I was in town yesterday with my mother (who also has a baby, 3 weeks younger than my own) and after Lily had been grumbling for a while, my mother decided that it was time to discretely feed her baby... but no sooner had her baby latched on, than her toddler began yelling (in his loudest announcement voice!) "Mummy's feeding Lily!! Mummy's feeding Lily! Mummy's feeding Lily!"
Oh my, he's never said anything like that before and god know's why he did it then; when we were out for a spot of lunch in a quiet cafe, and my poor mother was trying to be as descrete as possible!
They say the funniest things, don't they?
Anyone else got any you'd like to share?
Oh my, he's never said anything like that before and god know's why he did it then; when we were out for a spot of lunch in a quiet cafe, and my poor mother was trying to be as descrete as possible!
They say the funniest things, don't they?
Anyone else got any you'd like to share?