The end of the world as we know it?


Toddlers are fun :)
Apr 9, 2010
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There have been numerous mass animal deaths across the world in the last month, with hundreds of birds falling out of the sky and fish washing up on shores.

The n.pole is also shifting towards Russia. Is this the end of the world as we know it? Is it just a coincidence that the deaths are happening all over the world? Are the reasons for the deaths a cover up for something else? Has the pole shift caused some of the deaths?

A lot of questions there, i know. I can't help but think there is more to it than we are being told. Tesla HAARP springs to mind and I have seen a video of monsterous coils in Russia that are as big as a block of flats - that's an immense amount of power.

Or is it simply that the pole shift has caused disorientation of these animals? If so, why has each case been given a different reason?
I dont think the recent mass animal deaths is linked (at least not in a man made way) because this sort of phenomanon has gone on for many years, every now and then a change in the food chain, sea currents and such things results in strange mass animal deaths.
We have la nina going on at the moment which is causing all the floods in Australia and the like and that sort of current change is bound to effect wildlife.
All it takes is somthing like a sea current change to affect coral or algea then smaller fish suffer leading to their predetors starving and so on down the line untill you have a beach full of starved dolphins, one tiny change can effect so much down the line.
The same currents can also affect air pressure resulting in the deaths of birds as well.

As for the north pole shifting I cant remember the detailes off the top of my head but I remember reading somthing about the poles are due to flip soon (the suns poles already are doing so) there are different theories as to why it is happening but that could be alot to do with the movement of the north pole.

I think mother nature can do a hell of alot more damage then man can she is just more inventive about how.

I dont know about the coils in Russia but im curious as to what is down that hole in russia :)
I find it hard to believe mother nature could kill that many animals, all over the world, within a week or two of each other. Surely they would die one at a time rather than all at the same time? Also, a pole shift will most likely have a huge effect on the planet. For a start, i believe the main wind streams throughout the earth (the gulf, w.europe and may change, which is bound to cause a bit of a mess.

That hole is pretty impressive, does it show on google earth? I'll try and find a link for the coil video - if you compare them with the biggest coil on record, it would create an unbelievable amount of energy. I want to know why there are no records.
Nature most certainly can cause mass deaths in a species. A simple change in the temperature or pH of water can wipe out the population in that area.
I am interested in finding out why these numbers are dying as they are, but I suspect it probably has more to do with pollution or an environmental shift from global warming than some sort of conspiracy theory.
And remember how very connected our planet is by the water cycle or those wind currents you speak of. If there is some sort of contaminant, it can travel very far very quickly, but it may only affect species which are particularly sensitive to it.
I think there is a logical, scientific explanation for the deaths.
Also when you mention about the pole getting closer to Russia do you mean geographical north pole or magnetic north?
Magnetic north is constantly moving around 10-40km a year ( has started moving alot faster the last few decades) and can move in any direction depending on the dynamo effect so is probably just due moving towards russia, at the laast measurment yes it was moving towards russia.
Concidering the megetic pole moves depending on the dynamo effect and revolutions of the earth and inner core I dont think even a massive coil can outdo what the earth has been doing for millions of years, the inner core is close on the size of the moon so I dont think anything man made could ever be big or powerfull enough to fight against natural phenomanom on that sort of scale.
Yes, i mean magnetic north, sorry. It is the fact that it is now moving so fast that worries me. Nature will be greatly affected, so in turn so will we. OH and I have convinced ourselves it is the end of the world (as we know it) and are going veggie and giving up things you can't grow or make for yourself haha.

I think i disagree that man can undo nature. Tesla theorises that you can harness and unbelievable amount of energy through coils and i truely believe that things could get knocked out of whack a bit!
I think the speed has increased due to being overdue a pole flip and the magnetic field being a bit off ballance.
A pole flip takes about 1000 years and the closer it gets to that point the more screwy and unpredictable the magnetic field gets.
The pole has been heading towards russia for the last 100 years, the fact its getting faster is just part of the unpredictable mysteries of how the earth works, ie how the core formed, how it spins, how this all adds up to keeping life going on the planet.
Its a natural occurance and purely coincidence on where it is actualy heading.

Yes granted man made things can nock nature a bit out but we are talking about the rotation, magnetic field, gravity of the entire planet here, something thats been doing its own unpredictable random thing for hundreds of millions of years.

As for the coils they are just tesla coils, a way of electical generation and wirless transferal, yes they are bigger then normal but not realy that much bigger then the one built on Long Island about 100 years ago.
At least they have moved on and learnt their lesson from Chernobyl and not pissing about with nucular but trying a different kind of energy source (although granted russian scientist arnt know for stoping while their ahead)
I think you've hit the nail on the head in your title. The end of the world as we know it.

The world will not just end. I don't believe that for a second. I do believe, however, that the world is changing dramatically. I'm not sure how skeptical I am about the polar shift. And there have been a few explainations of why the birds have died including overfeeding and lack of oxygen at high altitudes. That could be true. It could be a cover up. I think that nature is changing. Climate is changing. Could be a combination of the consequences of what we have done to the Earth as a planet ourselves and things that are ever changing in space that have caused mass animal deaths, the crazy UK weather, the flooding in Australia. I do think that by 2012 the world will be different. Perhaps our climate will change permanantly with us having colder winters and warmer summers. Maybe because of it some species of animals and birds will be wiped out. And there may well be loss of human life in floods and earthquakes which could get more frequent in the next few years. But the loss of life would not be a catastrophic amount and the world will not end. It'll just change. Maybe for the better depending on how we react to it

I don't think this is the end of the world as we know it no. But I do think this is the start of things going tits up. We still have a chance to rectify things, and we should.

According to my religion (Islam) these are some signs which Mohammad(SAW) stated 1400 years back.These would be the signs that point that the time is nearing for the world to end.

-People will ride on saddles that aren't saddles (cars?)
-The distance on earth will become short;
-Horses will not be used in wars;
-Muslims will defeat the Byzantines which will end with the conquest of Constantinople Istanbul);
-The Jews will gather again to live in Bilad Canaan (In the middle east- in Palestine);
-Very tall buildings will be built;
-The disappearance of knowledge and the appearance of ignorance, with much killing;
-Adultery will become widespread, and the drinking of wine will become common;
-The number of men will decrease and the number of women will increase until there are 50 women to be looked after by one man.
-Islam will become worn out like clothes are, until no one will know what fasting, prayer, charity and rituals are;
-Allah will send a disease to fornicators that will have no cure (Aids?);
-People will begin to believe in the stars and reject AL QADAR (THE DIVINE DECREE OF DESTINY);
-Men will pass by people's graves and say: "Would that I were in his place"; (large amount of sucidal deaths?)
-The Euphrates will uncover a mountain of gold for which people will fight over (the river of Alfurat that lies near Syria);
-Two large groups of people will fight one another, and there will be many casualties; they will both be following the same religion;
-Approximately 30 DAJJALS will appear, each one claiming to be the messenger of Allah;
-Earthquakes will increase; * Time will pass quickly;
-Afflictions will appear;
-Killing will increase;
-Wealth will increase ;
-Women will be wearing clothes but not wearing clothes

-The appearance of the MAHDI;
-The appearance of the DAJJAL (Anti Christ);
-The appearance of Ya'juj and Ma'juj (biblical Gog and Magog);
-Isa (Jesus) will come during the time of Dajjal;
-The rising of the sun from the west;
-The destruction of the Ka'ba and the recovery of its treasures;
-The smoke.
Thank you for that nmwb (i hope i got your user name right, my phone wouldn't let me scroll up and i thought Omar's Mummy would be rude!) That was really interesting. I don't think the world will end entirely, but i do think all of the things you listed there are contributing to the need for some major changes, which God (in whichever form you believe in) will provide. Society and civilisation will not be the same and we will be going back to basics. I also believe only those that recognise this coming will survive.
As has already been posted the la nina is having a big effect on things at the moment. Apparently one flock of dead birds was run over and another died from alcohol poisoning. As for marine animals washing up on masse, this is a regular occurrance all over the world for a wide variety of reasons. I am fairly confident that these sorts of group/population wide phenomena happen all the time but for whatever slow-news reason there's a new bandwagon the media has jumped on to in reporting everything happening they can find. The world is a very big place with an awful lot of animals in it and an awful lot of freak weather events and the likes. It would take a lot more to make me thing there was something sinister going on. Something more sinister than the media anyway. :lol:
As has already been posted the la nina is having a big effect on things at the moment. Apparently one flock of dead birds was run over and another died from alcohol poisoning. As for marine animals washing up on masse, this is a regular occurrance all over the world for a wide variety of reasons. I am fairly confident that these sorts of group/population wide phenomena happen all the time but for whatever slow-news reason there's a new bandwagon the media has jumped on to in reporting everything happening they can find. The world is a very big place with an awful lot of animals in it and an awful lot of freak weather events and the likes. It would take a lot more to make me thing there was something sinister going on. Something more sinister than the media anyway. :lol:

Problem is there is very little more sinister then the media as its the media that causes most of this "end of the world" hysteria to begin with.

Its the same as the fact that people die in sad tragic accidents every day all year long but the media play it up even more at christmas time to make it seem even more tragic.
I dunno, I think a lot of politicians are more sinister than the media. Though in the UK we are facing a distinct blurring between politicians and medai...
I think they both line each others pockets equaly

Omar's mummy (I forgot your username sorry :blush: ) that was really interesting, and I do not mean to disrespect your religion, but can I ask a question about it?

Do you think that Muhammed's predictions about the world ending and the signs is correct, or holds basis on our society?

I hope that doesn't come off as rude, it's just I have always been quite sceptical about 'predictions' of any kind from ancient societies. To me I feel that they see the changes happening in their society, as small as they may be, and just predict them on a bigger scale, iygwim?


Omar's mummy (I forgot your username sorry :blush: ) that was really interesting, and I do not mean to disrespect your religion, but can I ask a question about it?

Do you think that Muhammed's predictions about the world ending and the signs is correct, or holds basis on our society?

I hope that doesn't come off as rude, it's just I have always been quite sceptical about 'predictions' of any kind from ancient societies. To me I feel that they see the changes happening in their society, as small as they may be, and just predict them on a bigger scale, iygwim?

Those predictions were more than 1400 years back. They were riding camels & horses & living in wooden & stone houses at that time. Muhammed (PBUH) only lived for 60 years, he became a prophet at the age of 40, & he was illiterate & couldnt write or read.

So there werent lots of social changes that would predict for example building highrises & riding cars in the future, & he didnt have his own knowledge before becoming a prophet.

Ah thanks! That is really quite interesting actually.
I always thought he was an educated man, so maybe could have guessed at these happening, but considering he wasn't, nor could he read or write it's not like he could have picked anything else up along the way.

I'm going to go do some research now :) thank you :flow:

I think things WILL change very soon. I give up arguing about it though because, time will tell as they say :D

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