They're forcing me to wean her


Mommy to Lil Mackenzie
Nov 2, 2013
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Ok, so the title is a little self-explanatory but let me first explain...

I'm 18, a mother to a 4 month old (she literally turned four months yesterday) and I still live with my parents. I breastfeed my daughter and express milk for when I'm at school. I'm in matric (my final year of school) and my final exams end on November 25th.

My parents are forcing me to start weaning my daughter. I don't feel like she's ready because all of the cereal boxes say from 6 months up and, honestly, she is just fine on BM alone. I know well when I say she loves BM. It's clear in her facial expression when she drinks milk compared to when she drinks formula.

Also, he tries to force me to give her water while all info I have seen says that water for babies under 6 months is dangerous.

Am I wrong for this? Is four months a good age to start weaning? I feel like I have enough milk but is it necessary for her nutrition to start weaning at this age? And does she need water?
Are you in the US? In the US you can begin weaning as early as 4 months but certainly do NOT need to. The guide I have says to only give 2-3 teaspoons or cereal per day until 6 months, I don't really see what the hurry is as most babies don't even like the cereal. Every baby is different when it comes to being ready to wean. Has she even shown an interest in food, or can she sit upright in a high chair? You as the parent do not want to wean this early, and there is absolutely no reason that it is necessary at this point (in fact, I believe in the UK it is not advised to wean at all before 6 months)... your parents should respect that. Your milk (or formula) should be the main source of nutrition up until 1 year of age. If I were you, I would seek the advise of her pediatrician with your parents present so you can all be on the same page. Talk with the doctor about pros/cons and signs of readiness.

As for water, that is another one that is up to you as the parent to decide. The guide I have from the pediatrician says that you can give babies under 6 months 1/2 oz of water per month of age. This advise is generally meant to apply to hot weather conditions though. Your baby absolutely does not need any water. I used water from early on to help get rid of hiccups if they started to bother her and my daughter became a fiend for water!
I've seen 4 months as the recommended age for weaning cited in health and scientific articles (also approved by doc). I started weaning around 4-5 months so I don't think it's too early. I also think there are benefits to early weaning but you're the parent and the final decision to begin weaning or not is yours and not your parents.
You do not, not, not NOT have to wean your baby at four months! Are they feeding baby behind your back? I would be furious!

Breastmilk is doing its job just fine.
In the Uk the reccomended age is 6 months as research show that their digestive systems can not cope with weaning before this leading to digestive problems later on in life. My baby survived on bm until 5.5 months and he was a BIG baby! Their is no rush, trust your instincts and stand your ground.
My daughter survived just fine until 6 months also and she has always been very chunky.
I'm another with a big baby who waited until 6 months to wean, as others have said it is the recommended age here in the UK. I think you need to go with your gut, if you feel she isn't ready, try to put your foot down (although I know that is easier said than done!)
I wouldn't start weaning at 4 months unless there was a medical reason. 6 months is the recommended age to start foods.

Baby will have greater protection from illness.
Although children continue to receive many immunities from breastmilk for as long as they breastfeed, the greatest immunity occurs while a baby is exclusively breastfed. Breastmilk contains 50+ known immune factors, and also facilitates the development of “good bacteria” that protect baby’s gut. Studies have shown that many illnesses and conditions are less likely to occur when baby receives any amount of breastmilk. Exclusive breastfeeding for at least 3-4 months (compared to non-exclusive breastfeeding) further decreases the risk of respiratory tract infections, ear infections, necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC), sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), allergic disease, celiac disease, and type 1 diabetes. Exclusive breastfeeding for 6 months (compared to 4-6 months), further decreases the risk of gastrointestinal infection and respiratory infection. (AAP 2012, Naylor & Morrow 2001)

Baby’s digestive system will have time to mature.
opengutIf solids are started before a baby’s system is ready to handle them, they are poorly digested and may cause unpleasant reactions (digestive upset, gas, constipation, etc.). Digestion of fats, protein, and complex carbohydrates is incomplete in infancy, but human milk contains enzymes that aid efficient digestion (Naylor & Morrow 2001).In addition, from birth until somewhere between four and six months of age babies possess what is often referred to as an “open gut.”
No one can FORCE you to wean your baby early. You're the mother and 18 so you can say no your baby isn't ready yet. My youngest wasn't ready til 6 months, the pediatrician suggested feeding at 4 months and I just said no she wasn't ready. Which she said was alright. As I know my baby better than she did.
I'm assuming that your parents think that because they look after her when you are at school then they are her main care givers and can make all the decisions.

I think you need to sit down with them and ver kindly explain that while you are soooo soooo very grateful for all the (unpaid) childcare they are giving you, you thought it was because they wanted to help their daughter in her difficult task of parenting while schooling. You didn't realise it meant that your beliefs about parenting would be dismissed and ignored. Explain how much it hurts when they go against your wishes. Give them a chance to explain why they feel the way they do. If it is just "It's what we did with you" then you can explain that guidelines have changed and while you have no issue with how they raised you, you'd like to try something different. If however they are struggling with looking after LO and think that weaning might be the answer to issues they are having you can look in to ways of supporting them and alternative ways to address what they see as difficulties.

I think having a paediatrician or other health professional there to guide you through all the pros and cons is a really good idea.
No body should force you to do anything with your baby.
My mum always asked me if id weaned my LB yet, then i got the shrug and tut when i said no, i did wean at 4 months but that was only because he has reflux which the docs couldnt treat. and i was gutted as i wanted to do BLW.
i think unless there is a medical reason for weaning, it shouldnt be done until 6 months at best.
dont let anyone make you do something you dont want to do, you will regret it and it will play on you!
tell your parents you and your baby arent ready, like others said see a doctor or pedi with your parents present to discuss the matter. if it was me id tell my parents to back the f*ck off, but i understand your parents are doing alot for you both and that is amazing in its self, but that doesnt mean you shouldnt put your foot down on what you want for YOUR baby
My baby is a big boy, top 2% for his height and he wasn't weaned until 6 months :) don't let anyone tell you when to wean your baby, do it when you and your baby are ready x

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