The Crazy Pregnancy Dream Thread

Ugh my dreams are strict out of a horror movie lately and I haven't even watched anything like it!! Hoping they will turn into some good ones soon!
So I had a super crazy vivid dream about was so weird, I could see and touch them as they are at 18 weeks. I was saying one looked more like my husband than the other two! Weird!!
OH goodness. My last few dreams have been centered around keeping me, bump, and DD safe and giving birth during in the middle of a zombie apocalypse. It's pretty crazy.
Here is one of my fav preggo dreams :haha:

This guy walked into some area where I was looking at kittens then I got all weird and creepy but was still able to seduce him and get him to have sex with me. MEN!:haha: But here is the kicker....when he climaxed I ripped his heart out and ate it! WTF!! And this kept happening....another guy would walk up and to keep him from telling or noticing anything strange I would seduce him, rip his heart out and eat it! :blush:
The one last night was horrible. I almost smacked DH when I woke up. I dreamt that my sister and I (she is not pregnant, she had her little girl in April) were both going in for scheduled c sections at the same time. And when I called DH to tell him he needed to be there (not sure why this happened as he is adamant that he will be) he told me "ok, see you when you get home". So woke up unreasonably angry with him. Poor guy.
The one last night was horrible. I almost smacked DH when I woke up. I dreamt that my sister and I (she is not pregnant, she had her little girl in April) were both going in for scheduled c sections at the same time. And when I called DH to tell him he needed to be there (not sure why this happened as he is adamant that he will be) he told me "ok, see you when you get home". So woke up unreasonably angry with him. Poor guy.

Lol. I totally understand. The other night, I had a dream that I caught my hubby cheating, so I punched him really hard in the stomach (in the dream). Then I woke up and still felt angry. DH offered to let me punch him for real if it would make me feel better. I didn't, but it was tempting heh
The one last night was horrible. I almost smacked DH when I woke up. I dreamt that my sister and I (she is not pregnant, she had her little girl in April) were both going in for scheduled c sections at the same time. And when I called DH to tell him he needed to be there (not sure why this happened as he is adamant that he will be) he told me "ok, see you when you get home". So woke up unreasonably angry with him. Poor guy.

Lol. I totally understand. The other night, I had a dream that I caught my hubby cheating, so I punched him really hard in the stomach (in the dream). Then I woke up and still felt angry. DH offered to let me punch him for real if it would make me feel better. I didn't, but it was tempting heh

Omg last night I dreamt the same thing 😱. But I caught him thought emails... 😂😂. Old fashioned way! And it was with someone I knew too. And he was so blah about it. This morning I woke up and thought *******! Then I properly woke up and see he had been at work for a few hours 😂😂. Gotta love these hormones!
Love this thread! Sorry if this one is a little bit long.

I have been done with high school for quite a few years now and have lived in my current town for almost 3 years (I moved here after college). Basically in this dream I got a letter from the town saying that they reviewed my high school credits and according to their standards, I had only finished about 85% of the necessary credits to be a part of their society. Basically they made me go back to high school and I threw up at lunch because of morning sickness and I told them I was pregnant and they kicked me out because 'teen pregnancy' was not tolerated... Granted I am in my 20's lol
The one last night was horrible. I almost smacked DH when I woke up. I dreamt that my sister and I (she is not pregnant, she had her little girl in April) were both going in for scheduled c sections at the same time. And when I called DH to tell him he needed to be there (not sure why this happened as he is adamant that he will be) he told me "ok, see you when you get home". So woke up unreasonably angry with him. Poor guy.

Lol. I totally understand. The other night, I had a dream that I caught my hubby cheating, so I punched him really hard in the stomach (in the dream). Then I woke up and still felt angry. DH offered to let me punch him for real if it would make me feel better. I didn't, but it was tempting heh

Omg last night I dreamt the same thing 😱. But I caught him thought emails... 😂😂. Old fashioned way! And it was with someone I knew too. And he was so blah about it. This morning I woke up and thought *******! Then I properly woke up and see he had been at work for a few hours 😂😂. Gotta love these hormones!

Our poor men! It must have been one of those nights. I'm blaming my hay fever for the weird usually takes a lot in a dream for me to wake up still mad at him.
The one last night was horrible. I almost smacked DH when I woke up. I dreamt that my sister and I (she is not pregnant, she had her little girl in April) were both going in for scheduled c sections at the same time. And when I called DH to tell him he needed to be there (not sure why this happened as he is adamant that he will be) he told me "ok, see you when you get home". So woke up unreasonably angry with him. Poor guy.

Lol. I totally understand. The other night, I had a dream that I caught my hubby cheating, so I punched him really hard in the stomach (in the dream). Then I woke up and still felt angry. DH offered to let me punch him for real if it would make me feel better. I didn't, but it was tempting heh

Omg last night I dreamt the same thing 😱. But I caught him thought emails... 😂😂. Old fashioned way! And it was with someone I knew too. And he was so blah about it. This morning I woke up and thought *******! Then I properly woke up and see he had been at work for a few hours 😂😂. Gotta love these hormones!

Our poor men! It must have been one of those nights. I'm blaming my hay fever for the weird usually takes a lot in a dream for me to wake up still mad at him.

Lol my poor DH said all I do is go work with stinky old men all day. Come home & stay with us. He doesn't even go out. I get all his wages too! So he said this woman must be so cheap she is free and doesn't mind seeing him never 😂😂😂
Last night I dreamt I was working on a horse farm and some girl who worked there hung herself and the police came and realized that she didn't actually hang herself, she was murdered but made to look like suicide and they thought other people may be targeted. I wanted to quit work because I was scared I was next but couldn't find one of my shoes to go home and was sure I was being targeted because of that. So disturbing..
The one last night was horrible. I almost smacked DH when I woke up. I dreamt that my sister and I (she is not pregnant, she had her little girl in April) were both going in for scheduled c sections at the same time. And when I called DH to tell him he needed to be there (not sure why this happened as he is adamant that he will be) he told me "ok, see you when you get home". So woke up unreasonably angry with him. Poor guy.

Lol. I totally understand. The other night, I had a dream that I caught my hubby cheating, so I punched him really hard in the stomach (in the dream). Then I woke up and still felt angry. DH offered to let me punch him for real if it would make me feel better. I didn't, but it was tempting heh

Omg last night I dreamt the same thing 😱. But I caught him thought emails... 😂😂. Old fashioned way! And it was with someone I knew too. And he was so blah about it. This morning I woke up and thought *******! Then I properly woke up and see he had been at work for a few hours 😂😂. Gotta love these hormones!

Our poor men! It must have been one of those nights. I'm blaming my hay fever for the weird usually takes a lot in a dream for me to wake up still mad at him.

Lol my poor DH said all I do is go work with stinky old men all day. Come home & stay with us. He doesn't even go out. I get all his wages too! So he said this woman must be so cheap she is free and doesn't mind seeing him never 😂😂😂

Haha! That's great! Mine usually tells me, if I have a cheating dream: "well, you keep trying to give me away and no one will take me. What makes you think that is changing?"
I had a horrible one the other night.
I was at my best friends house getting ready to go out on the town when the bully from our school years walked into her house holding a cup full of eggs. She left the cup and went, we were so curious what the eggs were that we didn't end up going out we just sat waiting for the to hatch and when they did they were full of all different kinds of spiders, all different sizes. They were climbing everywhere then I woke up.
When I told my friend about it the next day she was going mad as there had been a spider in her kitchen that morning haha x
I had one the other night where my husband dumped me and kicked me out of the house. I was forced to move in with this girl I knew in college and her boyfriend. We were living in this prison-like complex but all the walls were super low, as in waist-high, except the walls around the potty. I kept trying to go to the potty but every time I tried, she or her boyfriend would start screaming at me and wouldn't let me go. What kind of horrible people try to stop a pregnant woman from peeing, for crying out loud! Then I finally managed to sneak in to the bathroom and the boyfriend burst in and threw a 3 lb bag of whole carrots on my lap, while I was peeing, and started screaming at me that I need to stop peeing and peel these carrots for them. I was livid so I left to find DH to convince him to take me back, only to find him drunk as a skunk and celebrating that he finally got rid of me. I had to go back and live with the girl and guy and peel carrots for them and never got to finish tinkling.

I woke up feeling horrible, and even went out and got DH's favorite hot sauce as a present so he wouldn't leave me. DH has never ever given me any indication that he would leave me, but it still shook me up something fierce.
The one last night was horrible. I almost smacked DH when I woke up. I dreamt that my sister and I (she is not pregnant, she had her little girl in April) were both going in for scheduled c sections at the same time. And when I called DH to tell him he needed to be there (not sure why this happened as he is adamant that he will be) he told me "ok, see you when you get home". So woke up unreasonably angry with him. Poor guy.

Lol. I totally understand. The other night, I had a dream that I caught my hubby cheating, so I punched him really hard in the stomach (in the dream). Then I woke up and still felt angry. DH offered to let me punch him for real if it would make me feel better. I didn't, but it was tempting heh

Omg last night I dreamt the same thing 😱. But I caught him thought emails... 😂😂. Old fashioned way! And it was with someone I knew too. And he was so blah about it. This morning I woke up and thought *******! Then I properly woke up and see he had been at work for a few hours 😂😂. Gotta love these hormones!

Our poor men! It must have been one of those nights. I'm blaming my hay fever for the weird usually takes a lot in a dream for me to wake up still mad at him.

Lol my poor DH said all I do is go work with stinky old men all day. Come home & stay with us. He doesn't even go out. I get all his wages too! So he said this woman must be so cheap she is free and doesn't mind seeing him never 😂😂😂

Haha! That's great! Mine usually tells me, if I have a cheating dream: "well, you keep trying to give me away and no one will take me. What makes you think that is changing?"

I don't know?? Maybe its we secretly have a complexion that we are getting less attractive and that doubled with hormones. Maybe that could play apart.. 😂😂 your DH comment. It's weird coz I'm so secure in my marriage I wouldn't ever normally think it. But these dreams are so real it's frightening!
I had one the other night where my husband dumped me and kicked me out of the house. I was forced to move in with this girl I knew in college and her boyfriend. We were living in this prison-like complex but all the walls were super low, as in waist-high, except the walls around the potty. I kept trying to go to the potty but every time I tried, she or her boyfriend would start screaming at me and wouldn't let me go. What kind of horrible people try to stop a pregnant woman from peeing, for crying out loud! Then I finally managed to sneak in to the bathroom and the boyfriend burst in and threw a 3 lb bag of whole carrots on my lap, while I was peeing, and started screaming at me that I need to stop peeing and peel these carrots for them. I was livid so I left to find DH to convince him to take me back, only to find him drunk as a skunk and celebrating that he finally got rid of me. I had to go back and live with the girl and guy and peel carrots for them and never got to finish tinkling.

I woke up feeling horrible, and even went out and got DH's favorite hot sauce as a present so he wouldn't leave me. DH has never ever given me any indication that he would leave me, but it still shook me up something fierce.

Same here! Mine hasn't either. It's completely random! Love the carrots tho 😂😂.
I had one the other night where my husband dumped me and kicked me out of the house. I was forced to move in with this girl I knew in college and her boyfriend. We were living in this prison-like complex but all the walls were super low, as in waist-high, except the walls around the potty. I kept trying to go to the potty but every time I tried, she or her boyfriend would start screaming at me and wouldn't let me go. What kind of horrible people try to stop a pregnant woman from peeing, for crying out loud! Then I finally managed to sneak in to the bathroom and the boyfriend burst in and threw a 3 lb bag of whole carrots on my lap, while I was peeing, and started screaming at me that I need to stop peeing and peel these carrots for them. I was livid so I left to find DH to convince him to take me back, only to find him drunk as a skunk and celebrating that he finally got rid of me. I had to go back and live with the girl and guy and peel carrots for them and never got to finish tinkling.

I woke up feeling horrible, and even went out and got DH's favorite hot sauce as a present so he wouldn't leave me. DH has never ever given me any indication that he would leave me, but it still shook me up something fierce.

Awww <3 What a horrible dream. I did crack up something fierce when I read, "threw a 3lb bag of whole carrots on my lap, while I was peeing..."
I keep dreaming about having sex with really inappropriate people. They're so vivid that it's affected how I am around these people irl :blush: I'm actually too ashamed to even admit who they are :haha:
dreamt I ended up getting pregnant while already pregnant because of all the unprotected sex we've had during pregnancy. The tech found the 2nd baby during my 20 week anatomy scan, and it was significantly smaller than the other. I was hysterical, sobbing and crying, and started looking for someone who would adopt the 2nd baby that was due 8 weeks after my little girl because I felt it would be far too overwhelming and that I could handle it :wacko: wtf?
Last night I dreamed that my hubby had cheated on me and gotten the other girl pregnant right before I got pregnant. I for some reason decided to stay with him, and when the women went into labour I went to the hospital with him so he could be there when the baby was born. I was trying to be supportive and understanding of his being excited to be a dad, but it was killing me to see him happy and excited about the baby's birth, and to see him comforting the other woman while she was in labour. I was pregnant and couldn't stop thinking about how I should be giving him his first child, not this other woman, and that it won't be the same giving birth in a few weeks after he's already got to experience birth with this woman. It was awful and so incredibly vivid.

My hubby has never given me any reason to not trust him, so I don't know where the cheating dreams come from, but it made me cry it was so vivid!

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