The NTNP 'Tell me about you' thread!


Well-Known Member
Jul 19, 2010
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Hi girls/guys!

I figured that the TTC section have this so thought it would be nice for us, and for us to get to know eachother better!

Im Nadine, Im 24 and live in London. I've been with my OH for over a year now and we've been NTNP since last year. However since taking the depo shot last year my periods have been so out of whack, i have 2 in once month now so im trying to sort that out!

I run my own business and have worked with children since i was 16. I have a degree in Early Childhood Development.

I also hope to be a mummy very soon :cloud9:

So lets hear about you :flower:
Hi Nadine, this is a lovely idea.

I'm Marie, 29, live near Cambridge, been with OH for 2.5yrs (though known him for nearly 10yrs!) we both have 2 children from previous relationships and are waiting to try for one of our own together, we have had so much thinking to do over this (as eldest is 9 and youngest 4 at the moment)
I'm a TA in primary school but my heart belongs at home, I love being a home-maker.
Being a mum already doesnt seem to make this stage any easier at all.

I hope everyone here has a stress free and fun time ttc and has sticky healthy beans and wonderful pregnancies, because there is nothing in the world like it.

Good luck all.
Really good idea Nadine!!

My name is Suz, I live in Scotland and I am 27. I have been married for 2 years and I have been with my husband for 10 years.

I am currently a stay at home mum to our 5 month old daughter but I am a Pharmacist. I don't plan on going back to work, loving being a stay at home mum, which I never thought I would!!

This is our 1st month trying for our 2nd baby, we want to have them close together in age. It took us 5 months with our daughter so expect it to take that long again.

Good luck to everyone and I hope we all get our BFPs soon :cloud9:

Brilliant idea!

I'm Aimee, 27 and I live near Norwich. I'm originally from Yorkshire but my hubby is currently studying at UEA in Norwich so we moved for that. He is in his first year of a 4 year degree!! :wacko: We have been married for 3 years in April, Together for 4.5 years.

I'm Mummy to 1 year old Earl, and I work in a Pensions Call centre, 4 days per week. We've been NTNP since I came off the pill in December, but officially decided to admit it in January! :haha: I'm currently trying to resist POAS as I'm symptom spotting like crazy :blush:
Hi, this is a good idea.

I'm Ceri, 23, live in North Wales. Been with OH 5 years this year and have been living together for a year. I come off the pill end of last august. Took a break this month and back to it next month :)
Am a data analyst, working on quality assurance.
That's it about me, not very interesting lol. xx
Great idea! :thumbup:

I'm Terah, I'm 19 (20 in May), my OH is 21 (22 in September), and we've been together for 4 years now. We've been living together for at least 3 years already. We're getting married this August. :happydance:

We have two kids together already, Aiden who will be 3 on April 12, and Mady who will be two in August (a week before our wedding).

We have been NTNP for almost a year now. I've had extremely irregular periods since coming off birth control last April. I've gotten testing done for anemia and a thyroid problem and if those come back clear, I'm going to talk to my doctor about the possibility of PCOS.

My OH works at a tire recycling company and I'm a stay at home mom. I've got my hopes up high that this month is finally the month and I've been symptom spotting like a crazy woman. :haha:
I'm Kay, I'm 29 (I feel well old on these forums!) and OH and I have been together for 13 years, married for 3. I work in the NHS and hubby with computers.

We had Isla 2 years ago and are currently working on a little brother or sister for her.

I got sooooo stressed about the whole TTC thing last time round and definately plan to take it easy this time.

Go team NTNP!!!
My name is Mellissa, I'm 27 years old and live in California, USA. I've been with my OH (age 32) for 2 years and we're getting married June 25, 2011. I had my Mirena IUD removed on 3/4/11 and started an early cycle on 3/5/11 (originally due 3/13). We are hoping to follow the FAM Method in order to avoid pregnancy until our wedding and will then be NTNP. Since I assume my cycles will be irregular due to the past 11 years of birth control, the FAM method will probably not be 100% effective. So if we get pregnant before then, we will of course be ecstatic but I'd like to avoid morning sickness at our wedding and on our honeymoon! Neither of us have children already and we're both really hoping for a baby girl first.
Kay, if you are old at 29, how old am I at 36 in a couple of weeks? LOL. Actually I don't really feel old but I am conscious that time is ticking on and I definitely want another one or two children so I am hoping that things happen reasonably quickly for us.

I already have one gorgeous boy Thomas who is almost identical in age to Aimee-Lou's Earl, 16 months. I've recently come off the mini-pill, we are NTNP, and I am also symptom spotting like mad. However I am breastfeeding and haven't even got my period back yet (although that may hopefully have been due to the mini-pill) so I would actually be quite glad even to see AF. Last time round TTC I did temperature charting etc. and was quite obsessed with it all, so I would really like to take a more laid back approach this time around. So we will see how long that lasts, LOL.

I went back to work four days a week last October. I have quite a demanding job as a psychologist working in adult mental health so it's nice to have a day off during the week to spend more time with Thomas. The day off is parental leave so it only lasts for about 16 months and then I would have to go back to five days - so I definitely want to be going on maternity leave again before that happens as I really don't fancy going back five days! I hated going back to work at first but I have sort of got used to it now. But I really enjoyed maternity leave and would love to be on maternity leave again while Thomas is still quite young (although I do realize obviously it would be hard work). Also I would actually be financially better off on maternity leave as I would get full pay (five days) for six months and wouldn't have to pay for childcare or petrol.

Other than that, I'm with OH for 11 years, we're not married yet but are considering it. He works part-time as a care worker and looks after Thomas two days a week.

Nice to meet everyone!
Hi, I'm Emma, I'm 22 I run my own site and I have a 9 month old Liam. Oh was desperate not to have a large age gap in between so we have just started to NTNP this month, its a little scary but exciting at the same time!!
I'm Kacy and 27 from SC, USA. We have three children. Grayson is 6, Koulston will be 5 in July and our only girl Aubrey will be 2 next month. My husband is Mike. He is a police officer. It is actually him who wants a 4th child! I do but i am just starting to take off with my career (im a banker) and I don't really want to take a lot of time off right now. So I told him, today actually, that we won't prevent anymore. I am on CD2 of a 28-27 day cycle.
Hi, I'm Destiny 22 (23 in July) and my OH, Chris is 25 (26 in December). We live in West Sussex and we've been together for nearly 5 years. We currently have a little boy, Ryan, who turned 2 in January. We have started our NTNP journey this month after I have come off the implant - which I've had out for just over a week after having it in for two years. My OH is a shift manager (which is.. a manager of the shift) and I'm a SAHM. We're not charting as such, I'm charting my periods as I had an awful time with the implanon so just like to keep an eye on myself in that way :)
I'm Kate, live in Plymouth, Devon. I'm 28, OH 29, been together for 12 years, married almost 3 years now. Had my coil removed yesterday so the fun now begins lol! Fell preg with William pretty quick so hoping for same again......!

I work in the nhs and oh at a studio with computers and doing design work.
I'm Megan, 28, and I live in Seattle, USA. My OH and I have been married for almost 4 years, and together for 7. I'm a veterinary technician and mom to 2 cats and a dog, but no 2-legged kids yet. :) My hubby is 34 and works at a video game company as a producer.

I went off the pill in January because my dietician suspects I have PCOS, and I wanted to find out either way. I had been on the pill since I was 15, and will never go back again! We're NTNP, but hubby told me a couple nights ago that he wants to actively TTC starting in a few months. :D

Nice to meet everyone!
I'm Hannah and I'm 28 (just hanging on in there), DH is 29. We have been married since August 2009 and have been together for over 6 years. DH works ridiculous hours with his job as a Sales Manager and I'm a primary school teacher. We live in Cheshire.

We are NTNP- which is more my idea than his it must be said, but I'm positive he will be thrilled when we get our BFP!
Hey ladies! My name is Heather and I am 32, my OH and I have been together just over 6 years and will be celebrating our 5th wedding anniversary this June. We live in Kansas, I am a police dispatcher and OH is a department head for Home Depot. We have two handsome little men, Tiarnan who is 3 and Cormac who is 9 months. We are NTNP #3 and have been since AF came back after having Cormac, as we feel that when it happens it happens. I look forward to #3 joining our family as he/she will be our last.
Hey everyone! I am new to NTNP, 27 and I've been married for 5 years to my DH. I have PCOS and we would really like to have a LO soonish--I think I'm more ready than my DH. I would love to be pregnant some time this year but it might take a bit longer because of the PCOS. I am starting to get pretty broody too. Good luck to everyone!
Hiya all. I'm Dee, 20, and live in Cornwall.
Been with my OH for 3 years, over a year engaged, and living together also for over a year. OH also 20.
I work as a Customer Service Assistant in a DIY store.
Have no children, NTNP more my idea, but I know he will be so happy when we get our BFP!! Am dying to become a mum <3

Good luck to all, Baby dust <3 xxx
:Hello Ladies!!! How is everyone?? It is so nice to read everyones Bio.:hugs:

At little about me and OH... I am 23 and he is 22. We are from Louisiana, USA. We been together since high school and have been married since July of last year. I am currently studying to get my Masters in Kinesiology and will graduate in December of this year. He works for a Nuclear plant not far from here. We decided that I should get off of BC in early Feb and we would NTNP. I would like to have our first child to be born no more than 5 months after I graduate, which would give me time to spend with them before looking for a career. Just today we decided to use condoms until we go on our vaca in May. We have never really had a big vacation alone, so I don't want to be limited on what I can do and drink while on vacation. After May, I think we may move into the definite TTC group.:winkwink:

Baby Dust to everyone!!!!

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