I've been meaning to do this for ages...
Baking soda test: Fizzed. BOY
Salt test: I have not done this one N/A
Ramzi theory: In the centre
.yes I scrustinised the scan image. N/A
Ring test: In circles. GIRL
Headaches: Same as before. GIRL
Morning sickness: Yes, bad m/s (but not as bad as my daughter). Im 15 weeks and starting to feel better. GIRL
Beauty: The beast. GIRL
Where's the bump?: Not big enough yet. N/A
Where's the weight?: Evenly. GIRL
Cold hand & feet: Warmer GIRL
Sleep position: Right but I did before too. GIRL
Pillow position: ? N/A
What do you crave?: Both salty and sweet. BOY AND GIRL

How fast is babys heart beating?: Greater than 140. GIRL
Chinese calendar: Predicted Girl
Mayan Calendar: Predicted Boy
Did your spouse gain weight? Dont know.
The Key Test: Dont know
Did your chest change?: Bosoms )) GIRL
Along with the size of your chest, how are your breasts?: Left larger but it is anyway. GIRL
How is your hair growing?: No difference. GIRL
What color is your pee?: Bright Yellow BOY
Are you moody? Yes GIRL
How is your balance?: Clumsy BOY
What does the vein in your left eye look like?: It makes a V GIRL
Nub Theory: 13+1 week scan: GIRL

16 and

I find out at the end of August.