they want VBAC i would like ECS

soon to be 3

Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2011
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Hello, this may be a long post but please read as I really need some help and im so worried,
I am only nearly 15weeks but cant stop worrying and could use help, this is going to be baby no4 I had my two DD via normal delivery and then with my son I got GD and had to be induced at 38weeks so I went in to have things started and things did not go to plan, I was just not moving anywhere and stuck at 2cm the next day I went to 3cm and they broke my waters with great difficulty , but I stayed at 3cm for another 2days so they said ok enough is enough ECS it is. Now I was taken in and all set up then they started, was ok for a while but then I started to feel like I could not breath for a bit or catch a breath or swallow and after that I kind of felt like my life was slipping away, They got baby out and stuck me back together lol then took me back to my room where I started to shake uncontrollable and looked as white as a ghost my sister said she was afraid for my life, the MW said I lost a litre of blood and is why I am so weak, next day was a little better but I was in major major pain and will say that went on for around 4days. So here is what I would like to know I will be every so grateful for any help, This time they say they would like me to have a VBAC but im not sure not because I think CS is easier no way but because I have fibromyalgia a muscle, nerve illness and have chronic pain so don't think my body is strong enough to go through normal birth,
is all that happened in my ECS normal?
how much blood did you lose if any?
is a elective better then a emergency cs?
and if you have had a VBAC was it ok or do you wish you went for ECS
as a lot of people are telling me they will push non stop to make me have a VBAC. thank you so so much for your time in reading this and any help advice you can offer. xxxxx
Hi - I had a Emcs last time.

I'm not sure if I lost blood! They don't always tell you things do they! I found things went in my notes but not told to me !

Anyway- like you I didn't progress so I had c section after days of labour and I think that the c section was all the more traumatic for me and my body because I was completely exhausted from the labour !!

Therefore I am hoping to have an emcs this time around . I just think that the exhaustion caused it to be traumatic and I also got a nasty uterus infection after which again I think could have been avoided had they decided to go for section earlier .

So I dont have the answers for you but I do think a planned section would be better than having failed labour then a section if you think that's likey to happen to you as I feel that it will probably happen to me again !

Have you been pushy back? Made it clear you want a section ? Are u in uk?
hello, thank you for your reply, I do think you are right and that from such a long labour it just made the C-section much more frightening and hard to cope with after.
I have seen some MW who say not a problem have a ecs but I saw a consultant yesterday who says nope think VBAC will be better for you as there is a chance you could have a bleed this time again and bigger.

I am like you and do not want to go through another long labour and have it anyway!!!

I don't see the VBAC until march but some MW told me they are very pushy for VBAC so be careful, that is why im keen to learn others stories before I go.

I am in the UK, good luck honey hope your one goes to plan and all works out well. xxx
I'm in the UK and had an EMCS for my first birth and just a week ago an elective section.

Like you I didn't want to go through labour again just to end in an emergency section. Both my consultant and my midwife said I was a good candidate for VBAC but ultimately it was decision. I thought about it but went with my gut instinct which was an elective. I saw the consultant again at 36 weeks where I shared my decision - no problem they said and it was booked and sorted within 5 minutes! I'd been so scared I'd have fight on my hands but it was all so easy!

On my EMCS I lost 1l of blood and had the shakes pretty bad but that's more about the spinal than blood loss. Luckily I have a high blood count so didn't require a transfusion and was out of hospital the next day.

For my elective last week I lost 800ml of blood - again I was told it was quite a lot but I still didn't need the transfusion and the spinal shakes weren't so bad. The elective was a much calmer experience the Drs were all talking to me all the way through like I was just having a routine appointment! Mentally it was worse in a way as I was much more aware of what was happening but it was by no means bad and it's far less stressful. Again I came out of hospital the next day and 1 week on I feel great. A bit of swelling still and a bit sore but we're getting out and about and enjoying our new daughter.

Hope that helps
hi, Thank you so much, that really has helped and you got to go home the next day both times, how did you get them to allow this? see as I have health concerns my partner is my main carer so if I have to stay in for 4days again I wouldn't cope without him and of course they wont allow him to stay on a all women's ward, I am so happy your C-section went well I feel much better about going with my gut instinct now! congratulations on your baby I wish you all the best. xxx
I have had an Emergency C-Section and a VBAC. My C-Section was due to my second son being premature and breech. It all happened so fast, but there was no issues. I am not sure how much blood I lost, but I know it wasn't more than normal. I felt fine during and after the procedure. I don't think what you experienced was "normal."

I went on to have my 3rd son and requested a VBAC. It was great. It was all natural, and although I did tear a few times, I would definitely choose it over my ECS any day. I had no problems, and I loved being able to care for my baby immediately without being in pain every time I stood up.
hi, Thank you so much, that really has helped and you got to go home the next day both times, how did you get them to allow this? see as I have health concerns my partner is my main carer so if I have to stay in for 4days again I wouldn't cope without him and of course they wont allow him to stay on a all women's ward, I am so happy your C-section went well I feel much better about going with my gut instinct now! congratulations on your baby I wish you all the best. xxx

Thank you :flower:

I asked to be discharged both times - that's how I got home early! I've been lucky though with both my sections I've been pretty mobile after surgery and have no other health complications. They were happy to let me go providing baby and myself were well.

At my hospital this time we were in a private room, with a guest bed that my DH stayed on, could you see if that was an option in your maternity ward?
hello, thank you for reply, I will most defiantly be asking about a room so OH can stay, now I know it is aloud, just I am in London and the maternity unit gets so busy but worth asking ill tell them its that or I am going home lol feel so much better talking to you ladies now! as been through same thing, Thanks hunni. xxx and thank you ladies xxx
not read others comments so sorry if I repeat something someone has already said.

my first was an EMCS I lost almost 900ml, I remember being asked if I felt ok and being asked if I felt dizzy, I remember hearing one of the nurses say my blood pressure was very low. I had a mid wife check on me every half an hour after my section. making sure my blood pressure had come back up.

my second was an eletive, its so much more relaxed, I lost only around 250ml of blood then, but did get quite dizzy, I could see on the monitor that my blood pressure had dropped to around 64/46. they still checked on me every half an hour but not for as long, I was out the next day which almost didn't happen as I had break through bleeding. my EMCS I was out after 2 days.

they can't push you into anything you don't want.
I told my midwife I wanted another section mainly because of the small age gap and that I felt it was safer to do another section, but if I was to go into labour before my section date then to let me try vbac. turned out I ended up in very slow labour from 33 weeks to 39 weeks. contracted most days they were irregular so there was nothing they could do, at 37 weeks I had to stay in over night where they monitored me they had put me on the list for a section to happen the next day but contractions stopped so was sent home.

just remember its YOUR body, they can not force you to do VBAC if that is something you feel is unsafe for you to do.
Hello, just wanted to say a big thank you for all your stories they have made me feel much better in sticking with my gut instincts and a lot better in being brave and getting through this, so thank you xxx
in the UK if youve had a csection it is up to you if you want another one hun, not matter what they suggest, you have the final say. dont be pushed into something you dont want to do xxx
I'm not sure that they will go all out to push a vbac as you have been told. They certainly haven't with me. Although I had an emcs after failing to progress with dd it wasn't particularly traumati, not pleasant but not terrible. I had to stay for 5 days due to feeding issues but I recovered well. I did get spinal shakes from the block though.
This time I requested an elective straight away. My consultant asked my reasons but said she wasn't going to refuse just interested to know why I wanted one. I have had my date provisionally booked since 24 weeks and confirmed since 30 weeks. Going in on Weds. As pp stated if you have had a precious emergency section they do not refuse an elective here. They might try to persuade you to try vbac but you don't have to xx
I lost a lot of blood onbmy first section. I tried for a vbac second time but i wouldn't dilate so had another section at 40+10. Its your right to choose I let them talk me into a vbac. Stick with ur gut instinct x
Once again thanks ladies. Good to know they cant turn me down here in the uk and also to know im not alone with the blood loss and shakes, I also think I would go VBAC and end up ECS so thanks to all you lovely ladies my mind is made up and I will stick with C-section. THANK YOU

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