Thanks 3girlies- great ages for having little helpers
This is not fair, I want you to be my mummy! You always have the best dinners!
Check me and my boring soup
I will tell OH to go shopping lol.
Well thank goodness its pay day this week! Finally!
I just need a few more little bits for everyone then my xmas shopping is done
Iv wrapped all of OH's gifts up- well except the ones I havent bought yet
I want some new extensions, I miss not wearing them anymore because my hair has grown out all natural now, all my extensins are blonde with a littel red in them, which is how my hair used to look, and iv found the ones I want on ebay for a great price, so im hoping when I get my dog from Mums tonight she will give me the money for them so I can order them tomorrow lol.
PC- I didnt notice your name, just your piccy first and I thought, hmmph who is that posting in our group lolol.
Not a very nice pic of OH