Anyone else getting bored of this formula vs breastfeeding debate.... tell a mother make there own decision then let them get on with it!!!
Me...... it, dont do it....whatever......*yawn*
yep... getting pretty sick of it here too...
The thing is, for someone who does breastfeed their baby happily, and proudly... they dont realise how much pressure is constantly shoved into the faces of people who may not want to breastfeed...
Its everywhere, posters and ads constantly pushing nursing your baby yourself, people telling you its the only way you'll bond with your baby etc. This is one huge reason I never bothered going to pre-natal classes, I knew alot of it would be the push of breastfeeding.
The world is never going to be truely acceptant and neutral on this subject. We are never going to see completely neutral advertising for feeding your baby.
I tried bfing for about a month and it most certainly was not natural, sensual or complimentary to the bond with Jasmine. Thats just us...
People are free to feed their baby as they wish, I dont have a prob with people bfing. I have a prob when you meet bfing snobs. And they are out there.