Thinking of giving up


Mum of a beautiful Son
Jan 12, 2008
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Hi all,

Ive been breastfeeding for almost 2 weeks now, and im finding it hard. My nipple are all sore, cracked and bleeds at times when he feeds. when i leave my breast without feeding it gets all heavy and pains a lot. Im just wondering what should i do. The pain that i get while breastfeeding is unbearable even tho i try hard to squeeze my nipple and breast in his mouth.

Ive been bottle feeding my baby now as i can`t get enough milk sometimes, he seems happy and much fuller with the bottle, but then again i want to regain my weight, so thats the reason i want to stick with breast feeding. I dunno what should i do?

Also my nipple are all sore cracked and not nice to look at at the moment so do i still have to feed him?
Hi all,

Ive been breastfeeding for almost 2 weeks now, and im finding it hard. My nipple are all sore, cracked and bleeds at times when he feeds. when i leave my breast without feeding it gets all heavy and pains a lot. Im just wondering what should i do. The pain that i get while breastfeeding is unbearable even tho i try hard to squeeze my nipple and breast in his mouth.

Ive been bottle feeding my baby now as i can`t get enough milk sometimes, he seems happy and much fuller with the bottle, but then again i want to regain my weight, so thats the reason i want to stick with breast feeding. I dunno what should i do?

Also my nipple are all sore cracked and not nice to look at at the moment so do i still have to feed him?

Hi Glamgirl, sorry to hear you're having such a rough time with the breatfeeding. I totally empathise with you. When Dylan was born both my nipples cracked and were so sore. The pain was, like you say, like nothing on earth. I think that the pain, combined with a serious lack of sleep almost made me want to give up too... but in a way it was getting pushed to the point of giving up that made me realise that I really didn't want to give up (hope this is making a bit of sense!!). I'd look at my beautiful baby who was happy and growing brilliantly with my breastmilk and because I knew it was the best thing for him then I decided I would carry on... Your nipples will heal (although it doesn't feel like it now), the swollen painful boobs will go too and in a few weeks from now you'll be wondering why you were even considering giving up.

My advice is to try and get through this stage...keep coming on here as the girls who give advice are so brilliant at bouying you along and sharing their knowledge. And get some Lansinoh Lanolin cream (about a tenner from Boots) - its amazing.

Good luck with it... but ultimately remember that your little one will do best with a happy mummy - even if this means you've decided to bottle-feed.

Hi Glamgirl, sorry to hear you're having such a rough time with the breatfeeding. I totally empathise with you. When Dylan was born both my nipples cracked and were so sore. The pain was, like you say, like nothing on earth. I think that the pain, combined with a serious lack of sleep almost made me want to give up too... but in a way it was getting pushed to the point of giving up that made me realise that I really didn't want to give up (hope this is making a bit of sense!!). I'd look at my beautiful baby who was happy and growing brilliantly with my breastmilk and because I knew it was the best thing for him then I decided I would carry on... Your nipples will heal (although it doesn't feel like it now), the swollen painful boobs will go too and in a few weeks from now you'll be wondering why you were even considering giving up.

My advice is to try and get through this stage...keep coming on here as the girls who give advice are so brilliant at bouying you along and sharing their knowledge. And get some Lansinoh Lanolin cream (about a tenner from Boots) - its amazing.

Good luck with it... but ultimately remember that your little one will do best with a happy mummy - even if this means you've decided to bottle-feed.


Thank you so much for your message, but do you think i should still feed even though my nipples are bleeding? im thinking of giving my nipple a rest! I feel sorry for my entire body!

Thank you for your advice for the wedding as well, it went on very well. Even though MIL was a headache all the way through! i got a nice dress from a different store and it suited me well on that day!

Hope you are ok though?

Oh, I can sympathize completely! The first few weeks are hard!

This advice is based on the idea that you would want to keep breastfeeding if it didnt hurt so much. Bottle feeding isnt a bad thing, but I just wanted to let you know my perspective:

It sounds like you have a problem with your baby's latch - THe mouth should be open REALLY WIDE, the bottom lip should be turned out, the tongue should be almost sticking out from the bottom lip. You can make a 'nipple sandwich" with your boob before you try to latch your baby - it makes getting a good latch much easier - basically, squeeze your boob into an oval shape so that the longest part of the oval lines up with the corners of the baby's mouth. when trying to latch, put your nipple on the skin between the baby's nose and mouth, and touch your boob below the chin, wait until your baby opens WIDE, then shove it in - fast. The nipple should point towards the upper back part of the baby's mouth. HOld the baby behind the shoulders. If your baby is latched right, the nose shouldnt be buried in the breast, and the chin should be WAY down.

AFter your baby is done nursing, your nipple should NOT look like a lipstick.

This website has some GREAT articles and video about getting a good latch, plust a LOT of other great breastfeeding articles:

Also, if you can, I'd go see a lactation consultant.

Lanolin helps, also Ameda makes these gel pad thingys that are GREAT for sore/traumatized nipples, especially if you put them in the fridge before putting them on.

YOu can always pump to relieve engorgement and bottle feed the EBM, but pumping wont keep your supply up. It is something to think about to give your nipples a chance to heal, though - pumping for a few days.

Go see a LC, I promise, they help SOOOOOOOO much. Or look up La Leche League online (they're international) and find a leader in your area - they are free and sometimes will come to your house to help.

Good luck, you can do it!


edited to add: It is perfectly OK to keep feeding even if your nipples are bleeding. That being said, you need to fix the latch so they wont get MORE traumatized the more you feed.
You must, must, must, view these videos:

Remember to think of getting through only then next feeding - not beyond.

I would recommend using the lansinoh at every moment make sure you air dry your nipples after EVERY feed then apply the lansinoh. Some women even apply the antibody rich breastmilk, let it dry, then apply the lansinoh.

Wash your nipples with ONLY WATER, or with a very mild soap if needed.

Yes, baby can feed if you're bleeding a little. The little bit of blood is no big deal.

If you are two weeks through you're HALFWAY through the hardest part of breastfeeding (other than weaning! ;)) Mamas' who've breastfed at least one baby can I get a "hell yeah!" on that one? :rofl:

If you can reach a lactation consultant in your area that would be the next thing I would try.

Hang in there mama... I know it's tough, but it is SO WORTH IT.

Hey hun, I completely sympathise with you!

I've been breastfeeding for 9 days now, not long I know, and she is so greedy she wants food as soon as she wakes up and it's so tiring. One of my nipples actually looks like a chunk has been bitten out of the side! They are cracked and sore no matter how much nipple cream I put on. My boobs get painful too when they're "filling up" and my nipples are especially painful when she latches on although the pain does subside when she's sucking.

I like breastfeeding as it's ten times easier (and cheaper) than making up formula all the time but I'm going to try and persevere with it as I've been told by everyone that the pains ease off within a fortnight or so and I'm hoping my nipples will one day not look like they have been chewed off!

I think you should try and carry on hun unless it really gets so painful you feel you can't cope. After all you've given your baby all those antibodies already so you've done the best for them so far. Maybe try expressing to help stop the pain of engorgement or just to give your nipples a break!

Good luck!
Hey!! I went through the same thing for a bit when I first started breast feeding Jaedan.. Very sore nipples that hurt like hell when I fed him.. My nipples started cracking and scabbing as well... It helps if you let your breast milk dry on your nipples.. This will help them heal fast. This helped me and I have not had to use any type of breast cream. Even though your nipples are damaged, you should still feed him, to keep your breast from getting too full and to get your breast used to him feeding.. After a little while, it will get better.. Breast feeding takes time, patience and consistancy to get the most out of it and get over the pain.. Sometimes it feels like Jaedan is feeding forever.. He'll feed for 5 minutes and stop and then 5 minutes later he wants to feed again etc. This made me feel like I wanted to stop as well because I couldn't do anything but feed him when he was awake, but your breast milk is truly the best thing for your baby.. It helps him to bond with you and you're giving your child what he really needs.. I hope things get better for you and you choose to continue breast feeding.. You'll feel so much better in the end knowing that you were able to pull through the pain and you have a happy, healthy baby that is growing based solely on what your body is providing him...

Good luck :hugs:
Hi all,

Ive been breastfeeding for almost 2 weeks now, and im finding it hard. My nipple are all sore, cracked and bleeds at times when he feeds. when i leave my breast without feeding it gets all heavy and pains a lot. Im just wondering what should i do. The pain that i get while breastfeeding is unbearable even tho i try hard to squeeze my nipple and breast in his mouth.

Ive been bottle feeding my baby now as i can`t get enough milk sometimes,

What makes you say this? (the bolded part)

he seems happy and much fuller with the bottle

He is, but formula is not breastmilk. If you want to give him all natural wholesome goodness, your milk is best. It's just right for his immature digestive system.

but then again i want to regain my weight, so thats the reason i want to stick with breast feeding. I dunno what should i do?

Keep breastfeeding! (But I'm partial) ;)

Also my nipple are all sore cracked and not nice to look at at the moment so do i still have to feed him?

Try the above advice. If you can stand to pump, do that. If you dont do something you may risk loosing your milk supply.
just wanted to say it does get better hun i had such a bad time too mine where also bleeding and scabbed but i just bared with it and after they healed it was/is soo easy and my boobs dont go hard anymore either just think if you can just bare with it they will prob feel fine in a weeks time when theyv healed xxx
hey hun, first dont worry its not just you so big hugs and whatever you decide is ok and the right thing.

My LO couldnt latch onto my nipples because they were too small and my boobs are so small i cant do the old put their chin on your boob and do the top lip thing at the same time and the BEST ever thing in the world for me what the special care people gave me is the soft silicone breast guards things,really thin but gives me a longer false nipple. IT NEVER HURTS BREASTFEEDING HER even when at first i had to express using a machine,they got really sore as i kept trying and trying but could only get a max 30mls out tops every 3 hours,but when sore when she got on with the guards,it doesnt hurt at all it protects you too. i use them purely to make my nipples bigger though. You can get pairs of them in mothercare and boots for about 4 quid and would really recommend you try before making any final decisions.
My LO was in special care for 10 days so my milk "coming in" just didnt happen and even now i am recommended to top up with bottles as my supply just isnt there. Im perservering and she now does half hour boobies plus up to 120mls(average 70mls) every 3-4 hours,sometimes shorter.

Tabitha is 10lb 10oz now at 20 days old so is a gannet.

You do what you feel is right,you are the mum so trust your instincts.
breast and bottle can work sweety but def give those silicone thin shield guard things a go. I have 3 so i can sterilise and rotate etc.
BIG HUGS xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Don't turn to nipple shields, creams, or bottles without the advice of a professional.

As has been suggested you need to see a Lactation Consultant, or Breastfeeding Counsellor. I'd be happy to help if you were in my area (I'm a trained breastfeeding peer supporter and and am doing my counsellor training, and just starting up a support group)

Your issues can all be very easily resolved, usually pretty much overnight, but you need to see a professional to sort them, as someone will need to observe a feed, and probably help you adjust your positioning slightly.

Creams, shields, and bottles all temporarily ease the pain, but have their own problems associated, and in the long run can make things more difficult. Bottles and shields will affect your supply, and creams can cause other irritants in some people....leading to, yes you guessed it, sore nipples!

Formula milk will make baby feel initially fuller, as despite the claims from the formula manufacturer's its NOTHING like breast milk in the way its digested and absorbed in your babies tummy.

Think of it this'd feel pretty full up to start with if someone stuffed your tummy with cardboard, but it wouldn't really be the best thing for you now would it? OK, so cardboard is not designed as a food source....but here's the thing, neither is cow's (ie formula) milk for human babies. Human's milk is designed for huiman babies and cow's milk is designed for .........cow's babies, no matter how much you try to change it and add stuff!

Don't give up hun....your doing by far the best thing giving baby your milk, and yes it will help you get your figure back, it will keep him healthier for year to come (my baby probably would have died without my bm....long but true story) and if nothihg else....its free!

The organisation I volunteer with has lots of (also volunteer) counsellors in the London area, a lot of whom are also Lactation Consultant's, please pm me if you can't find anyone yourself and want contact details.

BTW, I'm still feeding my 16 month yr old, she's survived a life-threaning illness with my figure is now back to looking great, and I LOVE LOVE LOVE feeding time. It actually even tickles sometimes now, but never pain! If done right, I promise, it doesn't hurt one bit!
i tried breastfeeding yesterday night and after five minutes i couldn`t, i need to speak to midwife again so that i can get some help. But since yestrday ive been having pain in my breast, i can`t really sleep on my chest anymore.
Personally I don't think many midwives are that good with breastfeeding matters, ....sadly I come across bad advice given by the midwives all the time.....usually because they haven't got enough time to get to the root of the problem. They are great at birthing babies.....and not so great with breastfeeding problems.

Get onto a breastfeeding professional....the help is there for you FOC, from people who are trained to help, specifically with breastfeeding.

Here is the national breastfeeding helpline 0844 2090920 or the Association of breastfeeding mothers also run a great service 0844 4122949. They will be able to advise and help you track down some proper help.
Thank you so much for your message, but do you think i should still feed even though my nipples are bleeding? im thinking of giving my nipple a rest! I feel sorry for my entire body!

Thank you for your advice for the wedding as well, it went on very well. Even though MIL was a headache all the way through! i got a nice dress from a different store and it suited me well on that day!

Hope you are ok though?



Sorry for the slow reply - a combination of broken PC and small baby! I think most of your questions have been answered now but yeah, I did keep feeding even though they were bleeding. Sometimes if they sick-up a bit of milk you can see a tiny bit of blood in it - but don't wig out like I did - its not them vomiting blood, its just that they've drank a bit with the milk!

My Health Visitor has been great with my nipples (apparently whenever she thinks of me she thinks of boobs now!) and she recommended using nipple shields because they were so bad. Normally they say to wait a bit until bf-ing is established but he was such a good sucker it was ok. Put a bit of lansinoh or camilosan in to form a suction round your nipple and off you go. They do provide a huge relief but sadly, in my case, didn't help me to heal. I found the ones you can buy in boots (their own brand) were the best ones to use. I tried Avent ones too but they were a bit thicker and kept coming off.

If the latch is fine (which mine was) just try a slightly different position so that baby is sucking on a different bit of nipple. I'm a bit rubbish with positions but even just using a pillow to lift him up a bit higher made a difference. The best advice of them all is completely impractical and can be quite mesy but just leave the nipples exposed to the air.

I can't remember if you said it was one or two that were sore but you could try letting baby suck for a few minutes at the beginning of the feed on the good boob before switching - for me the most vigorous sucks were the first few.

Oh yeah! The wedding! I'm such an idiot - I knew I recognised the name! I love the dress you chose (I can see it in your ticker) you look amazing! Glad the day went well - in spite of MIL!! Keep in touch - we all need as many breatfeeding buddies as possible...!


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