to introduce formula or not?


Mummy to 1 perfect angel and a 6yr old daughter
Jul 9, 2011
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I'm exhausted. On a good night, Jessica wakes every 2 hours. On a bad night, every 20minutes. In 5 hours last night she woke 8 times. She's almost 5 months old. I love breastfeeding. I really do. It hasn't been easy, but I'm so proud to of got through it all so far. I saw my mum yesterday and she said I'm starting to look ill from lack of sleep. My partner works away a lot, so 90% of the time it's just me. I was that tired the other day, I was seeing in black and white :( my mum told me that I was the same, and she had to give up breastfeeding me because I wouldn't sleep through. The day she switched, from then on, I slept. I'm the youngest of 3. My eldest brother she bf until he was 1, then she got very ill and was hospitalised and her supply dried up as she was too ill to feed/pump. My other brother she bf until he was just over 2 and he self weaned when she became pregnant with me. So its not that she didn't have experience etc. I'm debating whether to introduce 1 bottle of formula before bed. My health visitor advised starting weaning, but her sleep is getting worse, not better. I'm just worried that introducing 1 bottle will be the start of a downhill slope :(
Sounds like the 4 month sleep regression. It's got nothing to do with hunger - it's a developmental thing. Food or formula won't help.

If it's any consolation, DS's sleep improved from waking every 60-90 mins since birth to being every 3-4 hours or so after the regression. You'll hopefully find some respite soon. It's just battling through this bit while LO's brain is developing.

Hang in there - this won't last forever :)
I don't think formula will makemuch difference in her sleeping pattern, but could you express and then hand her to your mum for a feed so you get a longer stretch? Presuming you could stay at your mums?
My mum works full time, and my step dad gets up for work at 5, so would be unfair for them to do it. Plus I have a cat so can't really stay overnight anywhere. Her sleep went even worse around 4 months, she was waking every 30 minutes on the dot for 2 weeks. Just everyone I know who formula feeds (which is everyone I know with a baby) has babys that sleep at least 7 hours, if not all night. Even the health visitor said it wasn't normal and she should be able to go longer than 2 hours without a feed :( x
This is totally normal behavior. Our EBF slept really good until 4.5 months. Just now is she starting to renormalize her nighttime sleep pattern and give me more than 2 hours. Have you tried co-sleeping? My DH is away at school right now and if I am too tired to get up and retrieve her I just set up a safe section of the bed and let her sleep with me.
We co sleep most nights. She goes down in her crib and settles herself. Once she wakes when I'm in bed she comes in with us. Just makes it worse though and she snack feeds on and off all night. Just seems everyone I know who ff has babies who sleep. Every keeps telling me it isn't normal to need to feed this often. Its not just at night. Its every 2hrs day and night.
It is totally normal for a baby to feed often. Formula isn't a magic sleeping potion-all babies go through these phases, regardless of how they're fed.
My DS is also going through the same phase (i guess ) .he is 3.5 months old .he wakes up every 1.5-2 hours at night.We co sleep and i feed him laying on bed (at times i even doze off to sleep ) -he prefers eating this way aswell and finishes off in 5-10 minutes and goes back to sleep .
If its any consolation : I fed him with formula last night before bed (about 3 oz ) and that made no difference in his sleeping pattern .
My son was exactly the same a few weeks ago, I was a zombie, but he seems to of come through it now and we had nearly 6 hours straight the other night :)
Also a friends baby is on formula & 4(!) meals a day and he also went through the constant waking (same age)
Really feel for you as i know how tiring it is xx
Its not just a phase though or something thats just happened as she's hit 4 months. She hasn't gone more than 2hours without a feed since we left hospital :( it's not just a sleep regression as her sleep has always been this terrible and she's not just like this at night :(
does she have a routine at day -- have you tried easy (google it) it worked great for me ..........and dare I say try and stretch out between feeds during day to get to 2 and half / 3 ours (might get a slap for suggesting this ) but a swift walk around the block worked for me to get an extra hour or half

and / or like I do give one bottle of formula a day just to ease the time spent feeding the guilt will not kill you

or combi feed I did this and will do again this time

formula is not a magic potion but it will give you a little break...................

best wishes xx
It really doesn't sound like your LO is unusual tbh. Plenty of babies feed very frequently day and night. Some breastfed babies feed every 3 or 4 hours, others feed almost constantly. Perhaps the only thing I'd ask is are you offering milk as a first resort always, rather than maybe trying a few different things? Your LO will start being more interested in toys and maybe books - perhaps try giving her some attention that isn't feeding related, and you might find she settles without milk. Of course, if she's miserable, then feed her. But she isn't going to starve if you try a few other things before offering milk.
If you think you need to introduce formula then do. Your health is as important as baby's and if this is how you keep breastfeeding the rest of the time then maybe it's the right thing. But as i'm sure someone else will have said it might not make her sleep a long stretch.
I am no expert as new to bf. But do you reckon you could hang on for another 2 weeks and start weaning - maybe some solids will help?

Just a suggestion.
Its not just a phase though or something thats just happened as she's hit 4 months. She hasn't gone more than 2hours without a feed since we left hospital :( it's not just a sleep regression as her sleep has always been this terrible and she's not just like this at night :(

Oh sorry you must be so tired :-(
In all honesty Theo still feeds around every 2 hours day & night unless he does a big stretch by chance, or I'm not there he will go without, a lot of other mums I've spoken to say the same about their breastfed baby. He is much more settled In between feeds now he is a bit older. Sorry I'm not much help but I know getting no sleep Is horrible, I would just do whatever to get through xx
I am no expert as new to bf. But do you reckon you could hang on for another 2 weeks and start weaning - maybe some solids will help?

Just a suggestion.

My health visitor recommended early weaning two weeks ago. Hasn't made a difference.

I don't always just offer her milk straight a walk away. We play a lot, and sing, we go for long walks pretty much every day, read with her, play with toys etc. But when she's hungry she just screams and screams and screams! She's fallen unto a pretty set routine durung the day. She has naps at 9, 12 and 3, these vary half an hour each way before bath, story bed and usually asleep by 7.30, 8 if her last nap was a bit late/longer than normal. x
Surely more than anything your baby needs a happy, healthy mummy. I understand your desire to continue exclusively breastfeeding but please remember to look after yourself - you are important too!

There is, of course, no guarantee that formula will help her sleep longer but I'm sure it won't do any harm to try it with the evening feed for a week and see. You could always pump at the same time if you're worried about your supply.

Whatever you decide I hope things improve for you :)
Surely more than anything your baby needs a happy, healthy mummy. I understand your desire to continue exclusively breastfeeding but please remember to look after yourself - you are important too!

There is, of course, no guarantee that formula will help her sleep longer but I'm sure it won't do any harm to try it with the evening feed for a week and see. You could always pump at the same time if you're worried about your supply.

Whatever you decide I hope things improve for you :)

I totally agree with this

Healthy happy mum is the best thing for a baby! Everyone is right, formula may make no difference at all to her sleep, but if you're tying yourself up in knots and becoming Ill then what is the harm in trying? You can always stop if it doesn't help, and if it does then great!
Sounds like you have her in a great routine and she can self settle which is really good. You're doing a great job! Try her with a bottle and see what happens. Or wait it out. Either is fine and don't beat yourself up about it xx
I think we'll try her with just a bottle before bed. My brother is getting married this weekend so we're away friday-sunday. Her routine is going to be disrupted enough that I think we'll wait till late next week and see how we go. I'll definitely pump at the same time, don't want to risk affecting my supply too much. Just really worried after one bottle it will be a downward spiral :( I'm just exhausted x
my daughter was exactly the same. If its any consolation she never napped longer than 30 min at a time either. She is now about to turn a year and she sleeps long stretches at night. Wakes maybe once or twice. But she used to wake every two hours. Sometimes every hour and a half. It really is just a phase they go through. I know it sucks, especially if you're by yourself. try napping while she naps, i know the broken sleep is annoying but it will pass.:thumbup:

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