Things that are currently driving me nuts about my 4 year old.


Well-Known Member
Oct 12, 2011
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One thing that drives me crazy is how often Violet says "mom" (or Sarah) when talking to me. She'll say "mom," I'll respond, she'll either say something short or have a pause while she's thinking and then say it again and wait for a response. If I don't respond, she'll keep repeating until I do. Or she'll just say it a bunch of times while talking and I have to respond for her to continue. There are some things I've done to try to reduce this and it's starting to help a tiny tiny tiny bit... but it still drives me nuts.

Another thing she'll do is ask the same question over and over and over and over! Oi vey! Instead of answering, I've started asking her "what was the answer the last time you asked?" She can usually answer. Then I'll ask "so what do you think the answer is this time?" And sometimes she knows and sometimes she doesn't. I then walk her through the logic of it. It drives me nuts to answer the same question over and over and over in such a short period of time!

She's also throwing more tantrums. One main reason is her clothes. She was doing well with them for a while, especially if we let her wear tights as pants. She's getting bad about it again and this morning opted for underwear and a blanket instead of clothing and she's constantly asking me to do the laundry so she can re-wear a couple favorite items. Another reason for tantrums lately is that when we get out of the car or walk out into a parking lot, she'll want to dart off and of course I don't let her. There are of course other things that cause tantrums, but those are the big ones the last couple days.

Terrible twos is such a misnomer. Twos were easier than when she was a baby and easier than three and now we're headed into 4. Ah well, as with everything, it's a phase. But as experience shows, the phase will return!
this morning opted for underwear and a blanket instead of clothing

My almost 6 year old think this is perfectly appropriate clothing. :haha:

I have a very talkative and opinionated child. Some days it takes all you have to keep nicely answering questions and meeting the reasonable demands.

Both my children have done the repeatedly asking questions thing. My daughter is finally getting better, but we still have it happen on occasion. Sorry to say, my son was probably more like 7 before it stopped. They both learned to talk early and refuse to stop. lol
I get the repeated questions/statements from both my boys. So so tiring!
Yep. Mine does the constantly asking the same questions over and over thing. It really seems to please him to hear the same answer repeated back. If I say something different he doesn't like it! He especially likes asking the silly ones like (this past week) "mummy, what's a mopadile?" which don't actually have a real answer because they are obviously just words he made up to irritate me with! ;) My 2 year old has learned this habit from his big brother and now does the same thing. Aaahhh!

And yeah, the tantrums at 4 seem worse to me. Intense emotions.
Tantrums are very challenging. Holly went through a truly awful stage with them last year!
Ohh no DD1 is 4 in February.. I am not looking forward to this stage.

We do have an issue with only wanting to wear dresses .Which causes an issue if we're going out .. its freezing!! x
Sophie NEVER stops talking. She also does the exact same thing as Violet where she will refer to me about 39362739482 times when stating something or asking me a question. I thought we were alone in this!

"Hey mummy, did you know that, um, hey mummy, mummy...hey mummy"

Drives me bananas!

Sophie has never had terrible toes or threes or had a tantrum phase, but talking to her is like walking on eggshells as she's so sensitive. You can't say anything teasingly or even raise your voice one tiny amount or she burts into hysterical tears and runs out of the room.

For the last few months she's been asking me constantly what things start with. Example:

"Hey mummy, what does microwave start with?"

"It starts with the letter M honey"

"Same like mummy does! Mummy - what else starts with letter M?"

", mission, moon,"

"Hey mummy, what does daddy start with?"

"Daddy starts with D"

"What else starts with D?"

...and so on and so on.
My four year old does the "mommy, mommy, mommy!" thing too. Although, he was delayed in speech so I am still rather overjoyed when I hear him talk or say anything really. Doesn't bother me. On the other hand...he has been sneaking into our room EVERY night and, with a newborn to tend to, it's getting old fast!

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