Wrote a huge reply yesterday and its not posted....
Don't blame u on the uk break sam hope you have fun.
Hv reakons should teach him to wee standing and nt sitting..I think that will be a bit complicate for him tho he likes to wee in bath standing. Might get potty for downstairs as no additional loo here, we are poor people u know

and try to encourage toilet where possible.
I start sign language next week

he will say daddy gen (again) more look oh dear/oh no up and down. He uses these most, he can say cat yeah and no hiya but doesn't use them much. For Marcus that's quite a bit tho obv I understand he's still a long way behind. Is annoying he doesn't say mum or mummy but I know he will one day. He has improved massively on his understanding and even tolerates people more.
We have had the diagnosis of sensory processing disorder and epilepsy now. I'm so proud of how he is doi g tho his running is terrible

for a child who couldn't walk he outruns everyone I need a bloomin Segway to keep up!
How is everyone doing? I've got lots of Santa things for Marcus now all ready

mil has annoyed me now telling me he doesn't need anything major ( true) so she will be buying him lots of small toys in a big bag,...err like a Santa sack?! Just feels like its always a competition it annoys me. To be fair whilst I'm not driving everything annoys me never thougt I would be so bitter
