I need a break. I'm done with the disappointments. DH and I have a concert at the end of the month out of town and it's going to be a 2-day drunk fest. We made the decision to take this month off for this...one of the reasons, there are many other...i would be testing again right at that time and i don't want to be worried that my drinking could cause damage to our unborn baby should i conceive this cycle so i'm not doing it. NOT going to worry about it. I'm tired. I'm depressed. All i do is cry off and on. I know in a few days i'll be back to my normal self (my new normal anyway) and i'll be sad we're not trying but it's just one month. 28 days. Not that long in the grand scheme of things. I will not do clomid this next cycle, no temping, no peeing on sticks, just DTD when we want this month (not around O days though) and just having fun. Then we'll start fresh with the September cycle. So I'll have that cycle to up my clomid and be monitored and then if that doesn't work, I will know the very next month is our specialist appointment so will have that to look forward to. I'll still be in here lurking though and cheering the rest of you on.