

TTC #2
Jun 10, 2008
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Bit of a personal question here but what are the symptoms of thrush? Ive never had it before but my GP has put me on a course of Penicillin and he said that they can cause thrush. Now the past few days my *lady bits* have been really itchy and quite sore :blush: TMI sorry! Is this a symptom of it? And also the other day after me and the OH DTD, when I went for a wee it burned really badly, and Ive never had that before. Is this thrush or what?? Any advice will be appreciated :)
Sounds like it to me :( Let your GP know and he will put you on a cream that will help you to get better right away.

BTW, my first pregnancy symptom was thrush, as I never get it except with antibiotics.
Oooh yes, sounds like it chuck. Get Canestan cream and pessary... You'll feel like a new woman! I presume you can use that whilst pregnant. x
Yup, its thrush. Some women are more prone to it than others (me being one of them), I've been getting it since I was like 9 :(
Oh dearr :( Ok Im gonna have to get some cream then. Im on all sorts of meds at the moment and I dont like it! But at least its making me better. Thanks for the help girls.
Definately sounds like it to me, I'd make an appointment asap to see doc to obtain prescription unless he is happy just to write you one. Like Alio say, you need the presseries and cream.
What are presseries sorry?? Ive never had thrush before so I havent got a clue!

What are presseries sorry?? Ive never had thrush before so I havent got a clue!


pessarys..They are a little chalky tablet of medicine that you insert into your lady bits (tmi) and they dissolve in there treating the infection.
Eat lots of live yoghurt and if you're brave enough apply it direct too!
What are presseries sorry?? Ive never had thrush before so I havent got a clue!


pessarys..They are a little chalky tablet of medicine that you insert into your lady bits (tmi) and they dissolve in there treating the infection.

Oh that sounds lovely :huh:

Lol I'll have to book in with the GP then. Im there like twice a week :rofl:

Eat lots of live yoghurt and if you're brave enough apply it direct too!

Yeah someone has told me about that before too.
Ohh pregnancy and everything that comes along with it is sooo pleasant!! haha!

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