My mum has been a pain in the backside since DS was born. Even to this day, when he is three she says 'oh, his feet are cold, lets put another pair of socks on'...he's three FFS and perfectly capable and able to tell me himself that his feet are cold
She was the reason why our DS had troubl potty training. He'd be nappy and accident free all week and then when she had him for an afternoon, the next day he'd have accidents all day. On the third week she actually brought him home in a nappy.
At the same time we were taking the dummy off our little girl - she'd not had it for 10 days and it was done without a row from her. She brought her home the same day with a dummy in the mouth
When she realised what she had done

she still plays games.
MIL is very supportive tbh. She'll openly give her opinion but will follow what we say. We've had to mention sweets a few times, but other than that, she's been brill.
My step mum and dad are usually fine, but they recently have been undermining DH and I. Saying things to us like 'chill out' and 'forget about it'. I think after my rant they've realised, but I intend on giving them some space (it won't be done nastily, as she's not been well recently

USUALLY (FX) they are ok!