See I don't feel like I am either. This is what leads me to believe it's a bug. I don't wanna get too excited because although I'm obviously not imagining being sick lol everything else could be in my head. xxx
I hope someone's caught an eggy this month But I guess if no one has you can all stay here and keep me company ^_^ I'll be here even when all you guys have left, I've got like 3 years to wait yet
Jebus god, the painkillers I was on for AF pains have a huge list of side effects, one of which is urine retention. I drank like 3 pints of juice yesterday and only peed once I'm sure as hell making up for it today, pissing like Seabiscuit!!
Morning Im here and im ALIVE i went to bed at 8pm lat night - i still have to catch up on this thread - im a littlle behind - anyone want to summarise??? lol.
It was mostly me moaning about being hormonal/weird AF, and I'm just gonna add a bit more: Brown CM when I wiped just now. Seriously, what the hell's going on? It's being all intermittent. Light flow for a day and a half, then nothing all of Saturday night and Sunday morning, then some brown CM on the towel, then nothing all night, then some more CM this morning when I wiped. Getting annoyed now. And I'm hungry and want lasagne
Doubtful I think this month freaked him out too much. Also, last night he said he's going to wait a year or two after we've moved out before he proposes. As if. I know it sounds spoilt or brattish or whatever, but I've known I wanted to marry him since we'd been together about 3 months, and he has too, and I'm NOT plodding along for another 2 years until something happens, even though we both KNOW it's going to happen. Why bother waiting when we know it's going to happen, we want it, and we've got the money? He can stick it up his pompom if he thinks I'm waiting another 2 years. End of rant.
Im feeling ok mush thank you - a bit sore - walking with a hobble lol but apart from that im ok
Fuffy - i know how you feel - i mean they know its going to happen eventually why not pop the question now, Maybe he is fibbing to you so u arnt expecting it?
DJ - can you POAS on thursday morning PLEASE. just so i dont have to wait 2 weeks to find out?>!?!?!?
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