Hi all..
re the potty training i think i would be starting around now, but with the house situation i feel it wouldn't be fair so i am going to wait until he spring time to start which I think is fine, he tells me if he has done a poo, but he doesn't if he has wee'd.
he will be going to pre school in september, as they start at 2 1/2 3 days a week only 9-11 at moment but now it has moved i think it will be 9-1 which will be better and suit me and then when hes 3 it will be 5 days a week.
betty i do payroll for a care company
i can't wait to show all pictures of house lol will be making a facebook album once its all done!

hope we have a nice summer so we can spend it in the garden and on the beach

although now the sea has destroyed the track over from us I don't think we will have access to beach that way for a while as they've closed it all off. but can still walk elsewhere.
i have got him a little tikes push n ride sports car thing now, as sometimes he is a pain wanting to be picked up and he is obsessed with cars, so if he doesn't want to walk at least i can just use that and it has the push handle at back and the boot has space for things lol so he should love it, and managed to get one off ebay delivered for £22 and new they are like £40-50 so pleased with that