Toddler's That Throw Things


Well-Known Member
May 26, 2010
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Hey ladies.

I am to my witts end and I have no idea what to do. :wacko::wacko::wacko: My 2-year old will throw whatever is near him anytime something happens he doesn't like or whenever he is mad. It used to be small things like stuffed animals and balls. Now it's anything. Tonight he threw my cell phone at me and almost hit me in the face with it. He also threw multiple bath toys at me tonight and earlier today he threw a kitchen chair.

I have tried time-outs, slapping his hands, taking away the toy, talking to him about how he can't throw things and to use his words to communicate how he is feeling. Absolutely NOTHING I do works. :nope::nope::dohh::dohh:

Usually I have a lot of patience with my child but these last few days I have had very little and I can't turn my back to him because I never know if something is going to be thrown at me. I'm scared he's going to end up kicked out of daycare when we start him there next month for throwing things so I really want to get him out of his bad habit before then.

Any ideas/tips/suggestions on what I can try to nip this really bad habit?

Thank you in advance. :flower:
Leo likes to throw things... particularly when he's tired. I think the reason "nothing has worked" is that he's still too young to regulate the impulse. I would just be super consistent with stopping him from doing it and taking things away that he's thrown. Use a stern voice to tell him to not throw things, and eventually it will sink in. He's too young to reason with and he's also young enough that impulses are difficult to control and actions are still a more natural way to express emotions than words. So keep up the efforts, but realize your efforts might not be fruitful for a while. In the meantime, you're still teaching the expectation and modeling alternative ways of expressing himself.
What Sarah said. DS1 seemed to pick up quite quickly not to throw and why, hes nearly 4 and still does it occassionally but DS2 is constantly lauching things (but rarely at nursery) and usually more so when hes tired or hungry. I just be calm, but firm, with my tone of voice and keep repeating it. They have so little impulse control and O is worse when tired/hungry etc so I am more aware around those times and try to mitigate against it.

I know its frustrating as DS2 also has a thing for the oven and electric fire (rarely on) but he still at it!!

I think he may suprise you at nursery as DS2 is a whirlwind at home but totally different when at nursery, they are great, gentle too so I am sure that helps.
Thank you ladies. I will just continue to be consistent and hope for the best while dodging things the best I can :haha:
Haha is it a boy thing as everyone replying so far has a boy! My boy also throws things. He is 22 months old
My 15 month old boy throws and I still have to remind my 3 year old boy daily not to throw! It's exhausting. Even natural consequences (things breaking) and taking away toys he throws doesn't work. Ugh
Wow it must be a boy thing! :haha: I pray he will be good at daycare! Fingers crossed. He has been getting better and I think timeouts are finally starting to click in now thankfully.
It's a girl thing here. My youngest has started throwing things when she can't get her own way. I grab her hands and say no, it's not nice to throw, she then says sorry and does it again 10 mins later. Yesterday she broke DD1s bubble gun!
Dd1 wasn't a thrower so first time really dealing with this
It's a girl thing here. My youngest has started throwing things when she can't get her own way. I grab her hands and say no, it's not nice to throw, she then says sorry and does it again 10 mins later. Yesterday she broke DD1s bubble gun!
Dd1 wasn't a thrower so first time really dealing with this

It's really hard! DS definitely throws when he doesn't get his own way. Actually I'd say 90% of the time that he throws something it's because he didn't get his own way. It's so frustrating and we have tried so many different tactics to get it to stop.
I really don't think time outs will work. Especially not at that age. Consistently telling him that "I will not let you throw this" And " I see you need help not throwing, I will put it over here out of your reach for now" is a better strategy. It isn't a miracle cure though, nothing is. I keep anything of value out of reach of my boys and Dominic was terrible with throwing too.
Have a look at this too, I think it relates.
Leo's throwing has actually decreased I think. I'm sure it will come back though. For older boys, I wonder if redirecting to playing fetch with the dog helps at all? We're getting a dog in spring or summer.
I think you have had some good advice about being consistent and waiting out the phase etc. I was wondering if some positive throwing games might help too. Fetch with the dog, catch with the ball etc. DS isnt too bad with throwing, although he does do it. He has a bunch of similar behaviours for not getting his own way though. I also find that being over tired or hungry makes things much worse. He is also worse when hasn't had enough attention. With 2 LOs and a difficult pregnancy unfortunately he doesn't always get the time he deserves out of me. When I notice its getting to him I try and sit down and give him some one to one time and he often gets much more content and easy going again.

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