I bow down to you CS - that was so perfectly worded!
I hate it when people complain about their pregnancies to me - 'oh i'm so sick' 'aarrghh I hate being pregnant' etc - HELLO...me - dying to be pregnant! Its like going to a 3rd world country complaining how full you are from having just eaten a feast fit for a king
Do not give ME advice - I know more about TTC than any fertiles ever will!!!
Don't give me advice full stop. I don't want advice, my specialist is for that, from you I want compassion, love, support, a shoulder to cry on and an ear to listen. I want to share with you my fears without you saying 'but it'll happen' because how the hell do you know that? let me share my fears and just listen!!! If you must say something, tell me how strong I am for enduring all of this because most of the time I feel weak, I need to be reminded that I am strong.
I don't find it funny when you...joke about your kids, saying how you'd like to trade them in, offering them to me, thinking you're being funny in a trying parental time...I don't find it funny at all, and if I am ever blessed enough to have a child, I will never offer him/her to anyone, not even as a joke. How do you think that makes me feel? How would I be seen if I went to a liver cancer patient, offered them my liver then laughed? Would they find it funny? I doubt it...
And this is continuing on from CS's thoughts re adoption.
Stop throwing the word adoption around! You have absolutely no idea of what is involved with in adoption. As if we haven't been through enough with invasive fertility treatments, heartbreak of it failing, dealing with the fact we will never create a child together, and now we must go through a viscious process to see if other people think we're good enough to be parents. Not to mention the costs (especially after we've exhaused most of our funds through failed fertilitly treatments) and the waiting period of average being 5-7 years. So do NOT make it out to be as easy as picking up a baby with your morning paper and milk at the store.
Understand that I am extremelly fragile. Don't beat me up for not attending parties (especially those with children present), returning your phone calls, or for being sad. If you're a real friend, you will be there for me, because right now, I need you more than ever. Making me feel guilty for not 'being myself' only makes me feel worse. I barely have the energy to endure treatment, let along the energy for being a good friend and acting my usual self. Please understand this, don't judge me for it and don't rite me off as a selfish person.
I too will add more later.