Why does FOB take Finn to his exs? Sorry if thats really nosy of me
Is Finn OK when he's out with FOB on his own? How often does he see him?
Sorry for questions, I need Lola to stop screaming every time FOB looks at her!!
he has a daughter with her, ive always managed to get around him taking him to her house, but tomorrow hes picking finn up then beth then goin to his mums, i cant even try and get around it as it would make no sense as beths is on the way to his mums
I dont know what hes like when hes on his own with him, im not there, tho i wish i was a fly on the wall!!!
he sees him once maybe twice a week, finn knows who he is now (though it took him til 4 months!) and he smiles when he sees him (grrrrr) mainly cos he knows its play time! hes taken him out about 5 or 6 times? and finn always seems fine when he gets back! i snap at fob a bit tho as he gets him really overtired and im the one who has to deal with it when he gets back
how often is lolas dad about? the only way she'll stop it is to see him more!