Morning ladies!
Belated congrats BW on your anniversery!
& whooo hooo for moving up a box!!
Random- how was your lovely break? & WHOOOO HOOOO on 26 weeks!!
Twigs- YAY on the car seat finally arriving! And whooo only 2 days until we are 30 weeks
3girlies- have you got a list of all you packed?
Iv decided im not going to pack mine now until after my 34 week scan on 7th Jan- just incase they say that they will induce me (to have a natural birth) or for some reason a c-section will be given- that way I will know what to pack
Iv got to start packing after xmas as we have to be out of our house in 6 weeks... but only 7 weeks until I leave for materinty leave! Im going to by a laptop in the new year, but I cant get internet until I know where I will be movign too for sure, But never fret girls, I will go round mothers everday to go on her laptop lol.
Hopefully my pushchair will come today
so I can have a play around tonight.
The xmas party was good- just uploading piccys now.
Omg I never realised just how big I have let myself get- I feel and look awful
As soon as I have had Max, I will deffo get back on my cross trainer! So im defintly hoping for a natural birth.
Sunday: Well we got scanned, and lazy boy was sleeping! Even though I ahd 3 pieces of toast and a full bottle of coke! ...So we went for a walk... Nope still sleeping with hands in front of his face, so OH started to prod him and he moved his fist, but then turned away! lol .... So I said he is usually active after lunch... So she told us to come back in 2 hours. We went out for some lunch and when we went back he had moved his hands from his face, yay! and was in a dozing state lol so we got all we could before he either moved towards my placenta or lifted his hands again lol.
Im uploading the photos just after the party ones lol.