The case against breastfeeding


Well-Known Member
Mar 29, 2007
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Found this through the counter articles in my ABM magazine. What do people think?
I think someone posted this link before on here......I think it stirred quite a few different responses....

I think it's all about personal perspective.
Wouldn't stop me breastfeeding, I love the closeness of it.
But not so much better that formula deserves the label of “public health menace,” alongside smoking"

WTF? never ever heard of it labeled with smoking

this woman seems to think that all women have no mind of their own and breast feed cause their told to, which isn't true.

I don't breast feed cause I should, I do it cause I want to, not cause some magazine I read in the doctors told me all these benefits and that.
I am sick of reading these articles, just let mothers do want they want to do and whats best for them...... :)
I breastfeed because it came naturally. When she was in my arms I wanted to feed her. What the doctors said played no part in it
Same here Toria........ I would never breast feed out of force and no one should feel like that I think the article is bo**ocks
It was never forced on me tbh i was more forced to FF!!
but BF is a great bonding experience, healthier for Mum, helps us loose weight, it's free, it's easier (no sterilising etc) to me it just seemed like the better option for all xx
Sorry only read half the article, really couldnt be bothered to read the rest breastfeeding is something i wanted to try right from the start it wasnt al sweetness and roses and its not for everyone, i just wanted to try as at the end of the day thats what breastmilk is for!
Anyone else getting bored of this formula vs breastfeeding debate.... tell a mother make there own decision then let them get on with it!!!
Unicef have produced a response to similar articles here

I haven't read the whole article, but I'd be interested in finding out the writer's experience and qualifications and whether they qualify her to review all the research that's out there.
Anyone else getting bored of this formula vs breastfeeding debate.... tell a mother make there own decision then let them get on with it!!! it, dont do it....whatever......*yawn* :lol:
meh... I read the first boring, I could not care less to read someones personal experience, or opinion-EVERYONE has opinions-if she felt like she was tied down, and resented it, then perhaps she should have formula fed-nothing wrong with that at all! As for her saying about reading the drs medical books or whatever, I'm not going to take her word for it obviously. Minus any of the health benefits there may be, I love bfing my child:thumbup: I don't care anymore what others say or think about it, to me it is natural-and why would I switch to formula/milk, when I enjoy doing it, and well, why pay for it when it's free to provide her with what I am comfortable feeding her with?

If it works for you-great, if not, there is no shame switching to formula/cow's milk... I think it is ridiculous with the back and forth of bm and fm...
Anyone else getting bored of this formula vs breastfeeding debate.... tell a mother make there own decision then let them get on with it!!! it, dont do it....whatever......*yawn* :lol:

yep... getting pretty sick of it here too...

The thing is, for someone who does breastfeed their baby happily, and proudly... they dont realise how much pressure is constantly shoved into the faces of people who may not want to breastfeed...

Its everywhere, posters and ads constantly pushing nursing your baby yourself, people telling you its the only way you'll bond with your baby etc. This is one huge reason I never bothered going to pre-natal classes, I knew alot of it would be the push of breastfeeding.

The world is never going to be truely acceptant and neutral on this subject. We are never going to see completely neutral advertising for feeding your baby.

I tried bfing for about a month and it most certainly was not natural, sensual or complimentary to the bond with Jasmine. Thats just us...

People are free to feed their baby as they wish, I dont have a prob with people bfing. I have a prob when you meet bfing snobs. And they are out there.
Ryder I think you seeing people pushing breastfeeding is because you formula feed where as alot of people that breastfeed see formula is being pushed. Here even in your "breastfeeding bag" that you get from the hospital you are sent home with formula, coupons, dont get sent home with really anything to promote breastfeeding except maybe an article or 2. Here you do see advertisements for both. But it goes both ways, I think we are always more sensitive when we see things that are going against what we do as parents because we never want to be made to feel like we aren't doing the best or right thing, so that's what sticks out most.
Anyone else getting bored of this formula vs breastfeeding debate.... tell a mother make there own decision then let them get on with it!!! it, dont do it....whatever......*yawn* :lol:

yep... getting pretty sick of it here too...

The thing is, for someone who does breastfeed their baby happily, and proudly... they dont realise how much pressure is constantly shoved into the faces of people who may not want to breastfeed...

Its everywhere, posters and ads constantly pushing nursing your baby yourself, people telling you its the only way you'll bond with your baby etc. This is one huge reason I never bothered going to pre-natal classes, I knew alot of it would be the push of breastfeeding.

The world is never going to be truely acceptant and neutral on this subject. We are never going to see completely neutral advertising for feeding your baby.

I tried bfing for about a month and it most certainly was not natural, sensual or complimentary to the bond with Jasmine. Thats just us...

People are free to feed their baby as they wish, I dont have a prob with people bfing. I have a prob when you meet bfing snobs. And they are out there.

There sure are bf'ing snobs out there - and as a mom who does ff, I found this article a relief to read. It was interesting on both a scientific and historical level. And with the huge push to bf, it was nice to see someone who had done the "playground test" note their experience on paper. It's not just me that feels a stigma. Even here, siggies show that people are proud of how long they've breastfed their babies. If it truely doesn't matter which way we choose, then why don't those signature tags just say " I fed my baby for x months" :dohh:

I bf my first child for 9months, and while I enjoyed it at times, now, having 3 kids, I'm really glad we ended up going the formula route (although I've had other bf'ing moms give me what for, "you need to breastfeed him, it's his birthright!!" took the cake. But honestly, ff'ing has saved my sanity. But having read Sears' literature on the topic, among others, seriously, how could a mom not feel some sense of guilt that her child was getting a second grade start in life? It's good to read that those claims are less than substantiated.

BTW, I think I'm going to post this link in the ff section - other mom's might like the relief I feel as well.
Ryder I think you seeing people pushing breastfeeding is because you formula feed where as alot of people that breastfeed see formula is being pushed. Here even in your "breastfeeding bag" that you get from the hospital you are sent home with formula, coupons, dont get sent home with really anything to promote breastfeeding except maybe an article or 2. Here you do see advertisements for both. But it goes both ways, I think we are always more sensitive when we see things that are going against what we do as parents because we never want to be made to feel like we aren't doing the best or right thing, so that's what sticks out most.

Around here, there is certainly nothing given to promote ff'ing, save for tv ads probably (though I've not seen any, I imagine there are some). I had to ask 3 times in the hospital to get some formula for my hungry man! "Breast is best" is the motto heard from square one.
yeah I've heard it's not like there, just saying how it is here. But even with the hospitals pushing breastfeeding it's still hard on breastfeeding moms too with the stigma that comes with nursing in public, feeling like they have to hide it, where it's never an issue with bottle feeding. I'm not debating just saying it does go both ways I think it gets to everyone in a different way, a breastfeeding mom seeing something promoting formula or being asked to move somewhere when nursing is going to take that as saying what she's doing might be wrong or something where a formula feeding mom that is hearing how breast has all these benefits is going to think they are being told they are wrong. As parents I think we are all sensitive in a way to that sort of thing and want to know we are doing the best for our kids, I honestly think people let it get to them too much, and I do the same thing.
yeah I've heard it's not like there, just saying how it is here. But even with the hospitals pushing breastfeeding it's still hard on breastfeeding moms too with the stigma that comes with nursing in public, feeling like they have to hide it, where it's never an issue with bottle feeding. I'm not debating just saying it does go both ways I think it gets to everyone in a different way, a breastfeeding mom seeing something promoting formula or being asked to move somewhere when nursing is going to take that as saying what she's doing might be wrong or something where a formula feeding mom that is hearing how breast has all these benefits is going to think they are being told they are wrong. As parents I think we are all sensitive in a way to that sort of thing and want to know we are doing the best for our kids, I honestly think people let it get to them too much, and I do the same thing.

I hear you, both ways sure have their challanges. The things us mom have to put up with! Darned if you do, and darned if you don't! :shrug:

And yeah, absolutely we get sensitive. But unless it gets to the point where we end up getting beasty to one another, I kind of take it as a good sign. It shows we all love our kids :cloud9:

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