The Birth Story of Hayden William ~ An Induced Labour *pics*


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Aug 3, 2008
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Reason for Induction: @ 38 weeks 2 days I had my OB appointment, and for the whole previous week, I had itchy bumps on my hands and feet, and a sore neck (which may or may not have been pregnancy related, but either way, it lasted for over a week!)... at this point, I was HUGE already, so my lovely OB said he would induce me the following week: @ 39 weeks 2 days.

Tuesday, August 25th, 2009...

OH got to leave work early to bring me to the hospital.
My induction was scheduled for the next day (Wednesday, August 26th, 2009) but the day before (Tuesday) I was to go in at noon to have a foley catheter put in; the point of this was to help me dilate.
We got to the hospital, late of course!
They took me in right away and hooked me up to some monitors.
We got to listen to Hayden's heartbeat, and I got to press a button every time I felt him move. After 15 minutes, I went into a room across the hall and some doctor came and put in the catheter, which was basically a long skinny rubber tube that they pumped with saline once they stuck it in my cervix... The procedure itself was fine, albeit a bit uncomfortable... the worst part was them putting in the speculum. Once the catheter was put in, they taped it to the inside of my thigh and I was sent back to be monitored for about 45 minutes more to be sure Hayden tolerated the procedure. Around 2pm we got to go home and wait for any magic to happen, otherwise, to wait until morning.

A couple hours after getting home, I started to cramp... it felt like my rag was around the corner, and this was a feeling I really hadnt missed. As the night went on, my contractions progressed. They were coming about every 5-7 minutes, lasting just shy of 45 seconds. Somehow I managed to have a very broken sleep - albeit, I didnt actually fall asleep until around 1am, and I found myself waking up every hour at the least because I was so uncomfortable and excited.

Wednesday, August 26th, 2009...

I was up by 6:15am... I made OH a coffee before waking him; I was told the hospital would call me when they had a bed for me, which might not be until noon. Luckily, the phone rang at about 7:20am - everything was ready to roll!
We called our mini list of people to call: my stepdad & stepmum, OH's parents, my bestie Mel, and my longtime friend/doula Paige. As we were about to walk out the door, the phone rang: it was my friend from work!! She was confused as hell when I answered the phone: she wanted to leave a congratulatory message on the machine but was caught quite off guard when I answered.

We got to the hospital just shy of 8am. I walked into the ward and they knew automatically who I was and brought me into my room.
I went pee, than they hooked me up to the monitors (contractions, Hayden's heartbeat, my blood pressure & heartrate). They put the IV in my hand, which surprisingly didnt hurt as bad as it usually does. At this point, I thought I was just hooked up to the saline, so I basically sat back in bed and relaxed. They checked me, and I was 3-4 cm dilated... the balloon catheter was apparently just hanging inside me - I wish I had known I coulda pulled it out!! Instead, the nurse gave it a little tug and out it came. Mel was the first person to arrive, shortly after 8am. She came in and we talked and shot the shit whilst watching MTV - yeah, I had tv with cable!! And than, a moment I'll NEVER forget... my nurse came in, and Mel was sitting next to me and we were just talking, and the nurse says "Oh, is this your mother?" --- LOL! Mel is my bestie from highschool, she is the same age as me (23)!!! We had such a good laugh, although Mel didnt think it was so funny... so technically, *I* just had a good laugh... but still! I couldnt believe the nurse said it. My doula was the next person to arrive, which made for even better times... it was like a mini high school reunion which I really appreciated as I was totally dreading the whole 'hospital experience'... at this point, I didnt even seem like I was there to give birth.

Just after 10am, my OB came in. He commented on my support team: there was about 6 people in the room when he arrived... :rofl:
He than told me it was time to break my waters!!
I said okay, than asked when they were going to start me on the drip to start my contractions: he says "You've been on it for two hours already!"..... oops... well thanks for telling me! HA! I thought that was hilarious.
So everyone that was in the room came and stood by my head, and up went my doc with that long hook needle thing, than gushhhhh, Niagara Falls... it was pretty gross... a big long warm gush! It was lovely when I had to go pee afterwards, and I made a drippy trail to my bathroom and back! My doc also commented that I got his shoes wet... :rofl::rofl:
Afterwards, I put my guess into the poll of when I thought Hayden would be born: my guess: 6:14pm.

Around 11am I was definitely feeling my contractions. My step sister came in and saw me and told me to ask for the epidural the next time my nurse came in... I told her we'd see and we talked some more before she headed out. 11:45am, my nurse came and went, so I decided the NEXT time she came in, Id tell her to send for the anesthesiologist. 12:30pm - she put the call in for me... the guy didnt end up showing up until 1:45pm! By this point, I was in agony... OH was trying to comfort me and I just snapped at him not to touch me. :blush::rofl: Everyone had to clear out of the room so I could get the epidural, including OH, which displeased me. I rolled onto my left side, all the while trying so hard to breathe through contractions... at one point, I thought I was going to pass out... I dont know what I was thinking having thought that I could have gone the whole way without an epidural. It may have been different had I had gas & air or something, but either way, holy hell the contractions were brutal!! I was concentrating so hard on my contractions and breathing that I hardly even felt the first needle to numb the area.... the anesthesiologist than told me to lay as still as I could, and that I could yell and swear at him all I wanted, just not to move. I didnt feel the next needle whatsoever... all I felt were the HORRID contractions, which by this point, I was beginning to feel in my back HARDCORE. Apparently Hayden didnt like me laying on my side, because the most pain I felt through out my entire labour was during those moments when I was getting the epidural. Thankfully, before I knew it, they were taping up my back... the epidural was complete!!

The epidural didnt really kick in until 2:40pm.... at this point, I was still 4cm dilated. But let me tell you... once it started to work: bliss! I was all smiles again and I felt so so so much better... I even let B touch me again! :rofl:

From than until about 4:45pm, I got my epidural topped up 3 times (I realize now I probably could have just had 1-2, but the nurse kept telling me "As soon as you start to feel anything, let me know!" - she had me so freaked out that if I didnt tell her, I would be 10cm and it would be too late, than Id get to feel babys head coming out full force... ) Anyway... after 3 top ups (its soo cool, when they 'administer' it, you feel a cold drip in your back!!), puking 3 times (they gave me Gravol after the third time.... idiots...) and many visitors, my nurse checked me just before 5pm and told me I was 8-9cm! WOOOOOOP! About 20 minutes later, I was 10 and she asked if I wanted to start pushing...BIGGER WOOOOOOOOP!

My first few pushes were crap, and I knew it... I was unaware that the muscles you use to push are literally, the same ones you use when you're taking a gigantic poop.... luckily for me, I didnt poop though (I asked my doula this about a million times, because I was so paranoid about it... LOL). I had OH on my left side, holding one leg, and my doula on the right holding the other, with my nurse watching the show head on. They had to put my legs in the stirrups for me because I couldnt feel them at ALL... they were like noodles, sliding off both sides of the bed!
Meanwhile, as Im pushing during each contraction, some lady in the hall is SCREAMING BLOODY MURDER "AHHHHHH! I CANT DO THIS! OMG! AHHHHHHHH" seriously, she sounded like she was about to die... meanwhile, here I sit, perfectly quiet inbetween pushes. We all just sorta look at each other with wide eyes... my nurse says she'll be right back, that I can keep pushing if I want, and that she was just going to go see if that lady needed her help... LOL. Once my nurse came back, I had pushed through 2-3 contractions... when she came in, she looked at me a little surprised, than told me not to push anymore and that she was going to go call for my doctor. It was just before 6pm. Once the clock read 6:00pm, I started to continuously ask "Where is Doctor Victory? Is he here yet? Is he coming? I need to push!!" -- the nurses response, "Hes on his way, hes coming from his OFFICE".... Im sure you can imagine how thrilled I was to hear this! My docs office is about 10 minutes away, but this was a Wednesday at 6pm - rush hour.... I wasnt expecting the man to arrive until 6:30pm...
6:07pm -- my doctors beautiful face entered the room... all I could say was "YOU'RE HERE! THANK YOU! YOU'RE HERE!" and he takes a glance at me and says "Woah, theres a baby right there!" ... the loon. :rofl:
By 6:09pm he (my OB) was in gear and coaching me through the contractions... OH, my doula and my OB were AMAZING in telling me how long to keep pushing... I couldnt feel Hayden coming out, but I could feel the overwhelming feeling of taking a gigantic dump... LOL "You know that feeling when you're trying to push a Saint Bernard out your ass?"
The whole time I could feel my OB stretching me (those perineal stretches they suggest doing before labour). OH ended up telling me later he was surprised at how stretchy I am... :rofl::rofl:
I must say though, I loooooove my OB so much!
He was SO PRO at telling me when to push and when to stop so I didnt tear... so pro!
Than... at 6:14PM (PREDICTED BY MUMMY!) my beautiful baby boy, Hayden, was born.... doc plopped him right onto my chest, all covered in goop.... he hardly fussed which scared me at first, but he definitely did let out some cries.... 8 pounds 3 ounces (predicted by Aunt Kori!)....beautiful. A proud teary eyed daddy cut the cord (crunchy!!) after watching the entire thing - hes such a trooper! Hayden scored 8, than 9 on his apgar test while doc was dinking around with my vagina: I asked him what he was doing and he said "Pulling out your insides" than gushhhhh, out came the placenta... SO gross, but pretty cool, I'll admit. OH's face went white, as, I guess after my placenta came out, so did a sea of blood... he later told me after seeing that, he thought I was dying and something was seriously wrong... (nice eh? LOL) but luckily, everything was fine! My doctor than thanked Hayden for the puddle of goop that landed on his shoes when he came out...
I love my doc so much! I only had a small tear, and it was on the inside... In total, I got one stitch, and two half stitches... WOOOOOOOOOOOOOP!

Not long afterwards, I was helped into a wheel chair, and Hayden was put into my arms, and we were wheeled into a new private room... I couldnt believe I got a private room!
After ten hours in hospital, 3 pukes, 3 needles, and one hour of pushing, I ended up with a beautiful baby boy and well... it was all, so very very worth it.
OH was amazing and Im so happy that we have this baby together: I wouldnt want it to be with anyone else.

OMG! Congrats! He is beautiful! I love his dark hair!!!
Congratulations!! I enjoyed reading that :rofl: he is gorgeous, love the mop of dark hair :cloud9:
he is gorgeous! its so cool how much he looks like his 4d scan pic :D congrats :D x
awwww, he's gorgeous!!!

congrats :) sounds like you had a bit of fun during your labour :)
congrats hunny he is absolutely beautiful!! what a fab birth story!!! xxxxxxxxx
Congratulations hun, he's gorgeous. And just look @ all that hair!!
Aw congratulations chick, Hayden is amazing.
Thanks again for your story, you make it sound like such good fun I'm not dreading my induction anymore!!
Thank you so much for your birth story! I'm also in Canada and being induced either later this evening or tomorrow morning depending on when they have a bed for me (my fluid levels are too low to let me go home and labour).

Your story gives me hope that it's not all doom and gloom with inductions!
Your story is awesome! It brung a tear to my eye! Congrats!!! :D:D
OMG i so giggled reading that especially the " saint bernard " bit lol CLASS !!

Congrats hun he is gorgeous !!
Thanks so much for all the congrats, and Im super glad that my birth story was able to help some of yous feel a little less stressed about your upcoming inductions!


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