This is my 3rd and my first 2 were so different I don't even know where to start.
Baby number one I had little to no morning sickness but had zero appetite and lost a ton of weight at first, the pregnancy was fairly easy but lots of BH in the late 2nd an throughout the 3rd tri and had to be induced and had a very long and very painful labor. Craved chicken frieds from BK. Felt the first kicks around 16 weeks.
Baby number two I had a somewhat rough pregnancy and had terrible morning sickness right off the bat where I was running to the bathroom every morning to vomit and dry heaved throughout the day but I had a pretty good appetite in spite of it all and ate like a horse. Craved meat. Red meat. Burgers mostly. Felt the first kicks around 10-11 weeks. Went into labor naturally but my water had to be broken, but I progressed from 3 cms to 8 in an hour before I went to the hospital and was in SO much pain from the contractions by the time I got there I was weeping and incoherent. However, once I got the epidural labor pretty much stopped and I had to be given something i cant remember the name of to pick my cxontractions up again and that got me to 10 and I pushed 5 times and he was out, with very little pain.
No stitches were needed with second, but first required quite a few. Both babies around 8lbs 9oz.
First was a girl, second a boy. I'm thinking this is going to be a girl again as I've not had morning sickness yet, but again have no appetite and have lost weight but we'll see. It's early yet.
Hope this answers your question! ^_^