the early arrival of baby Kane, VERY VERY long


2 boys nd 2 girls
Jan 9, 2009
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Well my little tiger is 2 weeks old now and came home from hospital on friday so i thought id try and write his birth story while i have some spare time

My due date was 20/03/2010 but Kane had other ideas and arrived on 31/01/2010 7 weeks early

How it began

on the saterday night i had a bright red bleed, it did'nt last long only 2 hours and then stopped completly, since i had no pain or anything else i decided that id wait and see what happened, so i went to bed and over night had no more bleeding,
the next morning i woke feeling like i needed to be more organsised with regards to the baby, we had moved house just a few days before and since i was pregnant id had nothing to do with the move and wanted to faff about with minor details and unpack the baby bits . By 10am id washed the floors cleaned all the bathrooms and washed the moses basket bedding and made it up again.
i noticed some back ache at this point but id suffered with it on and off so didnt pay much attention, by 11am i had been on the loo 4 times in an hour with what i thought was an upset tummy and noticed i was bleeding a little again but this time it was watery pink.
I did think for a second at that point ' hmmmm maybe something is going on here' but soon brushed it off as anything major although i did say to hubby i thought we should just pop to the hospital and get baby checked over due to my history of placenta abruption with previous pregnancy

Getting to hospital

so at 12.30 we set off with our youngest two thinking i would pop on the monitor and be home in an hour , on the way i had two big what i thought were braxton hicks,
when we arrived i was put on the monitor and told the doctor would come and see us after we had a 40 min trace, so we all sat playing i-spy to keep the kids amused, 10 mins in i started getting contractions 10 mins apart but no more painful than a bad braxton hick, i decided at this point that hubby should take the girls home and wait there and id call him to get me when i was done seeing the doctor, so at 1.30 he went

This is it!!

no sooner was he out the door than the pains stepped up a gear and i found i couldnt talk without sounding like i wasnt in control of my breathing, i rang to come off and go to the loo, and when i was in there i had a big contraction and it dawned on me that this was it, the real deal, staggering back to my room the contractions were coming 3 mins apart and while the midwife strapped me back on the doctor arrived to examin me with a speculam due to me being only 33weeks, i was completly effaced, 4cm dilated and membranes were bulging, i was in LABOUR :wacko: as the doc was finishing the exam and getting a swab we all noticed at the same time that baby didnt sound as happy and when i looked round his hearbeat was 199 !! as the contraction ended he dipped to 110 and it all got a bit hectic

the doctors were all talking of sections and asking where my hubby was, i said hes gone home i thought it was a false alarm, so someone went to ring him and get him back ASAP, in the mean time babys heart rate was going back to 140 between contraction but taking longer to recover each time,

i was mooing a little loudly at this point and passed the gas and air :thumbup:
another consultant came in and explained they wanted to get him out by section as i still had a way to go and bubs didnt look happy with the contractions so i was handed a consent form and in the next few mintues was stripped naked, had stocking wreastled onto my swollen legs and my hoohaa shaved :blush: , the whole time i was asking how long hubby would be and if it was safe to wait for him, they said he was on his way and would be here in 10mins and they would wait as long as baby stayed stable then everyone left the room apprantly to get theatre staff together and finish paperwork

so there i was mooing through the G&A tube alone and feeling VERY bewildered, hubby arrived and as soon as i saw him i burst into tears we had a quick cuddle and he was given a gown and wellies and we were hurried into theatre

Here comes baby

i was suprised at how small and cold looking the theatre was it didnt look like the sort of room it should happen in ,there was a bed and a resus table for baby and a few tables with instruments in which i expected
i sat on the table and tried to keep the mooing to a minimal which was bloody hard as they had left the gas n air behind !! hubby stood infront of me and i was given a spinal which i didnt feel at all :thumbup: then i was layed flat and had a cathater placed and my bump washed with antiseptic lotion, the aneathtist asked me to lift my legs which i did much to everyones shock including mine, i wasnt numb, apparntly i wasnt ment to be able to lift my legs at this point but i had no problem kicking them both in the air, the table was then tilted for 5 mins and i was finally numb and couldnt feel a thing

we had a screen put up which i asked them to lower when bubs came and in a matter of minutes he was lifted up screaming loudly :cloud9:
i burst into tears and the cord was cut and he was taken over to the resus table still screaming, he was doing so well with apgars of 9 that they decided we could have a quick cuddle before they took him off to SCBU to be looked at, so while the surgeons worked away we looked at our beautiful son :happydance:

all going pear shaped

after 2 mins of looking at him he was taken of hubby and i thought he should go with baby to specail care, ive always hated the thought of my baby alone with no mummy and daddy for the first moments of life, while i was convincing hubby to leave me i felt some tightness in my chest, it was like i couldnt breathe properly even though i was, i remember seeing lots of syringes being pushed into my IV at that point and then nothing

The lost hours

I woke up and looked at the clock, it was 8.40pm and Kane had been born at 5.33pm i was cross with myself as i woke i remember thinking oh no i fell asleep while they stiched me up :growlmad: in the same second my eyes focused and hubby was looking over me with a very worried look on his face, i asked why he wasnt with Kane and he explained that as kane was taken off to scbu i has started bleeding heavily and they couldnt control the loss, the pain in my chest had been caused by blood flooding my chest cavity and irritaing my diaphram, they had given me a general so they could get the loss under control
as i was taking it all in i was suddenly aware of my tummy contracting with force which made me feel sick, tears streamed down my face and the nurse in recovery told me the pain was due to the drip of syntocinon they had up which was making me contract to stop the bleeding they were pushing it through quickly so it worked as fast as possible and the pain would stop when it had finished, i didnt care at that point i just wanted to know how my baby was so i sent hubby off to get some pics on the camera for me and find out how he was doing and his weight

Happy endings

Kane weighed in at 4lb 6oz and he was doing great no problems at all with breathing he needed a NG tube for feeds and was maintaining his own temp with no signs of infection :happydance:

he spent 12 days in SCBU getting of the NG and onto bottles and is now home and the most content baby he sleeps 23.5 hrs of the day and is feeding 4hrly on 2oz which i have to wake him for

id never ever choose a section over a vaginal delivery it was so painful during recovery,

so thats it last ever baby for me, never again!

2 boys 2 girls and 200 grey hairs !



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Congrats hun, so glad you are both ok, huge huge hugs!! He is stunning, loving all his lovely dark hair!! Well done xxx
sorry your birth experience wasnt what youd expected! but im sure it was completely worth it in the end and he is gorgeous! loving his lovely hair also :D and thats a very good weight for him being born so early! he just couldnt wait to meet his mummy :D congrats :D xx
he's so beautiful honey :) congratulations to all of you :)

abz xx
Huge congratulations!
Well done you :hugs: xx
he is beautiful hun. Im pleased that you have a nice happy ending. Seems yoiur body no's what was coming and kane even waited till after you had moved. Congrats xx
Aah i've been waiting to read this. Really hope you're all settled in your new home now, what a happy stunning little fella he looks.

Big congratulations to you! xx
congratulations again hun, hope you're doing well and has already recovered. Please stay in touch :)
awww he is soooo cute! what a head of hair :flower: congratz. xxxx
congrats on the birth of little kane - he's is so beautiful! Glad everything turned out ok and hope you're starting to feel better.
He is absolutely gorgeous! I bet you are so proud.



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