Top of the morning to you ladies!
Whoooooooooooooo my MW just texted me! I DONT have gestion diabeties! Yay! I just have a chubster for a baby boo then
Oh I so hope he is co operating on Sunday, im soooo looking forward to seeing him again! Think I will drink a glass of orange juice before I go and will ahve some toast this time as well to wake him up
Oh ladies I cant tell you how happy I am, I was so sure I had it
Yay 3 girlies! Im making OH get the xmas tree down tonight!
Iv just put up my decorations at work lol
Oh Hayley
Dont apologise darling, we are all here supporting each other through everything.
I second what all the girls have said. Alex is with you All of the time, and he will be on xmas day as well, the 4 of you together
3girlies- What a lovely thing for Reese to say.
I know this is a bit off topic, but it just shows how lovely and sweet and innocent children are. When my mum was pregnant with my brother, my twin sisters were two, and they were playing with there friends and talking about mummy having a baby and they were shouting to my mum 'We dont know if its a boy or girl yet do we mummy' 'No girls' 'We dont know if it will be black or white yet do we mummy' 'Well I think your dad would have something to say about that'
Just shows how innocent there minds are! lol
Im not too sure what the bleeding would have been sorry I cant help 3girlies xx
Happy 31 weeks Claire- Whooo 31!!
How annoying BW! You will have to upload piccys of the room deocrated!