I didn't go for a walk, the car broke down this morning apparently and all the good walks around here are a driving sort of distance away. *sigh!*
Don't feel like an eejit magpies, at least you didn't have (many) dramatic explosions about it like I did I'm such an over emotional drama queen at the moment haha xx
Are you feeling a bit stressed out by the lap perhaps? During my AS-Levels, before I was on the pill, I missed my period throughout exam time - and I was still a virgin lol. I was mega shitting it about the exams though, and was super stressed out by home issues too... maybe this is what's up? x x x
I wouldnt say I am any more stressed at the moment than I am usually.
My cycle is usually bang on even straight after coming off the pill. It will be here sometime this week. Maybe even the lap will kick start it off. Gonna ask them to check my tubes too.
Hope it does start this week for you My boobies are hurting like crazy, just like they do before my AF comes usually, so I'm wondering if AF is gonna start properly soon, like a full flow? I'm just beyond caring now
The hospital have been ordered to pay the family compensation... but that's not really going to make things any better is it? I don't understand how they got things so wrong, when only a fully trained anaesthetist should be administering an epi? Absolutely disgusting.
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