The Impatient Preggo Chat


hot tea

I have been overly impatient the last week. I want baby to be here! I feel like every day is going sooo slowly.

Just thought I would create a thread for others who feel the same way. :flower:

How have you been trying to pass the time? I have been systematically obsessing over little things. For example it was cloth diapers - I ordered all the ones I need and researched everything I can. Then it was obsessing over baby carriers... I ordered a custom baby hawk mei tai. Then it was aromatherapy for birth. :coffee:

I am now doing research on whether to choose a managed or physiological third stage. How random!!!
Hey hot tea,

I'm finding it difficult to find things to obsess over! I am so bored and so anxious to meet my little one. This is my first so a lot of me just wants the labor to start and for the whole process to be over with so I can stop being afraid of the fact that this baby has to come out somehow!

I feel like if I do things now like pack her diaper bag or my own hospital bag now that it's too early and I'll be bored again later.

I'm trying to do things like write down a birth plan for my husband and we did our hospital tour and pre-registry on Monday but to myself I'm thinking...seriously...just over five more weeks!?
I've been doing loads and loads of reading on what kind of fabric to use for a homemade Moby style wrap. :haha: Was actually just thinking about getting off my butt and hitting the fabric store to see what they had... For some reason, I'm really nervous about buying it. I'm completely convinced that 6 yards of fabric is overkill and am having a hard time imagining how I am going to manage to wrap that around myself until there's just little tails to tie up. :rofl: Actually, I should buy 7 yards so that its big enough my husband can use it too, if he wants... that's 21 feet of fabric! That can't be right!

So anyway. Obsessing about that...

Mostly I'm passing the time by reading lots and lots of stories with my son. And pretending that my bump is a mountain for his trucks to drive on. :rofl:
First of all I spent days researching bottle-feeding, then when I decided that this was the best for me due to health issues, I spent the resulting week researching bottles, formulas and everything that goes with it lol

I move in a couple of weeks, so im now obsessing over packing, what colour all the rooms will be, new furniture etc.

Hopefully all of that will take me a few weeks, and I can just try to sleep the last couple of weeks away?
I'm fed up and impatient but only felt like this since 38 weeks so I suppose that's not too bad! Why don't you start a little project that you won't have time to do once lo arrives? I'm going to start my wedding photo album and I'm also going to do a scrapbook of memories for me and dh, including the pregnancy, so that lo can see it when he/she grows up. Really I'm hoping I won't have time to finish them but at least it will be something to keep me occupied if I do go to 42 weeks! Plus it's not too strenuous!
Im also feeling pretty impatient. I wake up every morning and think today is going to be the day. Well it never is lol. Luckily hubby is still working so I have my now 1 year old keeping me pretty busy. Im also still deciding between breast and bottle( probably wont decide till the time comes) but I spend all day thinking and researching.

Hubby and I were talking last night and he was telling the baby she should come because he wants to be off work already. I think after all her trying to come pre term shes going to be stubborn now and stay put for a while longer.

Oh and DD first word is 'Baby" lol. She lifts my shirt, points to my belly and says baby. Its so cute.

With my first I must have rearranged her clothes and my hospital bag a million times in the last few weeks.
What is a managed or physiological 3rd stage?

I'm impatient also but am trying to keep myself busy so that I don't have to think about it.

I'm trying to make bloody curtains for the living room but I can never find the time. Every day I try to get things done so that in the evenings, I can sew. But every night something crops up which means that i can't. I will try again tomorrow night :/

I'm making up birthing CDs as last time we left it too late and I hated the music in the hospital. Got some good mixes I want on CD (including the first one that made me notice OH, he made it, so it has good connotations!).

I've been trying to listen to my hypnobirthing CD but always doze off midway through grrr!

I have to make a willy cake too for my friend's hendo next weekend :dohh:
I've been doing loads and loads of reading on what kind of fabric to use for a homemade Moby style wrap. :haha: Was actually just thinking about getting off my butt and hitting the fabric store to see what they had... For some reason, I'm really nervous about buying it. I'm completely convinced that 6 yards of fabric is overkill and am having a hard time imagining how I am going to manage to wrap that around myself until there's just little tails to tie up. :rofl: Actually, I should buy 7 yards so that its big enough my husband can use it too, if he wants... that's 21 feet of fabric! That can't be right!

So anyway. Obsessing about that...

Mostly I'm passing the time by reading lots and lots of stories with my son. And pretending that my bump is a mountain for his trucks to drive on. :rofl:
my wrap is 5mts and it is long enough for my DH and hes 6ft5 and 140kg so i dont think you need longer than that hun lol and you get the hang of wrapping it with practice
I'm feel the same as you Hollie, just want labor over with as that is what scares me the most. I'm antsy but lazy so I sit there just anxious. I have some things to do still but just don't seen to have the energy. I really just need to get off the couch!
ive been impatient since 28 weeks!!!
i still have 10 weeks to go!!

i dont know if its a plus or a minus that im still working.... its a plus because i will only wind up with 10 weeks of FMLA.... its a minus because im tired and im ready for my baby girl to be here and to meet her

and im waaay beyond ready to not feel like an over stuffed penguin
Im soo ready to not be pregnant anymore- I had a list of things to do to help pass the time at home during these last few weeks, but I am soo tired all the time that I cannot bring myself to do anything!!! Its very frustrating!!! Im still bored as hell, but exhausted at the same time- I just want my nesting to kick in so I can do some things around the house!!!
When I nest I get really angry. I snap at OH and jut freak right out. Nesting urge comes and goes reeeeally quick for me though.

I need to clean out our bedroom really badly. I am waiting for the inspiration to start.
My whole house needs cleaning and organizing. It frustrates me not being able to lift things and do things for myself. I feel like I could get so much more done if I could do everything on my own, relying on my husband isn't always the best motivation. He doesn't get it done! I have to nag and ask a few times.

I think I need to start each day and just pick one room. That way I'm not overwhelmed thinking wow the WHOLE house needs organizing and every nook and cranny cleaned but just one room at a time.

I still have to finish the nursery too!
My whole house needs cleaning and organizing. It frustrates me not being able to lift things and do things for myself. I feel like I could get so much more done if I could do everything on my own, relying on my husband isn't always the best motivation. He doesn't get it done! I have to nag and ask a few times.

I think I need to start each day and just pick one room. That way I'm not overwhelmed thinking wow the WHOLE house needs organizing and every nook and cranny cleaned but just one room at a time.

I still have to finish the nursery too!

I find doing it bit by bit is easier, I chose to start on the bedroom today, got half of it done, so will do the other half tomorrow.Then the lounge ^_^ Kitchen can be left to the OH...
My hubby got upset earlier because I told him I thought baby wasn't going to come until 2 weeks after due date. I really can't see myself going earlier or on time. Anyone else feel like this? Sometimes I wish LO would come soon but other times I think I'm not ready yet and need at least another week to prepare - not prepare physically but mentally and emotionally.
The day i hit 38 weeks i lost all patients..... no idea why :shrug: i have had an awesome pregnancy and bubs has been a great tenant:haha: but now i'm just so so so wanting to meet him and i think its actually making me crazy.:wacko:

I've even had my bloody show and still nothing.... Whats going on??? Come out little man and meet your mummy and Daddy - before mummy loses her mind lol.
Ive been super impatient too. went into labor at 33+3 and again at 35+4 they stopped labor both times (thankfully) but it sucks to get your hopes up lol. :haha: I'm now on bed rest til i'm 37 weeks. Kinda feels like I can make myself go into labor or Little Man just wants to come out so bad!! Lol

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