Best explaination I could find, LOL. Ignore the part about it losing nutrition at the top
Just a question for bfeeders as i plan to bf my next baby, do they need iron supplements once they reach 6 months?
Ozzie u wouldn't believe how much i've learned about BF on here and the net i went into it blindly so to me i thought milk will just be there before babies born and ready for them as much as they want lol pretty clueless huh? x
Just a question for bfeeders as i plan to bf my next baby, do they need iron supplements once they reach 6 months?
Just a question for bfeeders as i plan to bf my next baby, do they need iron supplements once they reach 6 months?
Regarding the original post. I think Time Magazine portrayed something beautiful and natural as creepy and weird. The way they shot those phots is obviously going to get a reaction, which will sell more magazines. shock value that's all. I would have liked them to taken the opportunity to show breastfeeding for what it is and educate people. I feel what they did was just perpetuate ignorance and the negative perception already associated with it, which is a shame.
I don't understand the iron thing.
Is that suggesting that all humans, until formula companies were created, were iron deficient? That we, as humans, were iron deficient for 1000's of generations until we invented iron supplementation?