Hey Amber
Apologies for the delay.
Congrats on your positive opk! I missed my surge

It happened overnight, just as I suspected it would. Fertility Friend says that I ovulated on CD15 and on CD14 I got my darkest opk at 11pm. I was meant to test again at 2-3am, but fell asleep (due to having a cold) and missed my surge completely. I didnt even save my opks as you did. I was thinking all along that I should have saved them to compare, but never got round to doing it.
Ah well. Onto next month
I have my fingers crossed for you, for this month!
Hello, mumofwon
Oh no worries, I'm sorry to hear you are feeling unwell. boo!
As long as you bd' around the time of ovulation so three days before that surge at any point and on the day or day after you are well within a chance
Don't count yourself out

Just remember some people only do it once and here comes baby.
afm: I am currently on leave from work/uni to focus on sorting things at home RE: my two asd children. Which is fabulous and im cherishing this time with them, but it also gives way to a lot of bd' opportunities.....

BD' has this month been on cycle days 7,9,11,13 and 14- last night and I now will plan for it to be tonight and tomorrow night too to make sure, all the others were for funsies. lol.
Fmu test it was still dark test line is darker than control and had LOTS of ewcm

I only have two left now so I will take one tonight and one tomorrow afternoon and post the final progression pic. I kept them all as I wanted to see what my body was up to in relation to my symptoms. By symptoms I would have thought I ovulated a few days ago or getting ewcm today I would have thought it would be in 2-3 days time I'd be very confused and by looking at the progression I can see I have small surges all the way to ov. Temps are still down so I know that eggy hasn't burst yet. Feeling very nauseous today. If I hadn't done this I'd probably be testing for pregnancy now being confused about this intense nausea and sore bbs.
Good luck and good luck with testing I will be testing from 7dpo until af or bfp
Ah it's great that you are enjoying your time off with the kids. I have today just handed in my final assignment of the year. Free until October! Now to focus on TTC.
I am out this month. Didnt even try, as I wanted to see what my system was up to after depo. I temp so covered my bases in that regard and ovulation was confirmed on cd15. Just wanted to see the pattern in my opks.
Next month I am using the Clearblue digital ovulation tests to see if it picks up ovulation correctly, as I have a feeling cheapie opk's will not work for me this time, given that I am surging in the wee hours of the morning. I will still temp nonetheless.
The worst thing is that I have somehow accumilated numerous hpt's (clear blue, cheapies and digitals) and cant even use them this month. I'm not even going to state the number of tests I have - it's obscene
Good luck for this cycle! I hope you catch the egg
Oh I see well good luck for next month

I actually shuddered at the word assignment then, funnily enough I was dreaming about uni and assignments last night it was like I was there I had several conversations with the tutors..... it was weird. Then it started hail stoning so strongly I got trapped there, every time I opened a door the ice and snow flooded in. Very odd.
Ahhh I really wanted a CB but I needed tests before payday so I just went with good ol amazon for cheapies. I have to say they have worked remarkably well but then a three day surge helps the case doesn't it?!
Thank you I really am enjoying it, they are semi structured homeschooled for the time being, I just got the information yesterday to statement them myself as I wasn't willing to put them into mainstream school, to suffer in a class of 30 unsupported so that the teachers could take their time about doing it. Meanwhile we will all suffer with the kids having anxiety and meltdowns, hair loss, sleepless nights, the list goes on -again.
Anyhoooo I digress,
So today FF has put me at 3dpo, which I agree with as I had the pains Saturday evening, that was the last time we baby danced as well sadly, would have been better to squeeze sunday in but we were tired
So it's just a waiting game now. I have a slight cold/runny nose today so not feeling great

Here is my list of tests (sorry if its a repeat) and my chart today -hope I'm in with a chance FX