Happy LMP due date, Gaia!
Still hanging in there? I love that photo with the pumpkin...adorable.
HM, you are getting so close too!
How are you feeling? Hope you are taking it easy! Your DH sounds sweet.
Shh, congratulations on your girl
it sounds like she is doing great but has put you through a lot! It must be so interesting to see the personality differences. I feel like I have heard from many people recently that their second child was more spirited!
Smawfl, it sounds like things are going great!
I still have about a third of the weight to lose, and I'm a lot thicker around the middle than before. I have continued losing weight slowly since delivery though, so I think it's on its way off. I'm not that worried about it, and I can wear most of my pre-pregnancy clothes, which is great.
Pusscat, I cannot believe Emilia rolled already
I'm so not ready for them to be on the move yet!
I absolutely love the smiles and cooing though. Very glad to hear you are feeling better and more normal
I am feeling better rested and like I've figured things out somewhat more, although I know the six week growth spurt/regression is right around the corner and I'm sure everything will be different once that hits.
Speaking of the six week growth spurt, has anyone experienced that yet? Or noticed any difference in their LO? Last night I felt like we were approaching six weeks when Munchkin and I went to hang out with my friends and he was super cranky and cried on and off for nearly an hour. I know we've had it easy with him so far, but I can only remember once when he's done that before. Poor guy! They are going through so many changes right now, I can only imagine how frustrating and exhausting it must feel to them sometimes.
Other than that I've been enjoying being out and about more with him...we've both gotten more comfortable with the carrier so it's been easy to take him out for walks, grocery shopping, etc. We've also been going to some local parent-baby groups and classes, which has been really fun.
Smawfl, pumping has actually been a challenge for me...it turns out that Munchkin is, to quote the lactation consultant I spoke with today, something of a bottomless pit. We actually don't know how much he eats per feeding since he has never been satisfied with bottle feeds, but it is more than 5 oz! The problem is that 6 oz is close to 3 pumping sessions for me (Smawfl, I've read that 0.5-2 oz is the average for moms who also BF, so 2.5-3 is fabulous!
I get 2-2.5 now but it took a while to build up) so it's just time consuming to pump enough. But supposedly it is all ok and not cause for concern. He's grown pretty quickly so he seems to just be a really good eater. Which is wonderful, but I never figured it would take so long to figure out expressing and bottle feeding.
Technically my mat leave is over next week
my supervisors have agreed to be flexible, but I am planning to start going back to 1-2 meetings a week and maybe do some work from home. Assuming, of course, we can figure out how to feed Munchkin enough. November is going to be quite a month...DH will be extra busy the next two weeks and will be away for three days next weekend
and the following week his parents are coming to visit. And the six week growth spurt will happen somewhere in there too! It will be challenging. I know we can handle it, though.