The official cerazette missing period support thread!! *NAME CHANGE*

ah bless him definitely doesn't sound himself, allister has days where he sleeps ages in the day though think they just have phases! last day of work for me today until next wed as every other week it falls like that as i do mon tue wed and wed thurs fri following.. love being part time :D
I agree on centre parks, i find them soooooo expensive! Were looking at going to Finland in Jan and the total for all 3 of us for a week was £430 so hardly any difference.

Sophia was a lot better at nursery this week, she only had a little cry then got on with it. Her finger looks ok too, the nail never went black so hoping it stays put because a falling off nail will make me puke!!

Honey send some snow this way!! I'm sick of the rain now.

Can't wait to see pics of your house Hay.

Hows things with 2 Abbi?

Sophia threw a strop at the Co-op the other night so i had to drag her out of the shop scraping along the floor....was quite funny!

Off to do another night shift tonight zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

on a separate note....not sure if you watch Hollyoaks but John-Paul is really making me angryyyyyy
Not watched hollyoakes in years used to like it tho. Is it stil jp as in myras son?

Marcus did so well at his swimming lesson today im really proud, he used to be very good then he's been going backward by a long shot. I don't think I'm going to continue as they are sooo expensive and tbh I think I can manage now. Funny I've taught so many people to swim and I doubt my ability with my own son! Think its because my pupils were 2-3 upwards.

Hope I'm. It getting ill my stomach feels a bit ropey. I have an irrational fear of stomach bugs or anything resulting in being sick- cant believe I got thRough pregnancy only sick during that stupid gtt and in labout:haha:

Marcus is obsessed with pausing the tv its funny as if he can't fix it again he just goes Ahhhh and hands you the remote. Not sure what Ahhhh means he does it with anything he can't do, eg open so,etching you get Ahhhh and it thrust in your face. He's still boycotting any speech at all x
Hay glad your loving being pt, what do you do for a living? I'm sure you've said I just can't remember!

Samie I watch it.... The rape storyline doesn't have much credibility I don't think... It's a bit pap lol! I quite often think how ridiculous the whole programme is but then it gets good again haha!

Little bit of useless info for ya but the woman who plays grace is my father in laws step sister and I've met her loads!

Anna glad Marcus did well at swimming, I'll sign Daisy up for lessons when she is a bit older, we live close to the sea so think it's important she can swim!

ohhh i don't like that grace!
I just wish John-Paul would speak up...he never use to be a wimp!

2nd session for Sophia at nursery, 2nd cold!
I totally agree I don't understand it either! It's really frustrating :haha:

Aw bless Sophia, how did she do at nursery this time?

only a few tears they said.

She'll probably be too ill this tues to go
:hugs: it does get better same and will will be good in the long run but it is a complete pain.

Marcus was up before 6 again. I've tried a later bed time restricting his nap to an hourif he does have one, letting him napa s long as he wants, no nap doesn't seem to matter. Feel like a robot hahaha.

Some of th people on here (main forum) are majorly un hinged!! I love hOw I am a cruel neglectful mther as I have a stair gate on his room :haha: i have to as he's obsessed Witt eh bathroom, taps, can open doors and would generally cause pandemonium :dohh:

Tried to chase up his help for speech from barbie hv but not heard back yet. He used to have 7 Ish words but nothing at all In 4/5 months and I'm convinced its adding to his behaviour. He is adoreable and lovely but can be a nightmare which i know is normal but I mean full on crazy. He can't cope in a new situation where he is crowded In but if he has enough space he is ok. X
Glad she settled better, sorry to hear she probably won't be well enough to go next week, this is the bit I'm dreading about Daisy starting nursery!

Anna is it the HV you have to chase or a hospital referral?

Daisy goes through different phases with sleep, it's hard work when your tired too huh!

My friend always had a gate on her little boys bedroom and was to keep him safe too.... It's not like you use it as a prison cell so you can have a cuppa!

Think i'd start to be getting a tad concerned. He might have a problem with his ears which it the route of all this, lack of speech, late to walk (ears for balance etc...)

It's so difficult when they can't tell you the issue.
Keep pestering the G.P/HV for referrals to paediatrics for further investigations.

I have an appointment with the pain team for my pelvis....not sure its gonna help because they have never investigated the issue but hey ho! No bugger is injecting my butt, i'd rather suffer!!
I've also contacted a chriopracter who will x ray and can refer me for a MRI if she can't help =o)
Nearly 3yrs later i might be getting somewhere!
:thumbup:brill news samie let me know how you get on.

His hearing is spot on he knows he fave music, dads van. Coming, cats meow etc. he seems quite good with balance and can crawl along the balance beam at park etc but I do think its worth looking In to.

I a, concerned tbh but I'm trying nt to be as I get all upset. We got left out as he didn't walk now we get left out as he doesn't say anything or understand much so it gets really upsetting at times and everyday calls him a baby a little baby at that too which peeves me off.

I did call again on fri and told somebody will get back to me mon, if nothing by wed (work mon tues) il book in at gp.

I'm so exhausted with the not sleeping stressing over his development etc my work blah bah so trying to keep calm and drink tea x
Its so difficult because in a yr you will probably look back and wonder what you worried about but in the here and now it must be stressful. The fact he repeats the noises and has eye contact are positive things. Maybe he needs a referral to a speech therapist. shame the support isn't very good.
Knowing Marcus he will be having full on conversations by 2!

Will let you know, its march 5th.
It's hard not to worry and especially hard if your not getting the support like samie said... Do keep chasing tho it'll be worth it.

Samie I'll be interested to see what happens with the chiropractor my coccyx still isn't right and at times it's damn painful! I think it was from 2 days sAt in the same position!

I hope they can finally sort yours out for you!

Super quick post as running off to work...barbie just rang (she's a bit ditsy but always comes through at the end). She feels best way to go forwards is to refer him to a paediatrician who can check him over thoroughly etc. I got a bit worried as she mentioned they will do blood tsts etc to check for things like fragile x syndrome. I do t think she's implying he has any of these just said they tend to do it as a matter of course, still a worry tho.

I feel greatful for the help but also worried too but I know it needs looking at. She's more encouraged he's better at nursery so feels its an attention thing. There was more said but I. Tell u later xxx
Hiya just popping in to say hello! Should be doing work but can't get motivated this morning!

Betty I really love what you have done with that little chair you posted on facebook its amazing - how did you get the cushion attached to the chair?

We are busy bees decorating the house and seem to have something on every weekend so finding the time is a nightmare! I am feeling really shattered these last few weeks early nights for me!

I haven't bought anything at all for the new baby don't really need much but have a few things on my wish list. I want a buggy board for the pram so Aaron can jump on and I also want a wrap sling but can't figure out which one to buy did anyone use one? I didn't with Aaron but would love my hands free this time and with it being the summer when baby will be little I want to be able to get out and about as much as possible.

Aaron has only ever picked up chicken pox from nursery (which I am pleased is out the way) he hasn't had any colds at all so I wouldn't worry too much. He has had one cold this winter but that was off me and I caught it at work - I was dying and he wasn't even phased! I am really pleased with his nursery he loves it so much and his confidence is really coming on I think they have helped massively with his speech and social skills. He has moved into the older kids room for 2-3 year olds and loves it even more he has settled in straight away so I'm really pleased. He wanted loads of cuddles last week though when I picked him up they do a lot more learning and group activities and I think when he was downstairs he still got lots of cuddles but not anymore!!

He is completely sorted with potty training now it was definitely the right time for him and it's so much easier without nappies! The whole thing although hard for the first week was a lot easier than I expected and he is much happier not being in a nappy I can't understand why some people leave it until they are nearly 3 it nuts really.

Is anyone thinking of pre-school for their little ones when they turn 3? I know its ages off but we can't decide what to do - the times of pre-school are a nightmare with work just 3 hours a day either mornings or afternoons I don't know how people manage.

Kix the little chair seat I just put some wadding on to pad it and covered it with the oil cloth using upholsterers tacks, so the seat is the same one just padded and covered :)

We are busy decorating too an I'm shattered and I'm not expecting so kudos to you!!

I've not used a wrap sling but did make myself some ring slings and I LOVE them I wish if baby worn more when she was tiny tbh, I had a close carrier which is a hybrid between ring sling and wrap I believe, I didn't get on too well I found it cumbersome! My friend swears by the mei tai style ones, I made mini ones for all the little girls in my life for Xmas :)

Don't know if it's different in different areas but here you can choose how you 'spend' your 15 free hrs.... That's where I'll send Daisy anyway dunno if it differs from nursery to nursery also? Have you asked where he goes already?

Anna I'm really glad barbie came through for you and your getting an appointment, I'm sure all will be ok so try not to worry :hug:

Anyone have plans for valentines? It's a double anniversary for us we have been together 14 yrs and married 9! Oh works away mon-fri so we will go out Saturday to celebrate :)

I'm not sure how it works here either but il find out near the time.

No plans for valentines here hubby is on standby so might not be here til sat morning. No romantic meals for sure no babysitter haha. Might bake him some cookies to take to work.

I think abbi has been getting into wraps etc maybe pm her on FB?

I'm glad we will be getting the support or investigations too but its all very upsetting. I keep reminding myself nobody has said he has x y or z and if its just a speech delay then that's quit common and can be helped. If its something more we will deal with it he's still our little boy :hugs: it could well be he just doesn't care much for playing with people and doesn't have much to say and is bad tempered :shrug: the last week tho to was beyond a joke, it was just meltdown hitting biting headbutting lashing out throwing etc, I think its strongly linked to not understanding or communicating yet.

Glad the potty training went good kix, I wouldn't leave it til 3 out of choice but may have to depending how he develops as right now he is not at all ready and lacks the communication and understanding, he wouldn't even kick up if he has a dirty nappy yet :dohh:

Hs funny keeps taking off his fleecy bed suit. He tries to out of shoes too he can't quite do his but can out ours on :haha:

Hey everyone.
Anna glad they're sorting a referral for marcus, I'm sure it will be something n nothing and can be sorted in time.
Sam hope they sort your pain.
Kix glad you're well, potty training is really different for every child and having had 4 I really think you shouldn't encourage it to the child unless they're ready. My eldest wasready by 18months n hhealth visitor was mortified he was using a potty as she said their bladder wasn't mature etc but he was dry not only in the day but night too. My other 2 middle ones were ready just before they turned 3. Ollie would probably have managed it well before now but as he had about 6 months of diarrhoea up to 12 times a day it hasn't been possible. They are all so different as are parent's opinions!!! Reckon once we've sorted ollies medical issues potty training will be a breeze. Glad you've got shot of one lot of nappies before your next lot!!!
Christ that was quite a waffle lmao.
:hugs: oh no is ollie ok? Is it something he is adjusting to with the move or is it likely an intolerance or something? Poor little boy hope he's not too sore from it all :flower:

Got a chance to see his key worker and she said he only head buts at nursery when children are close to him. He does seem to have issues with being confined or children too close. He will oly have hugs on his terms too. Hoping its jet a boundary issue for him and as he gets words he will be ok. He is very much focused on what he sees to be right and nothing else is wrong and not happening. I think that can be just regular toddler behaviour tbh so I'm just soldiering on.

There was a fair bit of snow on way home the. It stopped, no sledge :cry:

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