The official cerazette missing period support thread!! *NAME CHANGE*

Thanks Anna he'll be fine. Think he wasn't eating enough solids which caused the severe anaemia I'm thinking that possibly caused the diarrhoea and now the iron drops are making his stools looser. There have been occasions where he was so raw he would be shaking and sobbing at the mention of having his nappy changed. I'm sure Marcus will be fine once his speech improves.
Honey I think your right each child is different, my nephew was a breeze and was potty trained v quick but my niece was a nightmare! Both raised the same and potty trained the same!

Daisy has been showing a real interest in the big toilet she says 'wee wee' and points so I've been sitting her on it and today she did a little wee! Totally coincidental but we had a party all the same :haha:

Anna is Marcus totally mute? Or does he say some words?

Hi all..

re the potty training i think i would be starting around now, but with the house situation i feel it wouldn't be fair so i am going to wait until he spring time to start which I think is fine, he tells me if he has done a poo, but he doesn't if he has wee'd.
he will be going to pre school in september, as they start at 2 1/2 3 days a week only 9-11 at moment but now it has moved i think it will be 9-1 which will be better and suit me and then when hes 3 it will be 5 days a week.

betty i do payroll for a care company :)

i can't wait to show all pictures of house lol will be making a facebook album once its all done! :haha: hope we have a nice summer so we can spend it in the garden and on the beach :D although now the sea has destroyed the track over from us I don't think we will have access to beach that way for a while as they've closed it all off. but can still walk elsewhere.

i have got him a little tikes push n ride sports car thing now, as sometimes he is a pain wanting to be picked up and he is obsessed with cars, so if he doesn't want to walk at least i can just use that and it has the push handle at back and the boot has space for things lol so he should love it, and managed to get one off ebay delivered for £22 and new they are like £40-50 so pleased with that :)
:hugs: poor ollie I know we had bad nappy rash issues for 12months tho prob not as bad as it wasn't from the runs but its heartbreaking isn't it.

Well done little daisy on the big toilet. Marcus is obsessed with the bathroom only because he likes the cupboard and sink. If I am on the toilet sometimes he will get u some paper and stand there waiting until I take his bit he got u :dohh:

He is totally mute but does vocalise. It's not babble more random noises like if the tv is broken u get the remote and ah. He sort of makes noises like gasping in when suprised its hard to explain what he does. He doesn't make any attempt to try words yet. He does laugh and things with u he's not un interactive.

The car sounds great hay and I'm looking forward to house pics too.

We are acing the day In now since I took him out and he fell asleep and its so blooming wet and cold. Being nasty and have tv on whilst I have a drink then I think we will do some crafts x
Hello ladies!!! It's been a while... A very long while!! Finley is 6months old now. 28 weeks in fact!! Hope you can see the attached piccie :)
Sinn and Diddums your babies are gorgeous... Managed to read back a few pages to catch up a little!! So is anyone else due in here or trying to conceive? What's the gossip?! Xxx


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Hi Louja! Nice to see a post from you!
Finley is gorgeous!! How are you enjoying mummy hood?

I think the only pregnant one is pink! She is expecting baby number 3 :)

I am absolutely loving being a mummy... Best job in the world, he's such a happy baby!! I think he is rather gorgeous, but I'm biased :)
Awww congrats Pink!! I'd love another baby soon :) xxx
And kix! Plus Abby had baby 2 :hugs:

I'd love another but I've a lot of reservations, I don't have any support network so not even had an evening out with hubby so worry how I would manage. Also mr moo has faced a lot of challenges which have been tough and I'm finally getting somewhere with them now. Plus it is the cost.

On the flip side few people have 1 child so I feel I'm doing so,ethi g wrong then.

Nothing exciting here except for my irrational addiction to cloth nappies now :haha: so glad I did t start as a new born i wold have loads! I have to admit though not for everyone I'm not finding it any bother at all. I use washable pant liners and wipes anyway so I just throw them in with that wash.

I oly switched as he is goi g to be a lattoilet trainer I feel so got a bargain and hope to save a bit .

How is everyone I check in often but its been quiet x
:hugs: I never. Sid how cut his pictures were sorry :blush: love his little red cheeks is it the start of teething :cry:

We have back teeth on rout the final hurdle. He keeps shoving his fingers to them and the. Being sick :dohh:
Hi Anna,
Yeah he's teething... Has been for a while but still no sign of any white peggies yet, sure they'll come soon enough!! Xx
I keep checking in and no one has posted.
George too is now 6months. Same as Finley.
He's a very sleepy baby. Still sleeps a lot in the day.
He also has heart disease so wi be having open heart surgery but that will be reviewed at the end of the year.


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Sara that must be such a worry, when will be have the surgery?

I look in on here a few times a day but nobody seems to post anymore :cry:

He will be reviewed in 9 months I I assume surgery will be next year.
He's also been clinically diagnosed with Noonans symdrome which is why his heart is the way it is. So we are waiting on a genetics test. And before anyone asks me what it is I really don't know yet ha ha. We haven't actually had a meeting with the drs about it yet and I have kept away from google.
Sara good idea to keep away from google, at least you can ask the doctor questions and get answers relevant to you, I'm guessing you will be seeing the specialist soon?

Actually we have no idea. We received a copy of the letter from the consultant (heart) to the paediatrician (who looks after George because he was early etc) and it states that it might be an idea to be referred to a geneticist. But we haven't heard any news on that.
George is due to see the paediatrician in June, but this appt was booked before we found out about the NS so I am hoping we will know before then. If not I guess I'll be asking in that appt.

With the consultant it was a very of the cuff remark - 'you can see he has NS just by looking at him'

Ideally I want to see a geneticist, then for Alex and I to be tested. Hopefully see a specialist but I have no idea where to start in terms of who do I ask x
:hugs: I had to google I'm afraid as it had such a random name. I kept thinking of the noonoo thing in teletubies :dohh:

I think seeing the geneticist is best as they are experts. It's frustrating getting the appointments. If u caught up on my dramas we are at the neurologist soon tho we were meant to be fast tracked as after referral he had several fits. I've heard nothing so waiting on 8th April!

He looks a happy chap in his picture :thumbup: sometimes its hard when they are a little different but it gets easier :hugs:

How is daisy Betty? We are back to mute boy oh no has gone :shrug:
Exactly Sara he is perfect! Hope you get some answers soon if for nothing other than peace of mind and a plan!
Keep us updated on him won't you please?

Anna Daisy is fab thanks, learning new things all the time she can recognise some colours and counts now too! Seriously having to watch what I say as she tries to copy everything :haha:

So 8th April is his appointment? What do you expect will happen?

Saw on fb you been sewing again, what have you made?


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