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Time for a fresh start


Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2010
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Hi all, I have been hanging around the TTC forums for the past month or and been TTC for the past 2 cycles and well yesterday AF arrived and besides being gutted at the thought of having to go through it all again, I realised that despite my best intentions I had gotten so stressed and worked up about the whole situation that perhaps I had to rethink my strategy. Last month I started using ovulation sticks from CD10 and then subsequently got 4 days of positive results, so tried to fit as much BD'ing as possible but my OH felt under so much pressure to perform that he ended up refusing and as a result we probably missed the optimum time, this obviously caused a bit of resentment but he felt it was all too forced and explained that he would like our child to be concieved under natural circumstances - fair enough. Anyway at the beginning of the 2ww I felt fairly chilled out but then I don't know what happened, I suddenly became very impatient, stressed and anxious for a BFP and was obssessively POAS everyday even though I knew it was way too early. So anyway thats what brings me here. I came to the conclusion that I need to get my sanity back, so after having a word with the OH earlier today we have decided that the NTNP would be more suitable for us. Despite the fact that I've already stacked up on ovulation tests and pregnancy tests, this month is going to be test free. We are not going to chart or temp or test or anything, we are just going to get on with our lifes and BD when the mood takes us (like we did once upon a time) and just have a more laid back approach to this whole getting pregnant malaky and see where it gets us. I don't know if I'll pull it off but I know I don't want another obsessive, stressful month like the last. So heres to letting nature take its course :)
I was in the saaaame boat this past cycle. I had made myself crazy looking for the BFP, when after 4 or 5 BFN's, I knew my luck was gone but I wouldn't take no for an answer. :nope: So this time, I plan on taking it easy. I don't want to get myself all worked up over it this month. It's a fresh start for everyone. I will wish you lots of luck and baby dust though! :dust: We can still cross our fingers for that :bfp:! We're just letting nature take it's course. :D
Aww its so hard sometimes not to get drawn in by everything and it obsessed by it all. Im sure you will be better this cycle with a bit of taking it easy. Im glad i dont have any ovulation tests or anything cause i would be just as bad.
I have had friends go down the route of fertility so can sympathise with the obsession.

I read somewhere that BD'ing every 3-4 days throughout your cycle ensures that there is constantly a supply of sperm (apparently it can live up to 4 days) therefore whenever you ovulate you have more chance of concieving. We've only just stopped using protection but are going to try it this way for a while see where it gets us. My cycles are very erratic so it could be 3 months before i even ovulate we'll just have to wait and see.

Oh yeah also could someone tell me what BFP means? I dont have a clue most of the jargon on here lol you can tell i'm a newbie :blush:
Hi Julybabe84,

BFP - is a big fat positive test result
BFN - is a negative result

There is a thread somewhere (think on the main trying to concieve forum?) that explains all the lingo - i remember being completely baffled at first!

Good luck!
Grr i tried to post the link to the lingo thread Julybabes84 but site won't let me cos i have less than 10 posts and they think i'm spamming! It's on the front page of the BnB site hon.x

Sorry to hijack your thread chrysanthemum, I think i'll be joining you on this part of the forum if i don;t get my BFP this month. I've become completely obsessed, especially over the last couple of days in 2ww, and it's taking all the fun away!
Must try and calm down, but i'm always all or nothing, i was just the same when planning my weddding lol!

Good luck to you this month.x
Yes it does become an obsession and when your scheduling your :sex: and actually calling it BD'ing :winkwink: it does take all the fun out of it and make it feel more like a household chore :nope: not good lol So yes its time to get the passion and romance back I think and if we just so happen to get pregnant whilst we're having a good time, even better :happydance: Good luck everyone and lets hope the relaxed approach gets us all a :bfp: sooner rather than later :dust:
When we were TTC#1 I didn't tell OH when I thought I was fertile. I just came home from work early and horned up. He thought it was birthday and Christmas rolled into 1! I don't think men do too well when they have to associate sex with babies, but if he thinks your just horny he will probably just go along with it, even if he knows in the back of his mind your probably doing it cos your fertile.
Lol thats what I did initially and I pulled it off for the first 2 occasions but by the 3rd he'd had enough and said it all just felt a bit forced :dohh: I didn't mention being fertile, I just put on some sexy underwear and tried to tempt him to bed but because it was so out off character for me :blush: he knew damn well what I was up to. He obviously prefers me not to have an agenda in the bedroom. :winkwink:
Hope this month is stress free for you.
Me and OH are trying for our first but dont want all the stress of charting etc so just taking it as it comes really and came straight here.. xx
I have to temp and do OV tests as the doctor wants to see how long my cycles are and if being on the pill has effected me (13 years on it) but we are ntnp so its very hard to keep the two appart. But when i OV oh agreed to be used once and as for the rest of the month we just go with the flow.

If i dont pester i think he quite lkes the idea of being used lol

well im having a month off and having a new start as of next cycle coz im going on soya isoflavones and giving it a whirl , think it may be my only hope and last chance but wont be giving up just yet xx.

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