Hi ladies. At last I've managed to dig out the lap top! It's been a busy week. We had our anniversary on wednesday last week and stayed in a lovely spa hotel in the Cotswolds. The spa was so so nice and the massage was very good. She found a lot of knots in my shoulders which I had no idea about. My shoulder was a bit sore for a few days after because of all the work she did on it
She actually recommended I see a chiropractor after the pregnancy because she thought the shoulder tension might be something to do with my hips. And my hips can be painful so it does make sense. Not sure if I'll remember to do it but will try!
Then at the weekend we had a whole 2 days of antenatal classes. Had a bit of information overload to be honest and felt quite overwhelmed and emotional yesterday evening! But I'm glad we went. It was a good thing to do as a couple and DH has a much better understanding of everything now!
Han - hope you enjoy organising all of Logan's things!
smawfl - congrats on your melon status
I made a start on my baby washing last week and it was definitely my favourite load of laundry I've ever done!! I even took a picture of it all on the washing line
I really hope this thread keeps going for a long time!! I see no reason why it can't gradually become a baby rants thread as the decemberist babies start arriving, whilst still providing support for our TTC friends.
Hope everyone has had a good monday!