**The Pet Group**

Updated!! :D:D

So does anyone have any funny stories about their pets? :flower:
I think Luna is a wannabe cake maker!! I wanted to make a cake one night but didn't have any eggs. Went to the shop and when I got back there was flour EVERYWHERE!

Luna swears she didn't do it...

(excuse the muddy settee, the leather one was used purely for the dogs)


My akita Mia got stuck in our banister the morning after we brought her home. I was in bed and DH had gone to work and i heard her whining so assumed she was whining coz my hubby had left for work anyway a while later she was still whining so i went to check on her and shes hanging down the stairs she'd tried to get through the bars but her hips were too wide and i couldnt get her out myself i had to dash round to the neighbours and ask for help in just my dressing gown with nothing on underneath it lol.

This weekend we left her at home for the day while we went to visit my parents and she decided she wanted to help decorate the hallway and she opened a tin of paint and nicely painted my carpet for me!

I have loads more stories about her but i'd be here all day lol

My cat Jerry likes to go on the evening walk with my DH and Mia. My husband gets some funny looks from people though lol
sequeena- Aww and you have evidence with the pictures so if you ever need to bring it up later to remind her she's bad, you can. :winkwink:

Boony- OMG at the paint all over the carpet!! :shock: I would've been so angry at the time! And getting stuck in the banister. :rofl: You know we tried to walk our cat once and she didn't like it very much. :haha: We put a leash on her and everything but she HATED it. It was good for a giggle though.

I have a hard time remembering stories right off the top of my head but when we first moved to our apartment, we kept playing a joke on roxy. There is a sliding glass door at the back of the house and also a screen door on it. So we would have the screen door shut at night and we would open the sliding door and get roxy all excited to go outside. She'd leap out real fast only to realize the screen door was shut and she'd slam into it. :rofl: Mean of us I know. :haha:

I don't have any funny ones of Diesel yet because we've only had him about a month and a half. I'm sure something will happen though. :haha:
We came home one time after being out for a few hours and caught roxy up on the coffee table just standing there. :rofl: I wonder what she was doing but when she saw us come in her ears tucked down and she dropped her tail down inbetween her legs. She knew she was in trouble. :rofl: She always hunches down and gets this sad look on her face when we catch her being bad. :haha:

I wonder what they do when we aren't home. I should set up a hidden camera. :D
Benji does that hunch down puppy dog look he usually is pretty good @ going outside but sometimes he has accidents. oh in my 1st tri i had four dogs in my apt(pet sitting) and i was bed ridden with that 24hour flu but it was hell since i was pregnant(which i didnt know i was) and my poor poor apt was a mess boxes and trash every where! it was really bad our carpet never recovered. lol
EDIT- benji just wait by the dog and whines he hates being alone
I think roxy sleeps when we are gone but now that we have Diesel they just stay outside while we are gone so I think they play back there. :D

I'm proud to say Diesel hasn't had an accident for 4 days now! He even scratches at the door when he wants out! :happydance::happydance: He's not even 4 months yet so I'm amazed! We trained roxy to go on pee pee pads. Big mistake because now she sees a rug and thinks it's okay to pee on. Although she hasn't done that in months. :dohh: Thank goodness Diesel has never once pooped on our floor. Only pee. But I was starting to get sick of the puppy pee smell in my house. :haha:
yea the puppy pads are horrible! benji was pad trian and so for a while he would pee on anything on the floor! clothes rugs anything! but i broke him of that so he knows better haha when i say "Naughty Potty" he gets this look like "OH S***" lol
:rofl: naughty potty. :D

It's funny because they push those potty pads on people. We adopted Diesel at petsmart and they were like 'dont forget the potty pads!'. :roll: I'm not making that mistake again. I will deal with puppy accidents until he learns to scratch at the door to go out. I'm old school about potty training though. They say to crate train them and all that but it didn't work for me very well because diesel just peed on his bed in the crate. So if he has an accident, I rub his nose in it, pat his butt and tell him he's bad and put him out. When he goes outside, I praise him and rub him down and tell him how good he is. So although my way is probably mean to some people, it did the trick! :shrug:
thats what i did! i spank that booty! lol the other ways never worked!
Okay good! I wondered if I was some animal abuser for doing it that way. :rofl: I was almost scared to say it. :haha: I always joke with Dh that when we potty train Emma I'm gonna rub her nose in it. LMAO! I know I"m awful. It's funny to picture though. :rofl:
hahahah omg! im not looking forward to potty training emma i heard it hard. lol
Yeah I heard it's pretty hard too. Emma has a little potty and sometimes she'll sit on it but so far no pee or anything in it. I figure I'll just let her get used to it for a while first. I was just talking to my mom today about how to potty train kids. She said I just did it on my own but my brother took forever to learn. Emma already knows when she has to go because she walks over to the dining room table and climbs under it and sits there and poops. :rofl: It's her 'spot'. I always know to grab a diaper when she goes under there. LOL!
hahah isnt it strange how they go hide when they poop? my cuzn baby did that!
Yeah it is! I had a girl over today who has an almost 3 year old. And he just poops randomly. She said he doesn't even care and just does it wherever. She said he won't potty train at all. She's tried 3 times now. :shock: He pooped today just while playing with toys and didn't even stop and just kept playing. It was crazy! I think when they start recognizing what they are doing, that is when they start being ready to potty train.
o my have u change a 2yr or 3yr olds diaper?! its horrible i gag when i had to do it. its GROSS
:rofl: Emma's started getting gross once we started solids. :sick: But with an older kid there is just a lot MORE of it and it's even worse. I changed my nieces when I was back home. She was like 20 months old at the time. I had to hold myself back from gagging. I think it's different when it's your own kid though because Emma's has never made me gag and she's had some nasty ones. :wacko:
hey only just seen this i have a 13 Month old GSD bitch called roxy :thumbup:

When we first got her:

Playing with her friend in the lake:

Getting her teeth checked by kyle lol:
The paint wasnt too bad i couldnt be bothered to be annoyed we got back home really late and i was knackered so just went to bed and hubby cleared it up. luckily it was only emulsion not gloss so it came out really easily.

Mia is toilet trained but she tends to wee on the carpet on purpose as if to punish us for leaving her etc. she did it this morning after my dh had gone to work and i was still in bed i heard her scratching at the stair gate so i got up and then just as i opened the bedroom door i heard her get into the living room by the time i got downstairs not even a minute later she'd peed on the carpet I was so mad i shut her back in the Kitchen and locked the door and shes still there now. My husband had only been gone an hour so its not like she was desperate!!!

I cant wait till we move house next thursday we've bought a huge dog run that we can attach to the wall so she can have the utility room with the door open so she can get outside whenever she wants without escaping out the garden.

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