I don't think anyone that hasn't had swine flu can comment on the difference between the two!
errm we all have swine flu at the moment and it is not like regular flu at all.... ive never hurt so much muscle cramps vomiting, headaches, dizzyness...dont play it down its really vile.
Once youve had it are you less likely to catch it again does anyone know?
Please help me!
Im 16 weeks pregnant and recently i have been hearing of lots of people in my local area coming down with swine flu, this has scared me to the point that i dont like leaving the house unless absolutely necessary as i dont want to catch it and it harm myself and the baby.
Please can someone help by giving me reassurance or by sharing any info or experiences i would really appreciate it
its not as bad as the media are saying but its not like regular seasonal flu either. ive been so ill ive not been able to hold my baby through fear of dropping her (dizzyness) ive been in bed with my laptop and one eye open.