Toddlers and xmas trees !!!!!


Well-Known Member
Oct 27, 2006
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Today i get in from college to be told that jamie pulled the tree over on himself !!! (didnt hurt himself! just was a bit shocked !!)

How is everyones elses babies/toddlers (mobile ones !!) with the tree?

All day yesterday hs kept pulling off the baubles and passing them to me !!!! i give up making my tree look nice !! :lol: :lol:
haven't had that problem yet, will update you at the weekend :D
I'm gonna put a cage or barbed wire around it i think :twisted:

So glad Jamie didn't hurt himself
aww that's so sweet Steph-passing you the baubles :D

Bet it's annoying for you tho :lol:
We havent got our tree up yet, but Im planning on putting it in the play pen so Noah cant get to it!

y mum had him this weekend though and had her tree up (he 'helped' her put it up. He wanted the play with the baubles, but once she gave him one of his own to play with, he left the rest of the tree alone.
We have a small fibre optic tree (our old one) and a large approx 5ft fibre optic tree our new one, we have decided to use the small tree this year, last yr the big one wasnt a problem as he would just lie loooking at it, but this yr ewan is toooo mobile and we can see him pulling it over.
So we have the small one up in the corner of the room its only about 2ft high so its just one one of our units.
Ewan loves it but cant get to it (yet!)
I have my tree in the space one side of the chimney, then I have the sofa side pulled up quite close to it and a toy box to the front so it's boxed in lol. Ella keeps looking at it and going 'ooooooooh', it's really sweet :D
KX said:
aww that's so sweet Steph-passing you the baubles :D

Bet it's annoying for you tho :lol:

LOL, he passes them and says "look" then once ive got hold of it he says "ta" then goes to get another one !!! :rofl:

he must have got over the incidence with the tree as it hasnt stopped him going back for more !! he justs sits in front of it and smiles sweetly waiting for me to turn away so he can wreck it !!!!! :rofl:
aww bless, i'll let u know at the weekend thats when i'm putting ours up
My DS will be 2 after christmas, so he isn't too bad with the tree this year, he just takes off the odd ball & tries to kick it like a football. :roll:

My friend came to visit us last week with her DD, she is the same age as my DS, but she was fascinated by the tree & tried to take all the balls off!!!
Ohhhh I will have all this to look forward to next year!!! :dance:

Although I have a christmas scene on the table with snow, villages and god knows what else, and I have to say it has never been an issue with Jade, she has always known she is not to go near and play with the bits etc.....lets hope we are as lucky with Alfie :wink:
Ella has pulled the odd ball off it, but most the time she leaves is alone if we say no. Its in between two sofa's so quite hard to get to!
Lauz_1601 said:
Ella has pulled the odd ball off it, but most the time she leaves is alone if we say no. Its in between two sofa's so quite hard to get to!

dear of he she a clever little girl
Reece doesn't even look at the tree, even though its easy to get to he's not bothered with it. Says a lot for my decoration skills lol :roll:
Hazel&Reece said:
Reece doesn't even look at the tree, even though its easy to get to he's not bothered with it. Says a lot for my decoration skills lol :roll:

hehe he sounds like a good boy lucky you!
So far Alfie's really behaving himself around the tree :!: :!:

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