought to myself if they examine me they may take me upstairs and give me an epi!
The gas tank was wheeled in, and I took one puff....threw the pipe away and was told them i didnt like it...then asked for it back straight away...took a bigger puff and for the first time in 9 months I WAS DRUNK!! :haha: I really felt like id had one too many!! Then the giggles started and I shouted 'Girls, get some of this, its amazing stuff...cheapest night out ive ever had' :oops:
She then tried giving me an internal, but I got cramp so bad in my thigh it made my leg spasm and she wasnt able to do anything!
I was still contracting, but more often....and still puffing on the gas and air! All of a sudden the gas and air stopped...and someone shouted its sprung a leak...go get tony to fix it!
They took the gas tank out and with the next contraction i punched the bedside cabinet and shouted 'bring it back' :blush:
I then decided I REALLY needed to go to the toilet :haha:!! They told me I couldnt, so I told them there was no way they were stopping me going for a poo :blush::haha: Luckily the toilet was right outside my shared I was being dragged the toilet I shouted 'keep them in as long as possible girls! It bloody hurts' :blush:
I got myself sat on the toilet and a new midwife came in, and I told her to respect me and give me some peace as I wanted to poo! She didnt bloody listen though!! So she got sat down next to me...and all I remember is the smell of her perfume and I told her her perfume was too strong and I didnt like it :dohh: The gas and air was then threaded through the door, and I started taking that again, an another midwife came in, bearing in mind this toilet you wouldnt have been able to swing a cat in! She then said she was going to examine me, so I said okay, but i then got a contraction and I was pushing...she ran out, and I heard her shout 'call labour ward, were taking her up' and I was sat into a wheel chair!! The perfume midwife told me tony would be pushing me...and I was shouting 'run tony run' :blush: I did notice a few girls had come out of other rooms to watch the commotion :haha:
I was then blabbing crap in the lift, telling tony he was my best friend because he fixed my 'drunk juice' :D
I told my auntie to ring my OH and she did in the lift, this was at exactly 11pm. I then got in the labour suite and was laid on the bed with the gas and air, and again they tried to examine me, but couldnt as I couldnt cope with the pain and having her examine me too! I then threw myself off the bed and said right, now im going to the toilet, I REALLY DO NEED TO POO THIS TIME!
I got sat on the toilet again, and a midwife sat with me and said, Fay its not a poo, its your baby, your pushing your baby out! and I told her I was not pushing a baby out, I was pushing a poo out :blush: I really was adamant I needed to poo!!
She then said she wanted me on the bed, but I told her I was comfortable where I was, and she said she'd get me a birthing stool as she didnt want me giving birth on the toilet. I got sat on the birthing stool, and they got a doppler on me and babies heartbeat was so low, so shouted bring in a (now I think she said registrar but thinking about it now I dont think it was!) and i started to panic...I thought it was someone coming in because there was something very wrong with her...and I thought the worse :nope: with that my head sort of clicked and I thought let them do what they need to do, no matter how much it hurt, you cant lose her. (tearing up a bit, silly old me!)
My OH walked in at half past 11, and they asked me to get on the bed as they wanted me to push, so I did. I was holding my OH's and my aunties hands with my legs up and they kept telling me to hold my legs when I wanted to push as it would help, but I told them I didnt want to, but I found it really did help in the end! She then told me she needed to cut me...gave me an injection and cut me, I then asked if I actually was in labour then...and if the baby was coming!! She told me to feel, which I did and I shouted 'Shes got hair! OLLIE SHES GOT HAIR!' I pushed again and her head was born...and then the urges to push just stopped! She told me to push but I told her I couldnt, I didnt have the urge! But she told me it was fine, one more push and the baby would be last push and at 11:53pm my baby girl was delivered onto me....:cloud9:(times this by 5,000,000 and your still not close ;) )
I looked up at my OH and he was crying! I just laid and looked at her, they wiped her while she was on me, and i was talking to her, calling her princess and I said 'Omg she is a girl isnt she?!' and tried pulling the towel up but it was wrapped around her, so the midwife peeled it back and there was no willy :haha:

I then gave her to my auntie, she had a feed while I was stitched up...and I apologised to the midwife for how I was!!

I've rambled on enough now, will attatch some photos!...thank you...if you got to this bit ;) for reading!
I'd do it all over again to have her here, she was worth every ounce of pain I went through!
Congratulations, she's beautiful! x
great birth story:)
I was getting worried when you stopped texting.
She is beautiful
Awww congratulations Fay! :hugs:
She is so beautiful! You did so wonderful! :flower:
your story is too cute and funny.. this part made me laugh the most "Girls, get some of this, its amazing stuff...cheapest night out ive ever had" lol lol.

but congrats girl you have a beautiful daughter!!!
Congrats she's beautfiul and well done :)xxx
Congrats!! I also teared up when reading this. Your baby girl is gorgeous. Good luck with the LO =]
That's a brilliant birth story! Had me in stitches!

Congratulations, she's gorgeous! :flower:
great birth story, beautiful baby. congrats fay you deserve it :) so happy for you! x
congrats fay she is gorgeous!!!!!!

hope my labour is as entertaining as that, you had my in stitches at some of your comments which doesn't often happen when ready a birth story. So glad she's here safely :D
Fay, you had me in tears.
What a great birth story.. Congratulations :D xx
congrats hun she is sooooo cute, i knew she would be.

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