Thyroid Cancer, Anyone?

Whisper it sounds like we are very similar indeed I noticed mine when I went in for my bloods when I fell pregnant but who knows how long it had been there by then and I was also told it was normal during pregnancy but it didn't go away again.

We'll all have to keep each other posted with each others progress.

Whisper have you been told how big your scar is likely to be? I've been told approximately 2 inches but we'll see
MrsDuck~ It is best to stay away from Dr.Google :). I've never had surgery before, and while it was not fun, it wasn't terrible. I was so scared going in that I was sedated. It will be painful to swallow and move your head for a couple of days, but I was given great pain meds and I slept alot. I had surgery at 10:00 in the morning, and was sent home around 4:00 in the afternoon the next day because they wanted me under observation for 24 hours after the procedure.

I'm not sure where you are, but I am in the US. I went to the hospital at 8:30 am and got registered and prepped for surgery. My mom, husband, sister-in-law, and baby were with me up until they wheeled me off to surgery. The nurse was so sweet and told my husband to buy me an expensive diamond necklace to cover my scar. First, they changed me into a gown, then gave me an IV. At around 10:00, they gave me a sedative and wheeled me to the operating room. I remember they covered me with a cozy warm blanket and put a pillow under my legs...and that was it. I remember nothing past that point. I woke up in recovery crying (not sure why), and my voice was completely gone because of the breathing tube. I kept dozing off for a while. The nurse in recovery was so nice, and kept calling me sweetie and I remember her complimenting my hair. They brought me to my room at around 4:00 in the afternoon, and I was in a bit of pain. The meds they gave me made me nauseated, so that night wasn't fun. Also, the general anesthesia can thicken the mucous in your lungs, so you might feel like you have a chest cold after surgery. That wasn't fun. The first night was by far the worst, but it got much better the next day. My voice came back (though really weak and hoarse and remained that way for about a week) and I was able to swallow soft foods.

Whisper~ I have learned to be an advocate for my own healthcare, and my children's. Thank goodness the process is moving along for you! I hope everything turns out alright!!! I'm worried I will gain weight too. I'm still 40lbs above my pre-pregnancy weight, and I don't want to get bigger!

About the really doesn't bother me much. I'm muslim and wear hijab, so no one ever sees it. My skin is super fair though, so scars usually take forever to fade on my skin. My doctor told me to use cocoa butter cream, or a vitamin E cream to help it fade.
Mrs Duck - I haven't been told anything about the scar or how big it will be but i tend to heal really slowly, i have anaemia and b12 deficiency (pernicious anaemia) so i am concerned it will make recovery a slow process but its all speculation right now.

Kenzi - i think you are right a nice diamond necklace will be great, it will certainly take attention away from the scar (i might have to mention this to my hubby).
Thank you for giving us all the details of your surgery it sounds like it went well on the day, the crying after a GA is quite normal it happens to me every time (i don't have GA all the time lol but i have had 3), i really hate the feeling of coming around after a GA.

I'm in the UK and have been told that my surgery isn't until the afternoon so i would think it will be at just 1night stay, they like to get you in and out of hospital as quick/soon as possible over here!

With regards to weight gain/loss, i am assuming that i will lose some weight immediately after the op (due to not eating properly) then depending on the thyroid function start gaining some, i know its vain but its something i struggle with and i am finally, slowly starting to feel a bit better about myself.

I am so glad we can share our experiences with each other and understand how we're each feeling about it all.
Hi all, happened upon this post in passing.

My dad had thyroid cancer in 2008. We were on holiday in Spain and this lump literally popped up on his neck. Went back, had the aspiration and biopsy and discovered it was cancer.

He has both sides removed to be cautious. The operation was quite big. They cut in the crease of his neck and its about 8 inches long. Because its in the crease of his neck its hardly noticable. He had to have drains put in the wound and was in hospital for about a week. I have to warn you all though, it is a very invasive procedure and took him about 6 weeks to get back to normal-ish.

Following that he had the radio iodine treatment. It was a relatively nbew procedure at that point and he had it on an "experimental" basis. The minimal side effects are a huge plus tho. He was locked in the steel box for about a week. It wasnt painful or anything, he just said he was quite lonely as you can only talk to family through a glass window and a phone (like a prison setup) and only ever saw people in radiation suits! You have to leave EVERYTHING you take in with you there so be sure not to take anything valuable and that can be easily replaced. Also, you cant go near any children or pregnant people for about 6 months afterwards owing to the high radiation levels you will have afterwards.

The cancer never came back although he has had difficulty swallowing and repeatedly swollen glands since, all to do with the treatment. He also developed 2 growths on his tear ducts that required another operation to remove (all due to the radiation killing his tear ducts, he cant cry now!)

Also should add about the thyroxine, the replacement drug that you will take after a full removal. They struggled with getting the levels right for my dad and it has taken a good few years to get them stable.

Any questions, let me know

Laura :)
Kenzi thanks for the description of your op, I'm going in as a day patient and they said they will try and get me out the same day but who knows if that will happen?

I've only been knocked out once and I was more scared of the sedative than the op but I woke up so lively and feeling great so I'm not quite so scared of it this time

Whisper I hope the vitamin e or palm butter will help your scar. I agree the diamond necklace sounds like a good plan.

Laura Jane thanks for the description of your dads experience it sounds like everyone varies a huge amount in their experiences of their ops

Please everyone keep in touch and updated with how you are all progressing and I'll keep you posted on my developments.

Good luck xx
Hi everyone

I had thyroid cancer when I was 16 (so 13 years ago) and have been all-clear since then. I'd had a visible lump for about 3 years that was misdiagnosed as a harmless cyst, so I was very lucky that it hadn't spread and I didn't have to have any treatment other than the initially thyroidectomy and then another operation the following year.

I've attached a picture of my scar now, 13 years on :thumbup:

Good luck to anyone going through treatment at the moment or in the near future :hugs::hugs::hugs:


  • Scar.jpg
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Hi Meredith, thanks for sharing your photograph, sorry you went through that at such a young age, from what i understand its more common for over 40yr olds.

Do you remember what type of cancer you had? how long did you stay in hospital and what was your second operation for?

sorry if its too intrusive, im just curious. x
Meredith, Thanks for sharing your story and photo, I'm glad it hasn't returned.

I hope the rest of us are as lucky.
I can't remember what type of cancer it was I'm afraid - it all seems so long ago!

I was in hospital for 5 days for the first op. It went fine and I had to have a drain fitted for a day or so. The worst part was just how it looked - the scar had staples across it all the way along with crocodile clips holding something in place at either end (the drain maybe? I just can't remember). I looked like frankenstein! I remember it definitely freaked people out when they came to visit, but being 16 I kind of enjoyed it!

The second op (a year later) was because there were complications with the scar tissue becoming tied to something inside my throat (sorry to be so vague, I just don't remember the details) so they had cut the scar tissue and re-do it. This was just done as day surgery.

I have to go into hospital Friday for pre op paperwork etc so hopefully my op isn't far away. I hate this waiting I just want to get on with it.
Mrs Duck - it is frustrating, i have my pre-op tomorrow, i've being doing some research online and its helping me with what to ask. Do you know if you are planned for a total removal or partial?

My doctor said partial but from research most people then go back for a full removal, so i want to ask why they are not just doing that straight away.
laura_jayne~ Thanks for sharing your story. I was reading up about how they do radioactive iodine treatments here (USA) and it sounds like we do as an outpatient procedure. That makes me really nervous because I have 2 small kids and a really small apartment. I'm not going to worry about that quite yet, because I'm hoping that the surgery took care of it all. I guess I'll find out next month!

Meredith~ My scar is about the same size as yours, maybe a bit shorter. I don't have staples, thank goodness! Thanks for replying!!

About partial/full thyroid removal...I was going in for a partial because they weren't sure if it was cancer or not. But, during this type of surgery, they have a pathologist come examine the removed tissue during the surgery to determine if the other half needs to come out. That way only one surgery is needed. In my case, the pathologist still couldn't determine if it was cancer or not, so my doctor made the decision to remove my entire thyroid because I had several nodules on both sides plus my lymph nodes were enlarged. I'm so lucky that he made that call, otherwise I would have to have another surgery.
laura_jayne~ Thanks for sharing your story. I was reading up about how they do radioactive iodine treatments here (USA) and it sounds like we do as an outpatient procedure. That makes me really nervous because I have 2 small kids and a really small apartment. I'm not going to worry about that quite yet, because I'm hoping that the surgery took care of it all. I guess I'll find out next month!

When my dad had it here in the UK it was a very very experimental procedure. he actually had to sign a disclaimer saying that the doctors werent responsible if anything happened to him. obviously it was all quite straightforward as it worked and he only had a few side effects. they may well have perfected the procedure by now, and especially in the US where they had the treatment waaaay b4 us brits did. if you have any more Q's about it then please dont hesitate to ask :)
Mrs Duck - it is frustrating, i have my pre-op tomorrow, i've being doing some research online and its helping me with what to ask. Do you know if you are planned for a total removal or partial?

My doctor said partial but from research most people then go back for a full removal, so i want to ask why they are not just doing that straight away.

Good luck whisper I hope all went well today

I believe I am having the lump removed and the side of the thyroid where the lump is removed but they said depending on what they find it could be all of it.

I agree though I could need to go back to have the rest removed if the biopsy comes back as cancer. I suppose they don't want to take it all out if they don't need to as if only half is removed the remaining part is able to compensate but obviously if they take it all out you ate on medication for the rest of your life
Thanks Mrs Duck - I had the pre-op it was only with the nurse i didn't learn anything more than i knew already.

Got to go back monday for a blood test, she did an ECG, weighed and measured me, did the MRSA nose swabs and just ran through some bits, gave me loads of NHS leaflets and sent me on my way. All very quick and done in less than 30mins!
She did say to write a list of question because on the day of surgery i will get the chance to ask questions etc to the surgeon. Also they don't normally allow anyone else with you but as its quite a stressful time i can bring my husband (i would have anyway!).

Hope yours goes just a smooth tomorrow and you get your op date soon. x
Thanks Mrs Duck - I had the pre-op it was only with the nurse i didn't learn anything more than i knew already.

Got to go back monday for a blood test, she did an ECG, weighed and measured me, did the MRSA nose swabs and just ran through some bits, gave me loads of NHS leaflets and sent me on my way. All very quick and done in less than 30mins!
She did say to write a list of question because on the day of surgery i will get the chance to ask questions etc to the surgeon. Also they don't normally allow anyone else with you but as its quite a stressful time i can bring my husband (i would have anyway!).

Hope yours goes just a smooth tomorrow and you get your op date soon. x

Thanks whisper it will be interesting to see what happens in my pre op tomorrow, I'll let you know. I hope all goes well for you on Monday xx
I agree though I could need to go back to have the rest removed if the biopsy comes back as cancer. I suppose they don't want to take it all out if they don't need to as if only half is removed the remaining part is able to compensate but obviously if they take it all out you ate on medication for the rest of your life

Make sure to ask if they will have a pathologist examine the tissue for cancer while you are still in surgery. That way if it is, they can remove it immediately, eliminating the need for a second surgery. Thats the way they do it here.
So I had my pre op assessment this morning it was just to fill in a long form about my current health and to take some blood, my blood pressure and my height and weight and they gave me some print outs about the op which I haven't read yet.

My op is likely to be a week on Monday and before the op I will get the chance to speak with the surgeon and the anaesthetist so thanks kenzi I'll ask that question.

Good luck for Monday whisper x
oo glad everything went well for you Mrs duck. How come they did your bloods so early? Mine say they cannot be more than 5days before the surgery which is why i have to go back monday for the blood test.
Perhaps they will re-test you next week?

How are you feeling now that you almost have a date?
I keep counting down the days only 6days to go, im looking forward to getting some conclusive answers all this waiting and uncertainty is doing my head in.


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