Things they don't tell u about c-sections - Dont read if ur already scared!

Yes mine was done after spinal and didn't feel a thing going in or coming out 18 hours later. I was dreading it too.
The catheter coming out was fine, the nurse told me to cough and.........ta da!

I only had a few of those issues mentioned, the stomach injections lasted for 5 days and I had a little swelling in my ankles but nothing major. My stitches were dissolvable ones and I was bale to go for a walk the day we left hospital.

One of the midwives told me to try to get mobile as soon as possible, it really helps speed up recovery
i didnt have c-section yet but im going to have 1 in few weeks reason me choosing it is my first vaginal birth was very traumatic 47 h active labour i tear really badly i had episiotomy and forseps in the end my foof was messed up and dont want to go through anything like that anymore and i dont care about constipations curbs driving or walking i want cs and thats my choise i dont want to feel messed up again and dont feel like a woman.

I haven't had a c-section yet either and I have already discussed having an elective c-section for future babies because of a traumatic birth.
I too dont care about any of the issues mentioned, in fact I had a lot of issues from the forceps birth :( and 3 years on I still get pain.

As long as my baby is born safe, that is all that matters.

Good luck with your c-section. x
The injections are *relatively* new since there is now thought to be a much higher risk of DVT after any kind of pelvic surgery. I'd be surprised if this wasn't something done now in all of the UK and US given the data available. Plus people who have sections due to abruptions are at risk of something called DIC which is a blood clotting problem.

I had them, they are very potent as I noticed huge bruises appearing after very slight knocks!

I thought the catheter was AMAZING and I had the best nights sleep that first night I'd had in months not having to get up several times to go and pee lol.

All my stitches were internal so my scar is really neat, don't understand how they do that it is very clever. The lochia / bleeding all stopped after around 10 days which was great as much of it was hoovered up during surgery.

Things that weren't so great are the L-shaped internal incision - needed extra access to get my transverse lie baby out - where the 2 cuts met it was agony for ages when I coughed, and I did a lot of that having had a GA and just brewing a sore throat the day before I had it too.

It also took about 5 weeks for my stomach muscles to feel like they woke up and actually engage themselves. I'm now just over 3 months post-op and still very numb / sore around the wound although it has all healed up fine.

My main "no-one tells you" thing would be the bleeding that starts again around 4-6 weeks which had me well concerned, although the gyn consultant said it is due to the internal scar when the stitches finally breakdown and are shed you get more bleeding.
I didn't have any injections either. I just remember them wanting me to cough to keep my lungs clear, and it hurt like the dickens. It also hurt to laugh....and I laugh A LOT :D. The only thing I really wasn't prepared for though was the itching. I think the spinal had morphine for pain relief in it. About an hour after the procedure, I was itching SO bad I was in hysterical tears. It was like I was itching from the inside...things crawling around my blood. Oh, it was HORRIBLE. Thankfully, they gave me something by IV that stopped it pretty quickly. But I am certainly gonna ask about it this time!

OMG the itching thing is so true, I itched all over so badly for like 24hours after the c section. It was awful, my face was the worst and ended up with red marks on my face from scratching.

the stomach injections are de fragment injections, which you don't have to take, it is just advised if you are immobile to have it as it prevents blood clots.

Things they dont tell you about an episiotomy:

The painkillers plus the shock causes constipation! Pushing/straining popped my stitches both times.

Infections are so easy to get because of the area they are in. (despite 3x savlon baths a day I got infected and ended up back in hospital).

Your ****** gets all messed up and looks not normal ever again.

They can accidentally stitch your bum up too tight and make you bleed every time you poo (not fun)!

Sitting down every 2 hours to breastfeed on a raw cut REALLY sucks!

You walk like "you have a carrot up your ass" as I got told! (for the 1st week or two)

The area throbs because of the blood rushing downwards.

Basically Im in the situation where I probably have to pick one or the other :(
i didnt have c-section yet but im going to have 1 in few weeks reason me choosing it is my first vaginal birth was very traumatic 47 h active labour i tear really badly i had episiotomy and forseps in the end my foof was messed up and dont want to go through anything like that anymore and i dont care about constipations curbs driving or walking i want cs and thats my choise i dont want to feel messed up again and dont feel like a woman.

I haven't had a c-section yet either and I have already discussed having an elective c-section for future babies because of a traumatic birth.
I too dont care about any of the issues mentioned, in fact I had a lot of issues from the forceps birth :( and 3 years on I still get pain.

As long as my baby is born safe, that is all that matters.

Good luck with your c-section. x

I hear ya. Ive been messed up twice down there, 36 hour labour with my 1st forceps and ventouse and two episiotomies. Im so stuck as what to do this time round :( Having twins and am scared a C sec will be too hard to look after them and my other two kids.
But SO dont want another rough birth!
Just to let you know these don't all happen to everyone but it's a good idea to read experiences of others. It sounds like the OP had a much worse time of it than me :hugs: and I hope you're feeling better now. I wanted to share my experiences compared to the OP's to say it isn't always that bad.
1st and most supprising thing was that I had to have an injection in my belly a few hours after the c-sec and that I had to have one a day for 7 days, which meant doing them your self at home :shock: for someone who doesn't like needles this was a scary thought! Luckily I got someone to do it for me.
Not everyone has this. I didn't need it (the injection is a blood thinner called Clexane I believe). It depends on risk factors. I have had Clexane before and it really isn't that bad, it's just under your skin not into a vein or anything. I'm scared of needles too and DH did mine (he did all my IVF injections too). Don't worry too much if you have this, you can't get it in the wrong place or anything, just get someone to do it for you if you're scared.

2nd The painkillers they give you cause constipation!!!!!! Constipation whilst your stomach is being held together by a few stiches is Not the one!!!! I'd never had constipation befor and actually thought I was dying :blush:
Yes, Codeine does, but they should also give you a laxative to counteract it, and you always have the choice not to take codeine, I only took it when my pain was really bad, so in the first couple of days. The first poo is.... pretty horrendous though :O

3 c-sec messes up your digestion and your not supposed to eat normally straight away! They give you all this info whilst your looking at your new born and it goes in one ear, out the other.....end result worse constipation!!!
I ate normally right away and had no problems.
4 your ankles and feet can swell up! I literally looked like the guy out of nutty professor when he balloons up, cankles were an understatement! Couldn't walk or bend or go upstairs for about 3 weeks!!!! Does make looking after a new baby quite difficult, especially if you keep dropping things and can't pick them up :wacko:
Yeah, it's pretty bad but mine only lasted about 6 days.
5 I had a drain in my wound afterwards which they remove the next day...... VERY painfull, they only told me about the drain when they came to remove it "this will probably be quite painfull" oh thanks!!!!
Didn't need this.
6 day 5 midwife comes to visit, "I'm going to remove your bead stich now" wtf! Another painfull process I had no idea about!
Didn't feel it at all, didn't even know she'd done it until she said it's done!
Midwife books you an appointment, to come to the clinic! Erm I can't drive for 6 weeks and how am I supposed to walk with balloon feet :nope:
My appointment is in a couple of weeks but they said if I couldn't manage to call the health visitor and they'd come to me. Also, I was planning to just get a taxi if I can't walk.

Finally start to feel better and venture out for a stroll with your new baby/pram! Your stomach muscles don't allow you to get the pram up kerbs :dohh: you get half way down the road and actually a realise you feel very ill, and now have to try and survive the walk back!
I went for a walk 5 days after my C section and was fine going up the curb. I did feel weak and turn back though but had DH with me and we took it slowly. The next time I tried I got further each time. Don't go for a walk on your own, especially your first walk.

SO! Anyone who thinks having a c-section is an easy option, ha think again!
But why don't they tell you any of this in the books :shrug:
I haven't had another kind of birth so can't say if it's an easy option but it definitely wasn't anything like as bad as I expected.
Just wanted to share a more positive experience for anyone that's scared.
The important things are: get moving as SOON as possible, get your dressing off the next day and keep it clean and dry. Drink plenty of water.
Wow ! I have had 2 c-sections and i have not once experienced any of the things you mentioned. Perhaps c-sections in the us are different from those in the uk because while there is some pain afterwards, there were no injections and all that other mess.

Threads like this i try to stay away from you because you only discourage people that are interesting in choosing a c-section just as those who have no choice but to get one. It's not right but because its a public forum and its meant for you to share your thoughts, opinions, and stories, its okay but what everyone must realize is giving birth whether natural or by c-section is one step in the grave and one step out of it. There are risks in both deliveries. Beautiful and healthy babies are born via both deliveries. Keep that in mind when you're posting this kind of shit. (excuse my english)

The whole point of this thread was to highlight things that I or others had experienced during a section, that I had never heard or read about!!!!!!
If I had read about some of these things before hand I would have felt more prepared, or when they happened, I would have thought oh ok, I've heard this can happen! Everyone's experience is different through all child births, I think we all know that, so the point of this "shit" was not to say this will happen to you if you have a section, simply that they may!
Also says do not read if u don't want to know, so kind of makes it clear that it may not be pleasent.
Wow ! I have had 2 c-sections and i have not once experienced any of the things you mentioned. Perhaps c-sections in the us are different from those in the uk because while there is some pain afterwards, there were no injections and all that other mess.

Threads like this i try to stay away from you because you only discourage people that are interesting in choosing a c-section just as those who have no choice but to get one. It's not right but because its a public forum and its meant for you to share your thoughts, opinions, and stories, its okay but what everyone must realize is giving birth whether natural or by c-section is one step in the grave and one step out of it. There are risks in both deliveries. Beautiful and healthy babies are born via both deliveries. Keep that in mind when you're posting this kind of shit. (excuse my english)

The whole point of this thread was to highlight things that I or others had experienced during a section, that I had never heard or read about!!!!!!
If I had read about some of these things before hand I would have felt more prepared, or when they happened, I would have thought oh ok, I've heard this can happen! Everyone's experience is different through all child births, I think we all know that, so the point of this "shit" was not to say this will happen to you if you have a section, simply that they may!
Also says do not read if u don't want to know, so kind of makes it clear that it may not be pleasent.

Well said Wagamamma!
I wouldnt have thought you are trying to scare people! Knowledge is power and I think if you expect the worst then anything is gonna be better! If I get a C section I will expect/consider all the things you listed so that Im prepared! The worst would be going into that kind of birth with no idea and then getting a major shock when things go wrong! (like things did for me when I didnt get the drugfree waterbirth that I planned)!

Any info on any kind of births is beneficial I say!
I didn't get any of those! :dohh: My staples were removed 3 days after, and it wasn't painful at all! I also was able to eat pretty quickly, and wasn't constipated. :shrug:
Just to let you know these don't all happen to everyone but it's a good idea to read experiences of others. It sounds like the OP had a much worse time of it than me :hugs: and I hope you're feeling better now. I wanted to share my experiences compared to the OP's to say it isn't always that bad.
1st and most supprising thing was that I had to have an injection in my belly a few hours after the c-sec and that I had to have one a day for 7 days, which meant doing them your self at home :shock: for someone who doesn't like needles this was a scary thought! Luckily I got someone to do it for me.
Not everyone has this. I didn't need it (the injection is a blood thinner called Clexane I believe). It depends on risk factors. I have had Clexane before and it really isn't that bad, it's just under your skin not into a vein or anything. I'm scared of needles too and DH did mine (he did all my IVF injections too). Don't worry too much if you have this, you can't get it in the wrong place or anything, just get someone to do it for you if you're scared.

2nd The painkillers they give you cause constipation!!!!!! Constipation whilst your stomach is being held together by a few stiches is Not the one!!!! I'd never had constipation befor and actually thought I was dying :blush:
Yes, Codeine does, but they should also give you a laxative to counteract it, and you always have the choice not to take codeine, I only took it when my pain was really bad, so in the first couple of days. The first poo is.... pretty horrendous though :O

3 c-sec messes up your digestion and your not supposed to eat normally straight away! They give you all this info whilst your looking at your new born and it goes in one ear, out the other.....end result worse constipation!!!
I ate normally right away and had no problems.
4 your ankles and feet can swell up! I literally looked like the guy out of nutty professor when he balloons up, cankles were an understatement! Couldn't walk or bend or go upstairs for about 3 weeks!!!! Does make looking after a new baby quite difficult, especially if you keep dropping things and can't pick them up :wacko:
Yeah, it's pretty bad but mine only lasted about 6 days.
5 I had a drain in my wound afterwards which they remove the next day...... VERY painfull, they only told me about the drain when they came to remove it "this will probably be quite painfull" oh thanks!!!!
Didn't need this.
6 day 5 midwife comes to visit, "I'm going to remove your bead stich now" wtf! Another painfull process I had no idea about!
Didn't feel it at all, didn't even know she'd done it until she said it's done!
Midwife books you an appointment, to come to the clinic! Erm I can't drive for 6 weeks and how am I supposed to walk with balloon feet :nope:
My appointment is in a couple of weeks but they said if I couldn't manage to call the health visitor and they'd come to me. Also, I was planning to just get a taxi if I can't walk.

Finally start to feel better and venture out for a stroll with your new baby/pram! Your stomach muscles don't allow you to get the pram up kerbs :dohh: you get half way down the road and actually a realise you feel very ill, and now have to try and survive the walk back!
I went for a walk 5 days after my C section and was fine going up the curb. I did feel weak and turn back though but had DH with me and we took it slowly. The next time I tried I got further each time. Don't go for a walk on your own, especially your first walk.

SO! Anyone who thinks having a c-section is an easy option, ha think again!
But why don't they tell you any of this in the books :shrug:
I haven't had another kind of birth so can't say if it's an easy option but it definitely wasn't anything like as bad as I expected.
Just wanted to share a more positive experience for anyone that's scared.
The important things are: get moving as SOON as possible, get your dressing off the next day and keep it clean and dry. Drink plenty of water.

I actually agree with you on most of this, it was no where near as bad as i thought it would be :)
Wow ! I have had 2 c-sections and i have not once experienced any of the things you mentioned. Perhaps c-sections in the us are different from those in the uk because while there is some pain afterwards, there were no injections and all that other mess.

Threads like this i try to stay away from you because you only discourage people that are interesting in choosing a c-section just as those who have no choice but to get one. It's not right but because its a public forum and its meant for you to share your thoughts, opinions, and stories, its okay but what everyone must realize is giving birth whether natural or by c-section is one step in the grave and one step out of it. There are risks in both deliveries. Beautiful and healthy babies are born via both deliveries. Keep that in mind when you're posting this kind of shit. (excuse my english)

The whole point of this thread was to highlight things that I or others had experienced during a section, that I had never heard or read about!!!!!!
If I had read about some of these things before hand I would have felt more prepared, or when they happened, I would have thought oh ok, I've heard this can happen! Everyone's experience is different through all child births, I think we all know that, so the point of this "shit" was not to say this will happen to you if you have a section, simply that they may!
Also says do not read if u don't want to know, so kind of makes it clear that it may not be pleasent.

CLEARLY it read DO NOT READ IF YOU'RE SCARED ! I wasn't scared so I took the liberty of reading it. The POINT in my comment was that it SUCKS when people that have had bad experiences use those as a way to stress someone who may already be stressed out about it anyway. There is more SHIT talking about C-sections than there anything else because of the risks, bad experiences, so called "easy way out" or whatever whoever decides to label it that it does upset me because you never know the persons actual reason or lack of choice. There is nothing wrong with sharing your experiences or informing others, hell, this is what this board is for right ? BUT there is nothing wrong with me expressing my opinion either and thats what I did. HOPEFULLY we are all adults and with that being said I AM NOT about to go back and forth with anybody about MY OPINION that I'm allowed to have on a PUBLIC forum.

No disrespect to you at all for your post... I'm just very sensitive about this subject and issue because its downplayed so much but as mentioned, THERE ARE RISKS AND COMPLICATIONS THAT DO HAPPEN SO FEEL FREE in sharing experiences. I'll just save my self the trouble by just staying AWAY from them.
Wow ! I have had 2 c-sections and i have not once experienced any of the things you mentioned. Perhaps c-sections in the us are different from those in the uk because while there is some pain afterwards, there were no injections and all that other mess.

Threads like this i try to stay away from you because you only discourage people that are interesting in choosing a c-section just as those who have no choice but to get one. It's not right but because its a public forum and its meant for you to share your thoughts, opinions, and stories, its okay but what everyone must realize is giving birth whether natural or by c-section is one step in the grave and one step out of it. There are risks in both deliveries. Beautiful and healthy babies are born via both deliveries. Keep that in mind when you're posting this kind of shit. (excuse my english)

The whole point of this thread was to highlight things that I or others had experienced during a section, that I had never heard or read about!!!!!!
If I had read about some of these things before hand I would have felt more prepared, or when they happened, I would have thought oh ok, I've heard this can happen! Everyone's experience is different through all child births, I think we all know that, so the point of this "shit" was not to say this will happen to you if you have a section, simply that they may!
Also says do not read if u don't want to know, so kind of makes it clear that it may not be pleasent.

CLEARLY it read DO NOT READ IF YOU'RE SCARED ! I wasn't scared so I took the liberty of reading it. The POINT in my comment was that it SUCKS when people that have had bad experiences use those as a way to stress someone who may already be stressed out about it anyway. There is more SHIT talking about C-sections than there anything else because of the risks, bad experiences, so called "easy way out" or whatever whoever decides to label it that it does upset me because you never know the persons actual reason or lack of choice. There is nothing wrong with sharing your experiences or informing others, hell, this is what this board is for right ? BUT there is nothing wrong with me expressing my opinion either and thats what I did. HOPEFULLY we are all adults and with that being said I AM NOT about to go back and forth with anybody about MY OPINION that I'm allowed to have on a PUBLIC forum.

No disrespect to you at all for your post... I'm just very sensitive about this subject and issue because its downplayed so much but as mentioned, THERE ARE RISKS AND COMPLICATIONS THAT DO HAPPEN SO FEEL FREE in sharing experiences. I'll just save my self the trouble by just staying AWAY from them.

But wouldnt it be better to expect the worst then find your C section is better than what you thought it would be, than expect the best then your C section turns out like Wagamammas?
Wow ! I have had 2 c-sections and i have not once experienced any of the things you mentioned. Perhaps c-sections in the us are different from those in the uk because while there is some pain afterwards, there were no injections and all that other mess.

Threads like this i try to stay away from you because you only discourage people that are interesting in choosing a c-section just as those who have no choice but to get one. It's not right but because its a public forum and its meant for you to share your thoughts, opinions, and stories, its okay but what everyone must realize is giving birth whether natural or by c-section is one step in the grave and one step out of it. There are risks in both deliveries. Beautiful and healthy babies are born via both deliveries. Keep that in mind when you're posting this kind of shit. (excuse my english)

The whole point of this thread was to highlight things that I or others had experienced during a section, that I had never heard or read about!!!!!!
If I had read about some of these things before hand I would have felt more prepared, or when they happened, I would have thought oh ok, I've heard this can happen! Everyone's experience is different through all child births, I think we all know that, so the point of this "shit" was not to say this will happen to you if you have a section, simply that they may!
Also says do not read if u don't want to know, so kind of makes it clear that it may not be pleasent.

CLEARLY it read DO NOT READ IF YOU'RE SCARED ! I wasn't scared so I took the liberty of reading it. The POINT in my comment was that it SUCKS when people that have had bad experiences use those as a way to stress someone who may already be stressed out about it anyway. There is more SHIT talking about C-sections than there anything else because of the risks, bad experiences, so called "easy way out" or whatever whoever decides to label it that it does upset me because you never know the persons actual reason or lack of choice. There is nothing wrong with sharing your experiences or informing others, hell, this is what this board is for right ? BUT there is nothing wrong with me expressing my opinion either and thats what I did. HOPEFULLY we are all adults and with that being said I AM NOT about to go back and forth with anybody about MY OPINION that I'm allowed to have on a PUBLIC forum.

No disrespect to you at all for your post... I'm just very sensitive about this subject and issue because its downplayed so much but as mentioned, THERE ARE RISKS AND COMPLICATIONS THAT DO HAPPEN SO FEEL FREE in sharing experiences. I'll just save my self the trouble by just staying AWAY from them.

But wouldnt it be better to expect the worst then find your C section is better than what you thought it would be, than expect the best then your C section turns out like Wagamammas?

Definitely which why I have apologized for my original comment.
I am a great fan of thinking the worst in the hope of a pleasant surprise lol.

However, when it comes to c sections there always seems to be a tendancy to imply that it WILL be awful and this this and this WILL happen (and very often by people who have never had one but are repeating hearsay, which really grips my shit) so I think it is equally important to stress that they are not that bad but some people do have bad experiences - which is also the case with vaginal births.
I am a great fan of thinking the worst in the hope of a pleasant surprise lol.

However, when it comes to c sections there always seems to be a tendancy to imply that it WILL be awful and this this and this WILL happen (and very often by people who have never had one but are repeating hearsay, which really grips my shit) so I think it is equally important to stress that they are not that bad but some people do have bad experiences - which is also the case with vaginal births.

My point.

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