Those with children in school..


Mummy to 3 boys!
Mar 5, 2011
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Ds1 starts in September and I am wondering what your morning routine is so I can start preparing. I also have my younger two as well so need to make sure they are happy at the same time but ds1 is mostly independent when getting ready.
In my house my youngest is up at 6.30ish so we get breakfast and normally fold some washing/ do ironing and then wake Ds1 for school around 7.20-7.30. While he eats breakfast I get myself and youngest dressed, then I get ds1 ready for school. We have to leave house at 8.25am. This year though both my kids will be in nursery/school so will probably do all my jobs when I get home instead of rushing them in morning
We get up around 6.45. My eldest is almost 15 so sorts herself out. 10, 6, 3 and 1 year old have breKfast while I run around trying to find missing shoes and school bags 😕 then teeth and dressed.
If I find time I'll have a quick whip round but usually I'm running out the door at 8.45am so takes us a good couple of hours but I'm never organised by my own admission and I usually manage a facebook update before I leave the house 😂
We get up by 7.00am, usually earlier (6-6.30) but my alarm is set for that time incase Jacob actually decides to have a sleep in.

Breakfast then the boys get dressed (I help Jacob but he retrieves his clothes.) I usually have a coffee then get dressed myself.

Sort water bottles and bags out.

Leave house at around 8.15am to get to school for 8.40am.

I might do a few bits and pieces in between (laundry, washing up etc) if I can be arsed.
When I am working me and DH get up at 6 and get the kids up at 6.30, to leave the house at 7.30 when we drop them with the childminder. It's very early so everything has to be done the night before. Now that I am on maternity leave, we can get up later, about 7am and we don't have to leave the house until 8.45. I usually get them to have breakfast first, then get a quick shower and dressed, then they have a bit of time for playing and TV while I get myself and the baby ready. Most mornings involve me yelling at everyone to get out of the door. There is always a lost shoe, forgotten lunch or book bag etc etc.
Mine get themselves up with an alarm now. I lay clothes out eve before and they must sort bags and lunches night before.

They wake up, wash and I do brekkie. Then dressed and teeth/hair

My eldest has to be at secondary for 8.10am in September so we are having to revise our routine too x
We have no routine. We get up anytime between 7&8 and just get on with it. There is no order and no two mornings are the same. Some times I am super organised and other times I am racing to the shop for snacks on the way to school.
My alarm is set for 7.30 but we rarely need it as at least one child is up before then. My oh starts work at 5.30am so its just me and the kids every day. Eldest son sorts his own uniform,bag and breakfast. I give breakfast to other two then nag them to get ready whilst running around feeding cats, tidying/washing on line etc. We all brush teeth,pack car then out the door at 8.10 to get teenager to school on time.
I work full time and have 3 kids 5,3 and 1. I get up at 5:30 to shower and wash and dry my hair and then get hubby and the kids up at 6:10. Hubby makes breakfast while I put make up on and get dressed. I grab my tea and toast on the run as I make Daisy's packed lunch and sort out the bags (P.E bag/book bag/Tommy's nursery bag/Daisy's water bottle and fruit etc). I also put a load of washing on. I take Daisy upstairs about 7 and she gets her uniform on and then I do her hair, wash face, clean teeth etc. While I am sorting her out for school my hubby gets Tommy ready for nursery. He takes a while as has to have cream for his eczema applied all over. Then whichever of us is ready first gets the baby dressed and washed. We leave no later than 7:40 and hubby drops me off at work first then drops Tommy off at nursery as he starts at 8:15 then onto Daisy's school to drop her off for 8:45. He works evenings so comes home and tidies up and hangs the washing out etc. Then the baby has groups most mornings before Tommy needs picking up at 11:15! All a bit of a rush!
Mine have only just started sleeping in until the alarm goes off at 7:15am to get up a few weeks ago, before that they were told to stay in their room and play until it was time to get up. I make sure they put their coats, bags and shoes away properly as soon as they get home from school so there is no rushing finding things. When they were younger I made them dress before going downstairs as otherwise it was a struggle to get out in time they messed so much. Now we just go down for breakfast right away, then they play or watch TV until 7:50/8am whilst I make lunches then go wash, teeth, get in uniform, I do my girls hair and we set off at 8:20. Never once been late in 3 years of school.
7am: Wake up. Lucas has his own alarm clock so usually no need to wake him up. Our clothes are out ready so we get dressed, brush teeth/wash face and head downstairs. This takes around 30 mins.
7.30am: Breakfast (usually English muffins or cereal). I do make-up and have a coffee while Lucas eats breakfast, and we just sit and chat for a bit. Usually takes 30/45 mins.
8.15am: Most mornings we've sat down a bit too long and it's a rush to put on shoes, gather bags, fill water bottle and get coats on.
8.30am: Out the door. We meet his school friends on the way and walk up with them.
7-730 - Wake up and get up
7:30 - 8 - Jacob will watch something on my laptop whilst eating breakfast whilst I get dressed, sort his book bag out, make sure everything is ready, find his uniform, make sure husband is getting organised etc
815 - Get Jacob dressed, make sure he's doing his teeth, clean his face.
830 - Leave the house.
I do a lot the night before. Hannah's lunch is always in her lunch bag in the fridge ready to grab and put in her backpack in the morning. I put any homework, notes, money, school supplies in her bag the night before as well.

We get up at 7:45 and I get both kids dressed and do Hannah's hair while hubby comes down and makes breakfast for them. The kids eat, I get ready and head downstairs while they are eating and put her water bottle and lunch bag into her backpack and set it by the front door so it's ready to go. At 8:25 (in winter a bit later in warmer weather) she gets ready to go out (it takes forever to get dressed for winter here haha) and she's out the door by about 8:30/8:32 to catch the bus at 8:36. We're lucky as the bus stop is very close to our house :)
I work full time so they've always had this routine since nursery. I get up first, around 6 and I have my shower and get dressed, do my hair etc. 7ish I wake the kids up if they're not already awake they go downstairs for breakfast then they come upstairs around 7:30-7:45 to wash their faces, brush their teeth and get dressed. I then get all their stuff together, bags, water bottles whatever else they'll need for the day and get all my stuff sorted like my lunch and my bag etc so it's all ready to go. If I have time I have a quick tidy up, hang the washing out from the machine and grab a quick something to eat for myself. What time we leave the house varies though depending on what time I have to be at work etc and if the LO's are attending before school club or not for 15-30 mins, quite rare though as if I do have to be anywhere early they just stay with FOB.
I try to be most organised the night before. I lay uniform out and get her packed lunch ready & in the fridge.
On the days I'm not working, I get up at 7 and get showered, dressed etc. I then get DD up at 7.30 and we have breakfast. Whilst she's finishing up I put some washing in, finish her lunch box etc. DD is notoriously slow at breakfast eating so we have a timer - if she eats in time, she gets a reward for her jar (this has been revolutionary!) after breakfast, she gets washed, dressed and sorted and we race out the door at 8.25am. It can be a rush, especially if I've not been as organised as I should the night before but it does tend to work. With a new baby due in Oct, it might all change!
7.00-7.15am up

quickly iron uniforms

kids get dressed, I sort breakfast out while they dress.

they eat while I get ready.

change baby / dress baby / repack baby bag

coats shoes bags

out by 8.30am

this schedule from last year taught me to get up earlier and prepare better at night

easier said then done
7am wake up give myself time to get ready (20 mins) my daughter who's at school usually wakes them she gets about 15 mins playtime and I get her baby sister down stairs at 7/30. They get breakfast about quarter to 8 then get to sit with TV and breakfast for 15 mins from 8-8.30 I get her sister washed and dressed get my oldest ready ( continuously tell her to get dresses) face washed etc bags etc on and out the door for 8.35 usually only takes 7 mins to walk round to school.
I get up around 7.30-7.40. DD is usually awake at this point but most of the time I have to wake DS up at around 7.50-8am.
Before waking DS up I get myself dressed and get DD out of her pj's. Once I've woken DS up he gets dressed while I'm downstairs sorting their breakfast out.
They are usually eating their breakfast by 8.10 and then I just have enough time to get DD dressed before we need to leave at 8.20ish.

I get lunch boxes (except drink) ready the night before. I also make sure their uniform is ready the night before too.

I don't eat or anything before taking them to school.
Before DD started school I'd take her up to school still in her pj's.
My dd starter school last week, although she had been at nursery before, which starts 15 minutes earlier than school.
All of my girls are up before 7 usually, and ask for breakfast straight away. They get dressed after breakfast and then usually have time to play for a bit before we leave at around 8.35am
Forgot to say uniform and bag is always laid out night before so much less hassle

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