The official cerazette missing period support thread!! *NAME CHANGE*

:flower: I'm here!

Nothing exciting going on really,

Marc's now says look when he points (sometimes) and says go before he runs off. Seriously, this boy can Can't believe he's not quite 6 months walking he's like a sprinter :dohh: he randomly points to pictures of cats but never the actual cats and says caa for cat. The words aren't clear but they are a start, sadly tho he's lost mama and daddy and oh no again :shrug:

He is beign referred to OT to try and help with his aggression. The intervention lady saw him go off on one, have two seizures and play like a good boy all in one hour :haha:

His tolerance and interaction with others is improving so that's great news but each time we go anywhere, family, drs, library anything he has a complete meltdown but given time he comes round.

Much going on in the world of motherhood for others? Xxx
Hello lovely ladies!
How are you all? I'm sorry I haven't been on so much since becoming a Mummy... thought I would update you with my story and see how you all are doing?!
Any bumps or ttc? Any new ladies?
Finley is now just over 10 months old... trying desperately to walk.
I actually got pregnant again when he was 2 months old as we wanted babies close together. Unfortunately I miscarried at 10 weeks, Dec 13. I have been trying to conceive ever since with an irregular cycle of 25-29 days. I am now on day 29 and no AF and no BFP... don't really know where I am at really!
Loving being a Mummy but I am broody for more.
How are everybodies' babies and children?
Anna have you had the results from his asleep EEG yet?

What seizures is he having? Still abscence?

Louja great to see a post from you, glad you are enjoying being a mummy, sorry to hear you had a miscarriage, perhaps you haven't got your bfp yet as you ov later in a longer cycle? Perhaps your bfp is due?

We went to drusillas today for Daisy's birthday, it was absolutely fabulous!! Thoroughly enjoyed it and are exhausted now!!

:growlmad: still no pictures lol :haha:

It's still absences he has and no results yet as they go to his consultant who we see 15th July :shrug: he looks so sad when he has an absence as he just blanks off and looks sullen but he's fine right after :thumbup:

My sister was horrific with them she seriously seemed to have more seizures than she was not :dohh: she outgrew them tho and much better now very rarely happens.

Anyone got any excitement going on? I'm on birthday countdown for Marcus,I hope he likes his things. The tool bench has doors, a light and a pruned Hoover attached to the end so he should be happy. Hilarious at the park today the climbing frame has a bar over the top of side if that makes sense ( think its so you don't fall down) he walks up, hands on brand swings to throw himself down this slide :wacko: like sas toddler :rofl: this other child wanted a go so climbed up the frame, Marcus froze and was standing there saying no no no no no , poor child thought he meant no he can't play on it so I had to explain he means don't go near him,he is funny! Oh and hills....he was running so fast down the steepest hills laughing his head off.

If any of you have seen the film wrong turn, the little hillbilly with no hair that sort of cackles and runs around like a lunatic....that's Marcus :haha:
Ah I see Anna, well hopefully the 15th will shed some light for you!

I've not seen the film you mentioned but can imagine lol!

Nothing majorly exciting happening now, my 30th in 3 weeks but that's a while yet :haha:

I cant believe this thread is still going! Thought i would pop in and say hello :) i was part of the thread back in 2010! Just to let you know i have gone on to have 2 more boys since then :) so dont loose hope, that nasty pill will be out of your systems in no time! Betty i remember you! Happy to see you also have a lo now :) my boys are 6, 3 and 22 months now, hubby actually had a vasectomy but has now had it reversed and we are hoping for number 4 soon x x
Oh my gosh elmo!! Good to 'see' you!

I can't believe you have three little ones! Congratulations!

Yup I have a 2 yr old little lady called Daisy, needed a little help but got there in the end!

Has the reversal worked? Are you ttc now?

The reversal has worked technically speaking! Wont know for certain till his sperm analysis after 3 months. But hope to start ttc soon! I love her name :) xx
Aw thank you.... She was Daisy loooong before she was even conceived :haha:

How long ago did he have it done? Do you have to wait to ttc until after the analysis?

Hope you aren't waiting too long for your bfp!

It will have been two weeks this tuesday, no we dont have to wait, would be fantastic to not need the analysis but seems unlikely that it will happen so soon. Cant wait to get started :) just waiting for af to bugger off, any day now! x
Would be fab if you didn't need it huh! I'll keep everything crossed for you that it happens quickly!

Any ladies back on cerazette? Or cerelle as it's now called?

:hugs: been on it since about 3 month pp here .

Marcus had a complete breakdown today on the dining table ( he climbs on the chair to get up n it the. He can reach ten cat tower) he's pointing shouting look, cat and getting really wound up over it. I kept saying yes there the cats on their tower but he's shaking his head stamping he feet yelling look cat...turned it there was a cat on the back fence :haha:

He can say look,cat , no and go now. That's quite a lot for him. He's lost mumma and daddy and yeah again now tho not had them in weeks :dohh: he mainly just says look and Points at stuff. He says go when about to run off :wacko:
I've been back on it a fair while now too I'd say probably a little over a year (didn't need it before as was bf)

I've been getting loads and loads of migraines, just wondered if anyone else was? I super limited on contraception as my family have a close history of DVT so options to change aren't very high....

Anna that's cute bless him, it's even a little sentence! I know it probably not funny to you but it sounds cute he says go before he runs! Xxx
:haha: it is funny, he stands at on rend of the room and sort f says e, e, go then runs!

I haven't had any migraines a few bad headaches here and there but nit masses.

I'm fat so limited too. The implant im not sure on and the coil scares me!
I've been lurking but nothing to say again =o)

When do you get Marcus' results?

I'm on no contraception, was sick of putting stuff in that wasn't meant to be there.

I've stopped slimming world for a bit as had totally lost focus and was wasting my time and money. I've been away a month and put on 4 lb!!!! I need to get back asap, just need motivation!

Have a short week this week at work, only 2 shifts =o)
Becoming obsessed with looking at hols now i just need to know we're going.

How is everyone?

:haha: just choked on tea at sticking things in me that weren't meant to be there lol!

I'm stopping sw this week I've lost all focus too and wasting money :dohh: I'm thinking of going back to ww. I lost over 5 st pre baby with them and felt less restricted. I think I eat too much on sw because I can :nope:

Go for results next tues, and a sort of review. I'd just like to know where we are, if we are still heading in additional needs direction, if he's just lazy etc. I accept whatever I just hate being in limbo.

He's just started waving, like today was the first time he ever waved to me bye bye! The professionals can be quite wishy washy nobody sits down and says he is def behind in x y and z. Im just pottering along with the journey, we go a few steps forward and several back but I'm finding it all so much better to deal with now. We go to a group too,mthe other 3 toddlers are downs. I'm not preaching I know we are have diff views on this but these kids were fab!! Absolutely a blast, Marcus was a bit overwhelmed as they were very in his space but nobody got attacked whinc means its a success! They are helped with where to go fir tips etc.

Betty, cp sherwood, yey or ney? We do the lakes normally fancy a change. Sam, take her to Disney!!
Aw Anna that sounds adorable!

would have implanon but I get keloid scarring so I can't as they have to cut you :wacko:
And my surgery won't give you a coil unless you don't want any more babies!

Think I might book an appointment to have a chat about the migraines?

Samie I would love to not take anything but I was advised to as it controls the PCOS!

I need to catch up to the wagon too :haha: I'm not having much luck but no point unless you are in the zone!

Where do you think you will go to?

All ok here Daisy is a parrot now copies everything she sees and hears! She is a pickle now and when we count she says 1..2...6 then laughs! She can count properly but she is a clown and thinks it's funny!

Anna we cross posted!

I think once you have some answers you will move forward and so will Marcus! Remember he is perfect no matter what!

Sherwood cp is fab! We've only been once as it's a LOOOOONG Way from us but was brill!

Hi ladies, sorry it's been so long. Keeping busy these days and it's easier for me to log onto Facebook.

All is good with me. Katie is almost 8 months old and still bf. I'm not currently in any contraception and won't be as ntnp. Although no af yet anyway.

Betty, it's not actually true that BC controls PCOS. can also make it worse as introduces synthetic chemicals. Most GPs just don't know better so automatically suggest BC.

Hope everyone is ok xxx
Oh diddums is that right!?! That would explain A LOT!!

I had a scan a while ago as I've been getting lots of lower abdo pain and sporadic bright red spotting.. There was nothing on the scan that would cause it so the sonographer said that I most likely had a cyst that got big and burst... It's happened a few times since as well...

Glad you are getting on well and katie is still bf, she is adorable from all the pics and vids you post :)


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