The Crazy Pregnancy Dream Thread

Last night I dreamed that my hubby had cheated on me and gotten the other girl pregnant right before I got pregnant. I for some reason decided to stay with him, and when the women went into labour I went to the hospital with him so he could be there when the baby was born. I was trying to be supportive and understanding of his being excited to be a dad, but it was killing me to see him happy and excited about the baby's birth, and to see him comforting the other woman while she was in labour. I was pregnant and couldn't stop thinking about how I should be giving him his first child, not this other woman, and that it won't be the same giving birth in a few weeks after he's already got to experience birth with this woman. It was awful and so incredibly vivid.

My hubby has never given me any reason to not trust him, so I don't know where the cheating dreams come from, but it made me cry it was so vivid!

That's terrible! I can only imagine how you felt upon waking. The cheating dreams must come with the hormones. So many of us have them.
Last night I dreamed that my hubby had cheated on me and gotten the other girl pregnant right before I got pregnant. I for some reason decided to stay with him, and when the women went into labour I went to the hospital with him so he could be there when the baby was born. I was trying to be supportive and understanding of his being excited to be a dad, but it was killing me to see him happy and excited about the baby's birth, and to see him comforting the other woman while she was in labour. I was pregnant and couldn't stop thinking about how I should be giving him his first child, not this other woman, and that it won't be the same giving birth in a few weeks after he's already got to experience birth with this woman. It was awful and so incredibly vivid.

My hubby has never given me any reason to not trust him, so I don't know where the cheating dreams come from, but it made me cry it was so vivid!

Oh no! That sounds like a really upsetting dream. The hormones really do nutty things to our dreams. *hugs*
I've not had any cheating dreams. Maybe I'm not bothered hahah!

Last night I dreamt that I bought my daughter a horse for her 3rd birthday, but didn't really think about where to keep it, we don't have any grass in our back garden but its quite big, so we ended up keeping it there but it didn't like it and started acting a bit mental. I went out to clean the garden one morning and I was heavily pregnant, and the horse started trying to attack me. It backed me up against the fence and started snapping at my face with its big horrid teeth it was awful.

OH came out and took a run up and fly kicked it and it fell over so we ran back into the house and locked the door, and we went to look out the living room window and it had its big face pressed up against the window and it was breathing really creepily.

All the while DD was telling me she didn't even like horses and she wishes I got her a kitten instead. She was just repeating "I dont like horsies I wish I got a kitty" over and over and over while this mental horse was staring at us through the window.

I called the RSPCA and tried to explain the situation and they were like "oh yeah this happens all the time we'll be round in a bit" and I was just like WTF how is this situation normal?!

Next thing is we hear a helicopter over the house and they are hovering but they can't get as low as they wanted because of the massive trees behind our fence so this guy flies down on a rope with a harness for the crazy horse and he sees us through the window and signals us to come out so we go out and he says "I'm guessing she wants one of these" and gives DD a kitten. It was really windy cuz of the helicopter so we said thanks and ran back into the house.

So the horse is harnessed up to the line on the helicopter and they start pulling it up but the line gets stuck, so they just fly off anyway with this horse dangling about 4ft off the ground and its just smashing through everything in its path, it went through our fence and took down trees and went through peoples houses etc. Really really weird.
Mine have been horrible...

My last vivid dream started by me giving birth on the bathroom floor. Baby was breech, but was born without problems. Was super cute, chubby with lots and lots of dark hair. It would have been nice if it ended there....

But then I remembered I had cruise reservations and had to get to the port. I couldn't find my oldest son anywhere. I started panicking, searched for him everywhere, but then decided that we would just go and hope he met us there. So my daughter, husband and I headed for the port. At this point I forgot I had two other kids, my 4 year old and the new baby so I didn't think to take them

Got to the port and I couldn't find my ship. And then I realized that my oldest son was still missing and I just started crying hysterically. Then I heard my mom's voice on the loud speaker telling me to scrape off my tongue to stop the crying. So I go to the bathroom, grab a spoon and start scraping my tongue. I peeled off layers and layers of skin, but it just kept regenerating. Eventually I stopped crying.

I get out of the bathroom, I find a ship, I go onto it only to realize it's the wrong one. I spaz out again. I start crying and then I run off to the bathroom again to scrape the skin off my tongue. Once I calmed down again, a cruise line worker tells me to follow him, because he knows where my ship is. I get on and them realize I forgot my husband and daughter in the waiting room at the port. The worker told me I didn't have time to get them so I panicked and decided to stay onboard myself. But then once the ship departed I realized what I had done. My oldest had gone missing, I had no idea where. I left my hubby and daughter behind. I hadn't seem
my baby since I birthed it and I didn't even
remember the last time I had seen my middle son. I freaked out and went back to the bathroom to scrape my to fur with a spoon again.

And then I was back home. My daughter was being strangled by a necklace she wrapped around too tight. I managed to cut it off her just in time. I started having a panic attack and started to hyperventilate.

Then the phone rang. Some man needed my husband to go help him fix a car. He said there was a box on our front step with tools in it and my husband needed to bring that box with him. I didn't want him to go, because I was still upset about my daughter almost dying, but he went anyways. As my husband was crossing the road with the box it exploded.... Which finally woke me up.

Worst dream ever :(
Another strange dream last night!
I was at my local swimming baths having a dip when I went into labour. I was on my own and baby came out really quick. A lifeguard came over to check baby over and said she was fine and I was allowed to go home (like a doctor at the hospital lol) I went into the changing rooms and my brand new pram was waiting for me there. I put baby in the pram and started panicking because she had no clothes or blanket so I had to run home as fast as I could to get her clothes. Then I woke up. Wouldn't mind but I've not been to that certain swimming baths for years x
Last night I had a dream that I was with some performing group on new years eve and we had a big performance. The whole time I kept saying to myself I couldn't do this or that because I was pregnant and had to be careful. I made it through the whole show and one of the makeup artists were trying to reapply makeup to my face but shoved a whole thing of lipstick in my mouth and it was disgusting. Then at the end of the show I met up with my friends and they were congratulating me.

Out of nowhere my husband brought out this BEAUTIFUL little girl and was like, "this is your daughter. She is 6 weeks old." And I started freaking out because I hadn't seen her in 6 weeks since I gave birth to her and I still thought I was pregnant. Then I had a thought that if she is 6 weeks old what has she been eating this whole time because I had never breastfed her. My husband said she had been waiting for me, so I quickly pulled down my shirt and she seemed to latch right away. I was so happy but at the same time felt so miserable because it was the first time I had nursed my daughter in the 6 weeks of her life.
I really wish I dreamt more about Baby! Each time though it has been a girl!

Last night my dream was me laying in bed and two child/ghost/skeleton things on either side of me attacking me and holding me down while my DH was standing on top of me attacking me like a demon. I apparently screamed in my sleep and was flailing because my DH woke me up and I thought I was still dreaming and that he was still a demon and I hit him numerous times... He told me this morning that I punched him repeatedly in my sleep. When I finally woke up I still felt 100% terrified. Of course now I feel terrible for hurting him in my sleep.
I'm glad I found this thread! I had one of those dreams that involved lots of ex boyfriends... 😁 so confusing! Then being rejected by them all and by my husband! I had the same dreams during my last pregnancy, I hate them! Makes me so confused and feel so down! The weirdest part is I always regret not marrying my first boyfriend...hope it's just hormones and not how I actually feel 😕
I had another pregnancy dream I'd like to share. I dreamed that I had our LO and she was a little older, maybe 4. My husband and I took her to Disney World, but she really wanted to see the ocean, so we took a day trip to the beach for her. Except while she was swimming, there was this huge iguana swimming around too and she wouldn't leave it alone so it kept biting her. I couldn't get her to leave the iguana alone, so finally we had to trudge back to our hotel carrying our bleeding, crying child, and everyone that saw us thought we were terrible parents for letting our child get bit up by an iguana.

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