I was/am an unexplained infertility case. They also give this label to women who have conceived multiple times with multiple losses. So I'm unexplained times 2. I've had periods where I get pregnant extremely easily but then go on to lose them around the 11-13 weeks mark, and then I have loooonnnngggg periods of time when I just don't get pregnant at all despite the use of fertility meds.
I've had the HSG which showed everything was open and clear and perfect. I've had a laparoscopy and hysteroscopy and no abnormalities were found. I had monthly day 21 progesterone testing done and it came up normal on all but like 3 occassions (but everyone has an-ovulatory months anyways). I've had every sort of blood test under the sun and I had an abnormal blood clotting test once, after one of the later losses. They've done chromosone analysis on the baby's tissue to see if there is an underlying condition, and he came up fine. I have had a complete chromosonal analysis done on me and I came up perfectly fine. Hubby has had 2 S/A done, and although they weren't great, they said it shouldn't be a factor in the losses or the lack of pregnancies. I've done rounds of Clomid and had nothing happen, and I've had 2 rounds of Clomid that resulted in BFPs; both were on a 1st time but seperated by over 3 years.
Apparently both me and hubby are completely normal so we have been shuffled into the unexplained category. IVF was discussed with us, but apparently as unexplaineds, we had a slim shot of it working, and we didn't have the 10,000.00. IUI was discussed but once again, without a diagnosis we had a slim chance of it working. We discussed donor sperm, but hubby was really against it. We discussed washing his sperm and doing an IUI, but couldn't come up with the money... So then we were told maybe we'd make good foster parents...
I'd pretty much given up, when my OB asked me to try Clomid again for just 4 months. It had been almost 3 years since my last dose, so I figured what the hell. I took it, we had sex 2 times in my fertile period, I made sure to elevate my hips for 30 minutes after both times. We abstained from intercourse in the TWW. When I was 4 days late, I figured it was just the Clomid, but took a test anyways.... and it was a fricking positive. Blew me away!
Sometimes being unexplained means it just happens one day. I went from June 2007, to July 2009 before getting a BFP, and it ended after 5 days. And from August 2009, to March 2010 until I got another BFP. So I've also had my long periods of not conceiving despite doing everything right.
Keep your heads up girls. Oh and Preseed has worked for me twice before, just in case anyone is thinking about hostile cervical mucous. We also don't use saliva as a lubricant as this can apparently kill sperm. I bought the OVWatch as well, and despite rave reviews, it never accurately predicted ovulation for me, neither did First Response Ovulation sticks, or the Clearblue Digital sticks. I ended up having to use just the plain old Clearblue non-digital sticks. I also stopped doing temps on this cycle as I was just plain tired of it, and quite honestly, when they say relax, I think that works. Easier said than done I know... unless you are so exhausted from work that you fall asleep while doing the deed... which I did do this cycle. Not even joking, and yes I felt terrible for doing that, but what the heck, it resulted in a BFP.