Told to BF less and do CIO...

No need to get defensive ladies, I was simply trying to explain what the doctors have said because I know the reasons why they say the things they do... Your free to breastfeed however long you would like and no one is to judge you... I dont think anyone was telling Karen to cut off breastfeeding her son cold turkey either. I believe I said gradually start giving more solids and less bfing?

This is why I hate getting into debates with breastfeeding moms, it seems people feel the need to get snippy and defensive about it. There is no need. Good grief, can people not read a reply without getting all, "well I cant believe you would suggest that blah blah blah".

Breastfed babies get sick just as much as ff babies, so claiming the need for anti-bodies after 12 months is not true. And yes after 6 months babies do need solid foods. After a year that should be their main source of nutrition.

Im sure Karen can read these replies and take away what she would like and in the end she is going to do what she feels is the right thing.
No, not all babies need solids after 6 months. That isn't true!

And as far as I'm aware BF babies don't get sick as much. That's only what I've been told though.
No, not all babies need solids after 6 months. That isn't true!

Yes, babies to do need solids from about 6 months. They need it in preparation for eating real foods at a year, they need it for energy, they need it to develope proper sleep patterns.

And as far as I'm aware BF babies don't get sick as much. That's only what I've been told though.

Not that i've heard, I guarentee if you were to post a poll about sicknesses with bf and ff it would come up pretty even.

You opinion is your opinion. I dont get why you are so defensive and rude when people dont share your "bfing is everything" attitude.
Karen, do what you want to do, F that HV. My doctor said the same thing, and I refuse. You can totally BF until 12 months. Brennan is not interested in solids, I keep trying different items, and he throws them in the floor. He loves his booby and I have decided that in a few short months I will have to get him on solids, but until then I plan to enjoy BFing full time. As for as CIO, that is not the HVs call, it is yours. I also refuse to use this method, even when told to do so by Brenn's doctor. I find it a cruel way to get baby to sleep. I have given myself up to his sleep and his waking in the night, and when I stopped fighting it, it is getting better. Last night he slept for 4 1/2 hour straight, the longest he has slept in a very long time. I am so happy. It has finally started getting better. I have come to the conclusion that I will do things on my and my baby's timetable, NO one else and I realy don't care what anyone else thinks. I have never heard of a teenager who still BFs and co-sleeps.

I don't think thats fair to say... I personally haven't used it but there are moms on here who have and it's not very nice for them to hear it being called cruel.
I understand this is a bit controversial and lets just stick to respecting each other's parenting choices.
Karen, it is entirely up to you whether you want to use it or not. If you don't feel comfortable there are other ways to sooth your baby.

As for weaning, I don't know much about it... but from my personal experience I started Lola on baby cereal at 4 months and yes, it did help her sleep through imo.
I don't have a breastfeeding is everything attitude, and I'm allowed to learn things and change my mind
Jasmine currently will not drink anything but breast-milk, I was hoping to start her on cows milk but she won't take it, even water is a nightmare to get down her, its your baby sweetie so you do what you feel is best, health visitors make me so angry, they don't know your child. You do!
You can do CIO but just not as extreme. With Alasdair if I put him down and he got upset I'd go in straight away and put his dummy in. I never had to go in more than twice and now, by the time I get downstairs he's asleep. He might take to going in the crib and getting himself off to sleep a lot better than you think! Alasdair certainly surprised me.

As for the BFing stuff. I believe that as long as your baby is happy and healthy there's no need to cut it out. I think the same goes for formula too. Alasdair really likes his solids and cut his bottle out by himself, other babies are different but no child goes to school needing a BF in the middle of the day (as far as I know!) and they all have solids for lunch!
No one denies that BF babies get sick, of course they do, but statistically BF babies are less likely to get sick. Almost everyone in the medical community admits this, they can't all be wrong.

Please note that I am not getting at bottle feeding mothers, we all do what's best for both our own child and ourselves.

It is advised that babies get solids from 6 months, but some babies just are not ready or interested at that point. Kaya was not really interested in solids until she was at least 9 months, now she never stops eating lol.
I've tried everything to get Kathryn to sleep, and even though I said I would never do the CIO method, I'm trying to try it. Though it doesn't go well cause she wedges her head in the corner of the crib in 30 sec which get her even more worked up. As for feeding, BF as much as you want, but just try feeding more solids too without cutting down. It's your baby, and everyone has different opinions. Maybe try seeing someone else next time?
Well, if babies didn't need solids until they were one, then I wonder why there is baby food for younger babies.

Honestly, I think it's important to get your babies on food as soon as he/she is willing. First of all, no babies are interested in the food when first introduced. They are not interested in potty training either, or interested in their bottle or boob getting taken away, but these are things that need to be done in order to bring up our babies.

But at least with trying solids at a younger age, they put up less of a fight than a baby who is months older, a bit independent and more able to show what he/she doesn't want. And most of the reason for them showing that they don't want something at an older stage is because they know how to play the game. If I scream and yell, throw my food on the floor, mommy will pick me up and give me a bottle or a boob.
I think most children get to that stage of throwing things on the floor etc, but you cross that bridge when you come to it don't you?
I agree with Leanne and Amy! Not going to bother adding to their posts.

Except there is a difference bettween kids throwing stuff on the floor because they are messy versus a screaming child throwing things out of anger because their parents give in to everything they ask for.
You can do CIO but just not as extreme. With Alasdair if I put him down and he got upset I'd go in straight away and put his dummy in. I never had to go in more than twice and now, by the time I get downstairs he's asleep. He might take to going in the crib and getting himself off to sleep a lot better than you think! Alasdair certainly surprised me.

I totally agree with this :D I wasn't comfortable doing CIO with Jay so I took a more relaxed approach.

I started off picking Jay up if he cried for a few days, then I stood and shhhed him for a few days, then I went in and out every 30 secs and kissed him on the head for a few more days.

Now I'll go in and out of his room every few minutes if he's whinging, but because I've slowly got him used to getting to sleep on his own, he's usually asleep within minutes and he never gets really worked up :sleep:

I was really het up before I started this as getting Jay to sleep was always such hard work, but he has taken to it so well :D

As for the HV's advice, just do whatever you're comfortable with :hug:

You can do CIO but just not as extreme. With Alasdair if I put him down and he got upset I'd go in straight away and put his dummy in. I never had to go in more than twice and now, by the time I get downstairs he's asleep. He might take to going in the crib and getting himself off to sleep a lot better than you think! Alasdair certainly surprised me.

I totally agree with this :D I wasn't comfortable doing CIO with Jay so I took a more relaxed approach.

I started off picking Jay up if he cried for a few days, then I stood and shhhed him for a few days, then I went in and out every 30 secs and kissed him on the head for a few more days.

Now I'll go in and out of his room every few minutes if he's whinging, but because I've slowly got him used to getting to sleep on his own, he's usually asleep within minutes and he never gets really worked up :sleep:

I was really het up before I started this as getting Jay to sleep was always such hard work, but he has taken to it so well :D

As for the HV's advice, just do whatever you're comfortable with :hug:


Exactly what i did! I dont know many parents that use the harsher way , the CIO can be done in a much more softer approach and has the same effect!

As others have said everyone should respect everones opinions , I believe he should be on more solids as he is 3 months from being a one year old. But thats my opinion after reading books , talking to docters and having learnt from my mother and grandmother i made sure both my children were able to eat propely while still getting there milk.

He is 9 months and he isnt sleeping well , up his solid feeds , see a difference then you know you have done right. You have nothing to lose afterall ;)
No need to get defensive ladies, I was simply trying to explain what the doctors have said because I know the reasons why they say the things they do... Your free to breastfeed however long you would like and no one is to judge you... I dont think anyone was telling Karen to cut off breastfeeding her son cold turkey either. I believe I said gradually start giving more solids and less bfing?

This is why I hate getting into debates with breastfeeding moms, it seems people feel the need to get snippy and defensive about it. There is no need. Good grief, can people not read a reply without getting all, "well I cant believe you would suggest that blah blah blah".

Breastfed babies get sick just as much as ff babies, so claiming the need for anti-bodies after 12 months is not true. And yes after 6 months babies do need solid foods. After a year that should be their main source of nutrition.

Im sure Karen can read these replies and take away what she would like and in the end she is going to do what she feels is the right thing.

I wasn't given solids until I was 9 months, I wasn't premi but it was just coz mum kinda forgot. Didn't hurt me any not to have them till later.
:hug: A doctor, or nurse, can not tell you how to raise your child-you do what you feel is comfortable. Don't stress too much about it, because you do not have to do it :hugs:

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