Hope Rory is better soon. If it's a bug, which it sounds like, it's probably working it's way out by now and I reckon he'll be on the mend soon!
Silly Holly, hehe! AM has fake tantrums and she whinges and throws herself back really carefully!
Hope your meeting with the ex goes as well as can be. What arrangement do you want Nats?
Anything else planned for Jen's birthday week Lettuce?
Anyone seen my FB? Am I being over dramatic? I'm not tempted to take her out or anything, but I just want to let the nursery know I'm peeved. She's only just got used to the new girl and now they're swapping her out! She loves nursery and is doing really well and my mum doesn't have any issues (she does all the pick ups and all but one of the drop offs) But when they change the staff in the room it really throws madam off and she gets upset at drop off. She's fine within 5 minutes apparently, but I don't think that's the point. Grrr, all these mummy decisions/worries/responsibilities!!