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Think I lost my baby last night :( *update pg 3*


Well-Known Member
Mar 31, 2009
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After posting on here and being positive about my bleeding, last night about 6pm I started getting really painful cramps and the bleeding got heavier. I went for a wee and blood just gushed our of me :(

I went back to A&E about 9pm and the bleeding was just getting worse, had to get 3 pads from them whilst waiting it was that bad. Then I passed 2-3 clots. My heart broke there and then.

It took 3 hours to get seen and they basically said that as I had a scan on Wednesday they wouldn't do another for a week from that date. So I've now got to wait 5 days to find out whether I miscarried...I just feel in limbo :(

I know in my heart that my baby has gone but I am finding it really hard given we saw the heartbeat 3 days ago.

I don't know how I am going to cope for the next 5 days :(
So sorry hun, cant you go to another a&e, you shouldnt have to wait that long. I went to a&e with mild brown bleeding during week 5 & they gave me an internal scan the next morning!
That's awful I can't believe there making u wait! Don't give up hope lots of women have heavy bleeds and clots but baby is fine fingers crossed for u :hugs:
I'm so sorry hun! Since you went to the a & e room I would expect them to do more. When I had a chemical pregnancy the first time they did blood tests to check levels and a scan. I can't imagine waiting 5 days!
Im so sorry.sweetie. can you get a private scan?
Oh how awful! :hugs:

Unfortunately, a&e are not always the best to deal with miscarriages. What you could do on Monday is call your hospital switchboard and ask to speak to the early pregnancy clinic directly. They might be able to fit you in earlier.

Big hugs to you, hon. I've been there and it's not a nice place to be :hugs:
So sorry hun, cant you go to another a&e, you shouldnt have to wait that long. I went to a&e with mild brown bleeding during week 5 & they gave me an internal scan the next morning!

Thanks hun. When I went on Tuesday night they were great and got me a scan the next morning. Because of that scan they won't give me another until this coming Wednesday :(
Thanks everyone

I'm trying to hold on to the last scrap of hope knowing that it has been known for women to bleed like this and go on to have a healthy pregnancy.

I think I'll ring my midwife on Monday morning and see if she can pull any strings x
Just wanted to give some hugs. :hugs: And to let you know bleeding isn't always bad. I used to think so - I've lost many children before. And bleeding was always the start of it. So when I got bright red bleeding with clots this pregnancy, I assumed the worst. Baby is still okay and is now 12 weeks! :thumbup:
So sorry to hear this hun. In sending my prayers and hugs to you.
I'm sorry you are going through this. I'm horrified that they wouldn't give you a scan just because you had one earlier this week. Given the bleeding, I would have thought they would have given you a scan right then and there!
Can you pay for a private scan?
I'm sorry you are going through this. I'm horrified that they wouldn't give you a scan just because you had one earlier this week. Given the bleeding, I would have thought they would have given you a scan right then and there!
Can you pay for a private scan?

Thanks. I've thought of a private scan but not sure that I want to pay £100 when I know it's something the hospital should be doing for nothing. I'm hoping my midwife might be able to bring things forward x
I hope your midwife can pull some strings for you Nicole. It's just cruel to leave you waiting and wondering like this. When I had my bleed a couple of weeks ago my midwife asked if I still felt pregnant which I did because I was still getting nausea. It was still a shock to find out Squidge was ok though because I was convinced I had miscarried as I too passed clots as well as lots of blood. I hope you get good news hun :hugs:
So sorry for what you're going through. Not sure how effective it would be this far on but could you do a pregnancy test? I miscarried at 5w2d a few years ago and I did a pregnancy test the day after the bleeding started (had to wait 5 days for a scan as they wouldn't scan me til 6 weeks) and it came up negative so it helped me move on. Like I say though I know tests can be less effective when you're further on so not sure if this would just make you worry more xx
I just wanted to tell you my story to give you hope.

10 weeks I thought I'd wet myself about midday and when i checked there was blood all over my clothes. I went to a&e still bleeding, got sent to the EPU and they scanned me and said baby was fine they didn't know why I was bleeding. Came home, went to bed and woke up to more gushes of blood and a few clots, one as big as my thumb. Got another scan, same result.

A few days later I was at my booking appointment, still bleeding a bit but the dr said it's just one of those unexplainable things, baby was doing great. I ended up in l&d that night as I had another big gush. Same result though the lovely dr got me booked in with the consultant a week later.

The consultant found a clot in my womb 2cm from the placenta but said it wasn't affecting baby. I had light bleeding until 14 weeks and an now 33 weeks. Baby is completely fine.

I know this is a bit if an essay but I really believed sitting in a&e it was all over. I took 2 weeks off work to rest as I was too scared to even move and know what it's like to wake up and think you have a whole day to get through.

I really hope it's all ok, if you have any questions just pm me or post.
Hi, I just wanted you to kno it doesn't mean bad news
I was 12 wks pregnant and bled badly even passed a big clot, ive had 2 mmc n a row and was convinced this was over. I went to a&e they sent me up to epc and got scannd there only to find baby grand the dr cudnt give me a answer as to y I was bleeding, it was runnin outta me, he said sumtimes it happens? But I went on to bleed til almost 21wks to cut a long story short Nathan was born 19th dec 2013healthy! He's now 6months old a wee bruiser! Please don't assume its the worst
xxxx BC
So sorry for what you're going through. Not sure how effective it would be this far on but could you do a pregnancy test? I miscarried at 5w2d a few years ago and I did a pregnancy test the day after the bleeding started (had to wait 5 days for a scan as they wouldn't scan me til 6 weeks) and it came up negative so it helped me move on. Like I say though I know tests can be less effective when you're further on so not sure if this would just make you worry more xx

Thank you. I actually bought a couple of tests today and will probably do one in the morning if I can bring myself to do it x
LoveCakes and BABYCAREY thank you so much for sharing your stories.

I'm scared to hold out much hope that I may be one of the lucky ones in this situation but hearing from 2 people who have been through the same and come out the other side smiling does give me a small ray of hope xxx

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